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Full Version: Message crypté au Président du Conseil of EFL SPA
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Message Crypté

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President Camara,

There is an important matter regarding the restoring Gallic armada and dismantling the remain Council ships I want to discuss with you as the person in charge of the Société Par Actions. Attend to the Chantier Naval de Maintenon this Saturday, I am looking forward meeting you in person, Monseiur.

[Image: WwQliCv.png]
Seigneur de l'Union Gauloise
le 14 septembre 744

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Incoming Transmission

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User ID: Victor Camara
Recipient: Seigneur Lusignan
Subject: Rencontre


Seigneur Lusignan

I will be present to discuss with you on the Chantier Naval de Maintenon this Saturday Monseiur Lusignan .

Victor Camara
Président du Conseil

[Image: EFL-v3.png]
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