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[Image: sJaxeEv.png]
"Himawari" Foundation

"Himawari" ("Sunflower") Foundation is a newly established assistance programme for young Kusarian women who are struggling to find their place in a rigid Kusarian society. The programme offers a range of services to assist the women of Kusari: from career counselling to providing shelter and legal protection in case of domestic violence or abuse to recovery from maladies, addictions, or other afflictions. "Himawari" Foundation was commenced by Shimamori clan in recognition of the existing challenges the women of Kusari are facing and to alleviate the pressure of traditional perception of male-dominated Kusarian society. Recognising that our fellow people are the most prized treasure and asset of our country, Clan Shimamori humbly offers its contribution to the development and prosperity of Kusari now and in the future.

The foundation has three main programmes:

1. Career counselling
Description: In Kusari there is an old stereotype embedded in the minds of the many that men should be the bread-winners while women should take care of home and kids. This old-fashioned thinking prevents them from getting a job. Securing the job is not an end to the challenges women are facing. The same stereotypes create grass ceilings for many women trying to climb the career ladder. They are systematically oppressed by not being considered a candidate for promotion whether due to allegedly lower skills compared to male coworkers or out of fear of them taking a paid maternity leave, or for other bogus reasons. Nevertheless, not all people are restricted by such thinking and many women still do succeed in various fields, including our current Prime Minister Sanae Miyasu.

"Himawari" career counselling is aimed at inviting successful women to share their experience and compassionate experts to guide women at the crossroads of their careers as to what to do next and how. Our team will guide the applicants through their employment rights guaranteed by the Imperial Laws of Kusari, the trends on the labour market, and provide training to improve the skills or obtain new ones. Our qualified psychologists can provide therapy and advice on work-life balance. The services are absolutely free of charge and are available both in-person and online via the neural network.

Full anonymity is guaranteed.

2. Legal Protection
Description: Due to the traditions of patriarchy embedded in Kusarian society since ancient times, many men still consider women to be inferior to them. This can result in subtle disregard or in more severe cases - abuse, whether psychological or physical. Especially acutely this problem persists in marriages where conservative husbands would consider their wives or daughters part of their domain and treat them as their property. This can result in degrading treatment and violence, detrimental to women's health. These abuses extend to female-female relationships too where family matriarchs, especially on the husband's side, or female superiors can also abuse their junior female family members or colleagues. To combat such incidents and promote societal harmony and female empowerment, "Himawari" programme offers legal protection to the victims of such abuses.

Our experts free of charge provide anonymous legal consultations to the victims of such abuses or those who consider themselves threatened or susceptible to such attacks in the future. Our lawyers will explain to you your rights as a subject of Kusari, safe legal steps to take to prevent such incidents from happening, and direct you to the appropriate state services or law enforcement agencies should the need arise. In case of an ongoing dispute, "Himawari" can offer free legal representation in the court and a reputation backing of a figure of authority from Clan Shimamori. For extreme cases when an abuse threatens the physical well-being of a victim up to the threats to life, "Himawari" runs a chain of shelters throughout Kusari to provide dwelling to domestic violence and other abuses victims and their children or other vulnerable household members. The facilities guarantee full discretion and secrecy of stay for the period of up to half a year and are constantly guarded both by law enforcement and privately hired security officers. During the stay, the applicants will be provided with free medical care and schooling for children. After the maximum stay period, "Himawari" offers assistance in job hunting, and/or legal name change should the need arise. In extreme cases, "Himawari" can assist in leaving Kusari and starting life anew away from home.

The programme also extends to those who for some reason have found themselves on the other side of the law and is struggling with leading such a way of life. While we cannot guarantee immunity from the law, depending on the nature of misdeeds "Himawari" can assist in revocation of charges or their alleviation, or supplanting a jail time with correctional works. Everyone deserves a second chance - do not miss it while you still can!

3. Affliction and Addiction Recovery
Description: The stressful nature of life in Kusari and sexist stereotypes permeating public life in Kusari force some people to the edge, emotionally and physically. Organised crime preys on these vulnerable people and offers them relief in drugs, alcohol, and other mind-altering substances and malicious practices up to participation in crime themselves. It is of utmost importance to recognise that people have such problems and react swiftly to resolve them early. "Himawari" foundation offers free health consultation and financial aid in medical treatment.

The programme focuses on mental health afflictions and addictive substances abuse. To promote public health in these fields, "Himawari" runs a chain of clinics with experienced staff to assist the applicants requiring help. Our dedicated personnel will help you in your darkest hour and guide you to health and stability. Whether you feel like your life is falling apart and you do not know what to do or you feel that drugs and alcohol are stealing the life from you - do not hesitate to contact us! Our certified therapists will find the right approach to your issues and assist you in finding a solution to seemingly unresolvable issues. In case of severe addictions to such substances as Cardamine, we provide the supply of Stabiline free of charge.

We also run an emergency line for those in desperation and who need help urgently. If you are thinking of inflicting harm upon yourself or people surrounding you, or you see such thoughts in your relatives, friends, colleagues, or any person - do not hesitate to contact the "Himawari" Foundation. We will take care of the cost and guarantee the full anonymity of all parties involved.

To apply, please either contact us in free form over the neural network or directly under this message, or through Shimamori Clan public reception office. For the convenience of prospected applicants, a template form is hereby provided:

NOTE: Programme Participation Requirements

The only true requirement to participate in the programme is citizenship or permanent residence in Kusari. In cases threatening life, participation of non-Kusarian citizens is allowed and will be reviewed case-by-case. Legal minors can apply by themselves through any means available. However, their legal guardians and the law authorities will have to be notified. While the programme in principle is focused on women due to the patriarchal conservative traditions specific to Kusari, "Himawari" Foundation recognised that sexism and domestic violence are never a one-direction issue and will never turn away a person of any gender in need of help on the premises of sex or gender. In the spirit of cooperation and friendship, "Himawari" Foundation is extending hand to anyone living in Kusari and needing assistance covered by our services!

(//"Mirai wo isshou ni kizuite ikimashou! - "Let us build the future together!")

OORP Note: A reminder, that mental health is no joke. If you feel you are losing it or you see people dear to you struggling with mental issues enough to make them want to take the life of their own or of the other person, do not delay a call to a suicide hotline or any other services available. An early call saves a life! (link: international counselling with hotline numbers for most countries)