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Gallic Navy Flotte Combinée (Combined Fleet)
ID: Gallic Navy
IFF: Gallic Navy

From the ashes of Royal Gallia, with egoistical king and inefficient leadership, that was followed by the weak, divided and corrupted Confederacy rose the Gallic Union. A military state that united Gallia's people, brought order, security rid the House of corruption and gave it a clear purpose.

With it came the Union's pride - the Gallic Navy Flotte Combinée. The Combined Fleet was founded by the Grand Admiral Célestine Delacroix. Its Main Fleet brings in the best of the best from the merger of the former Confederate Marine Nationale and the former Royal Enclave Navy. They have all left their past behind to join the new order of Gallia, which values service in the military above all else.

As all civilian police were abolished, the Gallic Navy Combined Fleet introduced the concept of the Gendarmerie - a fully Navy enlisted military force that acts as an auxiliary combat unit, and most importantly police the civilian population.

The Security Bureau later joined the Combined Fleet, and acts as our Military Intelligence, completing the Flotte Combinée.

The Main Fleet [GN]
The Gendarmerie [GN]G-
Security Bureaou [GN]SB-

The autonomous branches of the Combined Fleet, their commanding officers and their diverse aims are steered by the arbitration and effective command of the Fleet Coordinator and Strategist with the rank of Grand Admiral - Célestine Delacroix

The Combined Fleet mirrors the official stances of the Gallic Union. It strives to protect the Gallic Corporations and Allies. It's main enemies are the Maquis, Brigands, Royalists and hostile threats such as the Bretonian Armed Forces and the Crayter Republic Military.

Flotte Principale/Main Fleet overview

"We stand united as the proud guardians of the Gallic Union, carrying within us the rich legacy of the formidable Gallic Royal Navy and the valiant Confederate Forces. With unwavering determination and the joie de vivre of true patriots, we have boldly denounced the ineffectiveness of the Royal Regime and the malaise of corruption that plagued the weak Confederate government.

With our heads held high and our cœur devoted to the cause, we have seized the helm of leadership, guiding our beloved nation, Gallia, through the tumultuous seas of uncertainty. Like the 'étoiles' that light our House, we shine as the éclat of hope for a brighter tomorrow.

We are the main military force of Gallia, responsible for direct assaults against enemies, and large-scale threats. Our long-term ambition ambition lies in the security of borders and in the conquest of Tau regions, and beyond.

Together, we forge a path to a stronger, more prosperous future for all who call Gallia chez eux. We are the sentinels, the gardiens, of our nation's 'patrimoine,' unwavering in our commitment to safeguard our honneur and liberté. Long live Gallia!"

-Célestine Delacroix, Grand Admiral

Battlegroup Dax

Currently stationed in: Ille-De-France
The Flagship of the Gallic Navy, this Conquérant class battleship is the symbol of reunited Gallia, its crew abandoning the Royal regime forever and fully embracing the military-led regime of the Gallic Union. It led the bombardment of New London, and inflicted heavy losses to the Bretonian Armed Forces in Edinburgh. While being a symbol due to its actions during the conflict against the Sirians, and being a symbol of Gallic Unity, the battleship also serves as a grim reminder to all the Houses that, if they wish to challenge Gallia ever again, they will necessarily have to face this pinnacle of Gallic pride.

Battlegroup Cassard
Currently stationed in: Provence
“Qu’importe la tempête, le Cassard tient tête” (No matter the storm, the Cassard holds fast) - the motto of the Battleship that distinguished itself in repelling the Kusari Invasion

The Cassard participated in the first battle of Languedoc where she temporarily pushed back the Kusari forces out of the system along with battleship De Grasse. Redeployed later on the Burgundy front in order to break the blockade around the planet of Nevers, the battleship distinguished herself by inflicting horrendous damage on the Matsumoto and Hamamatsu battlegroups during the final counterattack, putting an end to the battle for Burgundy

Battlegroup Hossegor
Currently stationed in: Languedoc
Hossegor was the pride of the Confederacy - the first Charlemagne class battleship ever built. It served in the Kusari war, and after the Union reign kicked in it was retrofitted to more in line with Valor Class and integrated into the Gallic Navy.

Battlegroup Montmorency
Currently stationed in: Burgundy
Montmorency was the symbol of Gallic unified resistance against Kusari and alongside the remaining Confederate forces with De Grasse, the Montmorency paved the way for the liberation and Reunification of Gallia, destroying one of Kusari's flagships the Yamaguchi.

Battlegroup Saumur
Currently stationed in: Picardy

Saumur has never achieved great glory. It is over a century-old rusting battleship, that serves as the Gendarmerie base in Picardy.

Battlegroup Venissieux
Currently stationed in: Lorraine
Venissieux recaptured Lorraine from Kusari forces in a scorched earth retreat during the closing days of the conflict, after seeing the devastation it remained stationed in Lorraine to protect the Gallic Union.

Aubagne Battlegroup
Currently stationed in: Zurich
Aubagne played a strong role in the Second Gallic War, being a thorn in the side of the Royalists. The Battlegroup's embrace of the Gallic Union is a great symbol of the unification of Gallia.

Compiegne Military Academy

Military academy of the Main Fleet and the Gendarmerie. It is playing host to the derelict hull of the Battleship Montreuil – officially a museum vessel serving as a memorial of the Second Gallic War, in practice a training facility for Enseignes and Deputies.

Rambouillet Shipyard
This shipyard's focus is mainly on repairs and modernization of the Gallic fleet, occasionally releasing new warships from its single but impressive dock, based on designs from the classified stations of the powerful Gallic Union's War Machine.

Maintenon Shipyard
Formerly one of the main providers of ships for the Royal Navy, Maintenon is now lending its considerable military production capabilities to the Gallic Union and serves as a vital logistics asset for the Gallic Navy.

The Bretonian Armed Forces
Our predecessors clashed with them in Bretonia and Edinburgh, but they cemented their roles as a nemesis of the Flotte principal with their opportunistic siding with the Alien threat in Brittany, and the brutal destruction of our mobile Barge, Fort de Bregancon, in the Bregancon massacre killing civilians and everyone on board needlessly. They are the main foreign target of the Flotte principal, and one of the main obstacles in our future contest of the Taus.

The Maquis
Unlike the Bretonians, the Maquis, even aided by the Council traitors to the Union, have no chance of facing our forces in the open, mostly resorting to underhanded terrorist tactics.

The Outcasts
They are mainly a threat to our Tau region expansion but also have been seen attempting to assault our forces in Lorraine to make space for their drug trade.

Crayter Republic Military
Although they once showed their neutrality, they took part in the Bregancon massacre and have since completely sided with the aggressive Bretonians.

Kusari Naval Forces
Although the politicians are attempting to ease the situation, Flotte principale consists of many veterans of the Kusari war who will never forget or forgive the destruction the Kusarians have caused, even though it did lead to Gallia and Gallic Navy's reunification as a silver lining.

The detached open Royalists
Much like the Maquis, they pose no direct threat to our fleets, they do pose an ideological threat as the last small number of remaining zealots clinging to the dead regime, refusing to Embrace the charge of the military like everyone else.

The Valor

The pride of the Gallic Navy, the former Royal Navy backbone was upgraded in the reign of the Gallic Union to an even more menacing warship, combining the firepower of the Warwolf with the additional arsenal of the Charlemagne to create the most feared Battleship Gallia and Sirius wide.


Despite lacking the history and the power of the Valor, the Obstinate is the definitive answer to smaller-scale battles. With a relatively small frame, anti-warship arsenal, and swift agility - The Obstinate stands gracefully as a worthy adversary.


Although new versions of this destroyer are no longer fitted with atmosphere-enabled forward weapons capable of glassing entire planets, they benefit from added weaponry that uses the freed-up power core.


A versatile backbone of every assault, this Bomber marries arsenal with manoeuvrability as an all-round Cougar that pounces on Gallia's enemies.


Aside from the Valor the Lynx is the clear Symbol of the Gallic Navy

To say the Lynx was designed is an insult to its pedigree and heritage. The ostentation of Gallia at the time meant that the crown jewel of ace fighter corps had to be bred for its role. To this end, the ship was crafted as a compliment to the much larger Valor and employs the same doctrine of overwhelming and immediate assault. The subsequent shock and awe caused by such withering firepower, and the toughness of the reinforced and slim profile leave most foes blinded by its grace, assuming they have not already perished in the first pass.

Flotte Principal (Main Fleet) ranking system
Aspirant (Crewman)
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Enseigne (Ensign)
[Image: 1f83e7696cbc88cd52211e45e5708cc6.png]
[Image: 5888bb0b9c4ac5d8caea43fdd23a08a2.png]
Commandant (Commander)
[Image: 9f392f00318f028bfcbef4a74fc75792.png]
Capitaine (Captain)
[Image: c4a6dd2591f0be961080a92bff4b9f0b.png]
Amiral (Admiral)
[Image: f4f48619785fd230598ffc2320d505a5.png]
Amiral de la flotte principal (Admiral of the Main Fleet)
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