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[Image: iO7z9dm.png]
Section 8

Sender ID: Odysseus
Receiver ID: Gen'an Chrysanthemums
Encryption: Fortress

Black box

To whom it may concern,

I am Odysseus, representing the Order cell Section 8.

Yesterday at 2030 hours SMT, a squadron of yours encountered an operative of ours in the Sigma-15 system, as well as the Outcast warship MNS Amalfi and a host of Nomad warforms.

Firstly, on behalf of Section 8, I would like to express my gratitude to your pilots - should any have survived the encounter - for assisting our operative against the alien threat when the situation regrettably spiraled out of control.

Secondly: Despite your pilots' best efforts, our operative was shot down. While they survived and are currently receiving emergency medical care, their ship was destroyed and its black box ejected into space. This before its flight recorder's data could be transmitted to the Order.

Now, to the crux of this communique. Were your pilots or any search and rescue vessels deployed following the incident capable of recovering the black box of our operative's ship, and would the Gen'an Chrysanthemums be willing to return it to Section 8? Or, failing this, would the Gen'an Chrysanthemums be willing to assist us in the search and recovery of said black box? As I am sure you can imagine, the flight recorder's data is of considerable value to Section 8. Should you be willing to assist us in this matter, you will therefore be compensated accordingly.

I look forward to a reply, preferably sooner than later, as time in matters such as these is of the essence.


Gen'an Chrysanthemums
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Incoming Transmission

Sender: Matsumoto Hotaru
Recipient: Odysseus, Section 8
Subject: Black box search


I am Matsumoto Hotaru, Senjōzaki of the Gen'an Sisterhood and I was one of the pilots who was present in the said battle and escaped.
First and foremost, I want to offer deep apologies for the oversight on our part in noticing this transmission channel until now.

As the Nomad force we faced was far more powerful than anything we could've prepared for in Sigma sector of Sirius, myself and another one of my wingmates had no choice but to retreive the escape pods of our shot down pilots on the spot and flee the system using a highly roundabout route, through Omicron systems. Our call was to mark Sigma-15 system as a high threat area and start deploying defences closer to our own or allied gathering points should we be forced to clash with the Nomads once more. This unfortunately means that the black box was not acquired by us.

Nomad presence should've relocated from Sigma-15 quite a while ago, so, sending a wing of fighters to scout the system, and if you already have not succeeded in doing so yourselves, searching for the black box, should be an acceptable course of action.

However, would like to know if this could be worth our time, as to us, Sigma-15 is the low priority system that is noticably distanced from any of our allied and friendly outposts.

Kind regards.

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Senjōzaki Matsumoto Hotaru
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Gen'an Chrysanthemums

Concluding Report
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Section 8

Sender ID: Odysseus
Receiver ID: Gen'an Chrysanthemums
Encryption: Fortress

RE: Black box

Miss Matsumoto,

Thank you for your response. I am glad to hear that there were survivors of the Sigma-15 encounter.

We have since been able to recover our operative's black box. Regrettably, it was badly damaged and the data recorded within was lost. You may consider this matter concluded.
