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After leaving his brother, Edmund caught his own shuttle back to Wellington base. Despite it being a military craft, he had decided not to wear any military clothing as he reckoned that he was a civilian, and no longer a member of the Armed Forces. Admittedly, he did feel highly out of place among the officers that filled the cabin, but he elected to pay them no mind. It was an unremarkable and short flight that placed him within the boundaries of a very familiar place.

Wellington had hardly changed at all, while the other passengers collected their belongings, he simply stepped off, having brought no luggage with him, expecting this to be a fairly short meeting. No sooner had he exited the shuttle, he was greeted by a young ensign. A shorter man with a strong libertonian accent and a rather elegant moustache snapped sharply to attention as Edmund walked by.

Lord Steiner He said, not breaking from attention Welcome back to Wellington sir. Edmund regarded the man with some surprise, did he expect him to return his salute? Why was a Libertonian in Armed Forces Uniform? Why was there even an Ensign to greet him? Did O'Brian think this was funny?
You're not supposed to salute civilians ensign
came the curt reply as he kept walking. The ensign, somewhat confused caught up to Edmund and began walking beside him Apologies sir...Admiral O'Brian sent me to escort you to her
I don't need an escort, I know where I'm going.
With respect sir, she was rather insistent
Edmund rolled his eyes, Yes that sounds like O'Brian I'm sure she was. Lead on.Perhaps this was one of the ways O'Brian kept the newer officers busy, or maybe it was punishment for some minor infraction, either way he wasn't particularly interested in arguing the point and allowed the man to 'escort' him to his host.

After walking for some time in what could only be described as a deafening silence they arrived at her door and the Ensign stopped suddenly, he straightened his uniform wordlessly and then started checking his shoes for dirt. Edmund stood behind him, an eyebrow cocked slightly. Ensign, you look open the door please. The younger man said nothing, breathed deeply and opened the door.

Admiral O'Brian, Lord Steiner to see you
Michelle stood at a window on the far side of the office, her back to the door. It overlooked the parade square, and Edmund would be able to see over her shoulder that a platoon of recruits were currently out there, standing at attention as a young Lieutenant inspected them, followed closely by the infamous Sergeant Murray.

In the quiet, they could hear the old Sergeant shouting at a recruit. There was a running bet between the junior officers about who was worse, O'Brian or Murray. Both were infamous for their insistence on appearance. Rumour had it that both found the bet amusing.

Michelle turned round after a few more seconds watching the display on the parade square

Ensign Miller, thank you. A pause, her eyes running up and down the uniform Those boots are looking a little dull Miller. I suggest you see to that before heading anywhere else today, or I'll have you down on the square at the mercy of Sarn't Murray.

A quick "yes ma'am" before he shuffled out of the door. Michelle simply smiled at Edmund, before waving a hand at the chair before her desk

Lord Warwick, please have a seat. I must admit, I still find far too much enjoyment from making the Ensigns sweat. Can I interest you in a drink? I'm afraid I only have tea, or a rather fine bottle of whiskey I had been keeping hold of.. This seems as good a reason as any to open it.
Jesus Michelle, cut the boy some slack.. Was all he really thought until the poor ensign had left the room. His attention was enthralled by the offer of Whiskey, but he knew he'd better not get ahead of himself. He thought it'd be better not to get too sloshed in front of someone whom he had not seen in months and had the good graces to invite him into her office.
No, thank you. Not just yet. I don't think it would be wise to drink right now, perhaps later.

He took a seat opposite her and marveled at the still serving and much reveared Admiral Michelle O'Brian, Lord of Oakington. Still a fine specimen of the female species, he was surprised she never married. Or perhaps she did and was just very good at keeping her partner secret. Edmund recalled a particularly amusing conversation with Victor on the matter, denying him the right to settle the matter via his spies and agents. ''If you want to know, just ask'' he remembered telling him.
''I want to know, and live long enough for the answer'' was Victor's response.
The memory brought a smile to Edmunds face.
And how are you my lady? It has been far, far too long.
Far too long indeed Edmund...

She trailed off, a finger tapping the card file on her desk. If Edmund cared to look, he would find the tab showed his name "Steiner, Edmund". Outside, the bark of Sergeant Murray ordering his platoon off the parade square, likely back to their bunks to prepare for the next exercise

I am.. well. I find it difficult navigating these peace time waters, but then you and I are both cut from a different cloth. We protected this house during what may well be one of it's darkest hours, peace does not sit well with me.

She smiles at him for a moment

Do not think I am wishing for war, I am no fool. I simply find myself at a loss, and having been so cautious around others for years, I perhaps find it difficult to trust those around me. Even now I find myself waiting for someone to strike from the shadows, and yet I should be overjoyed. We are rebuilding, we have forged connections with both Kusari and Gallia, and we continue to grow the house in trade, and still I find it difficult to trust.

Now tell me, where exactly have you been, that you've been so disconnected from the sector for this long?
Strange how soldiers can fight for peace but have no idea how to operate in peacetime. Edmund often wondered why some people seemed more inclined to war than others, he had no answers on the matter, perhaps in time someone would but not him. If peace did not sit well with Michelle then what had she been doing to occupy her time? She never really struck Edmund as dangerous, but perhaps that was the point...

Am I on charges Admiral? Came the amused reply to such a direct question. After the war, we all needed a break. I served as the last of a long line of wartime fleet admirals and I was finished. There was no war and politics began to creep back in. He regretted not having that drink now, but the more he delved into why it was he personally had decided to leave, the more he wished he'd never come back. After what the bastards did to Leeds, it never sat well with me that we would just...forgive and forget, and there were those who thought it would be best that way. That Gallia was somehow exonerated of what happened. Then, after Dagon....well died, Victor needed to go as well. Poor boy just found the love of his life, and then she was taken. He paused for a moment and considered the others before realizing that Michelle likely wouldn't care, she didn't know them, so he didn't bother telling. So really, personal reasons. As for where, well we went 'home'. Rheinland reinstated the monarchy...not that we had anything to do with it, and so we thought we would go back. Help if we could.

He sighed, heavily. He hadn't told anyone his thoughts on the way the war ended. In fact he hadn't shared his personal thoughts on anything, and even though he had only just touched on the topic of wars end, it felt liberating to actually speak to someone who was listening, even if she did not agree. He instinctively reached into his coat to pull out his pipe before stopping himself. This wasn't his office, it was hers, and he didn't outrank her anymore. The realization caught him off guard, but he smiled at his own arrogance and returned his kit to his coat. And you? Why did you stay? And don't tell me it was purely from 'Duty' either because we both know that that isn't the only reason you're still here.
No charges, I'm just curious how a family, as connected and wide spread as yours, suddenly cut off ties and then returns to the galaxy, with little knowledge of it's current state. It's almost unbelievable

A smile danced across her lips

Politics does indeed worm it's way into all that we do. We have to be peacekeepers in this day and age, to protect the very fragile peace we fought so long and hard for. Not all agree with it, but it is the state of affairs we now find ourselves in.

We all took the loss of Dagon hard, I cannot begin to imagine how Victor must be feeling. I hope he has found his peace with it at the very least. We're all here for him, for all of you for that matter. Your distinguished service goes a long way, Admiral.


She seemed taken aback at the question, as if it hadn't even occurred to her

Well, I did retire for a while, but I felt incomplete. I needed purpose, and the forces had always provided that.

My motivation? Well, it was duty, of a sort anyway. She convinced me to return, ever Her faithful servant that I am. She likes to be kept appraised, as I'm sure you must remember, and I assume having a voice was a priority at the height of the war.

She pauses a moment, leaving the thought to linger in the air

I suppose the better question to you then, is what made you reconnect with the world. Why open old channels, why even meet me here? You had no obligation..
He'd be lying if he said he was not a little pleased that his family had done so much. Once they held the senior offices of the Armed Forces, Police and Intelligence service. There were always rumors about how that came to be, about where they had come from and now, to add to the mystery, their departure and sudden return. Edmund could see how that might surprise people, perhaps even concern some. We didn't want to be dragged back in. If we'd paid attention and followed what had happened, we would inevitably have disagreed and felt the need to come back immediately. So it was just easier to not pay attention.
He shifted in his seat. The mentioning of Victor was probably not the best idea in the world, he was his own man, he could speak for himself about Dagon if he wanted and help shouldn't be offered because of another's standing. I'm sure Victor will say something if he needs to. That was all he wished to say on the matter, he didn't like discussing his brother's now dead fiancée, it simply wasn't his place. He was not overly surprised about O'Brian's motivations for remaining. While the boys could quite easily read books or make music or go for walks everyday that life was not for everyone, and certainly not for the likes of Michelle who got restless just at the thought of a board meeting. He wasn't overly surprised at the mention of Her either, but the intrigues of the palace weren't something he ever had any intention of getting involved in. If the Queen had something to say, she'd say it, otherwise Edmund operated on the logic of 'No news is good news'.

Do I not have an obligation? I do, to you personally at least. You were a friend to me when I had few, it would be most unbecoming of me to forget my friends regardless of time passed, would you not agree? He was surprised by that comment You had no obligation.. Of course he did, not to the House but to people, her being one...probably the major one he owed. Frankly my dear, I could not have done what I did if I did not have you standing beside me...Although, given our reputation, I would understand if that made you feel...uncomfortable. Suffice it to say; you are my friend. That is why I am here.

It was about this time he finally noticed a file on her desk. Oddly out of place, she knew he was coming, so why leave a single stray file in the middle? Interesting reading? A new brief from command perhaps?
She sighed, shaking her head

Edmund, you old fool, you are a friend yes, but that does not equate to obligation. I left you an open invitation to visit when you were free. I hope you chose to come here, not that this visit was forced.

She continued lightly tapping the card file in front of her

It makes for impressive reading, even more so considering I was there for the majority of it.

She shrugs slightly, pushing the file forward

Not a brief, no. But if you find yourself looking for purpose, like I was, then maybe I have a job for you...