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Full Version: To Xenos Alliance - From old amigos
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Id: Alberto Rodriguez
Location: Planet Crete, Omicron Gamma
Subjet: From old amigos
encryption: SuperMachoMano

'Ola Xenos Reprensentative,

Before we start, i would like to introduce myself. *cough* I am Tribune Alberto Rodriguez. I was task to contact you on behalf of the brotherhood. I am a straight forward hombre so i will get to the point fast.

Years ago, your organization and the empire had, without a doubt, a shared interest for the alien artifacts. While our relationship did, unfortunatly, ended for reasons which differs from both sides, the brotherhood always kept your freedom fighting warriors in high esteem.

Today, i contact you to renew once again the commercial bound we shared in the past. We know that fighting for freedom isn't cheap and our Elders would like, if possible, restore the route to Ouray. No need to say that your own transports would also been welcome into empire and escort, upon request, could be provided by our own warriors.

I know that coming in front of you, at this moment, after so many years might seem as bold and condescending but, be assured that we are interested in working with you once again. I sure that we can work something out which will be profitable for both side and furthermore, renew the lost friendship.

Hoping to have new from you soon.

Tribune Rodriguez.
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☠ Signal source: Free Republic relay, Liberty
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Sender: Alliance Commander "Cobra"
Recipient: Alberto Rodriguez
Subject: Agreement

I feel like there's been some kind of misunderstanding.

I reopened this agreement over a year ago through the official channels we had with your leadership, guns and artifacts have been flowing between our points of contact on a semi-regular basis. I take it you just didn't get the memo, or a change in leadership buried it?

The agreement stands, you won't find any quarrel with us so long as respect remains a two way street, and you don't betray our trust and deal with the Junkers.

"Liberty or death."

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