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<div align="right]Prologue
-Somewhere in Hokkiado Space-

"Guns to port, open fire!" ordered Captain Rivers as he descended into the battle raging beside him.

**Blasts rock the side of the September Wind, Captain River's ship.**
**Three Kusari Naval ships explode in the wake of the fire from the September Wind.***

"Don't worry Tecugai, you're almost out of this knot."
"Thanks for the assistance, one of those Supernova blast destroyed most of the stern." replied Tecugai.

**The last of the Kusari fighters are shot down, as one wounded bomber flees...**

"Say, thanks again, let me buy you a drink, where you from anyways?" said Tecugai.
"I'm originally from Cortez, did a little this and that, became an outcast. Guess I wanted to finally make

the voyage to Malta."
"What type of this and that?"
"I guess, I'm not really the type of person to talk about the crimes I've done. What's a theif among

theives? A thief of course! And does it really matter how many people you've killed when one is

enough to make you damned?"
"Heh, I like your ideas. Not often you meet a person like you. Regardless I think I owe you a drink for

saving my ass back there."
"I believe you do."

-Kyoto Base-

**Tecugai turns to the Bartender**

"Two white russians please. So, tell me Rivers, what type of work do you do?"
"Well, I'm a pirate. Took a trip up here to see what was up here. Always heard stories as a child."
"You weren't scared of the dangers up here?"
"Well, I mean we're all destined to die eventually, and why not try it? Besides, how dangerous could it be

when you're already a pirate?"
"Did you have any trouble at least?"
"Hell, Zenos, couple of patrols... But nothing I couldn't handle" *Smirks*
"Well, I hope I didn't give you too much trouble out there. I owe you my life for that save."
"Don't sweat it, consider it a favor between brothers."
"A brother in the arts! And definitely a brother indeed!"

5 years later

William Rivers approaches the bed of his good friend Tecugai, who he had met and spent time with

some time before returning to Cortez. The near death Tecugai was involved in a vicious hit and run

attack and has now suffered major organ failure despite the best care and medicine.

"I came as quickly as I heard the news...."
"I don't want this to be about that Rivers. I send a message to you because I needed you to be here to

understand something."
"I'll understand anything you need me to."
"Good then you'll understand why I'm giving you my ship."
"Absolutely not. That's ships for families only!"
"And you aren't that? Listen, Rivers I have no children and no family to give it to. I barely have anyone to

match how close I am to you. I missed you so damn much this last year."
"But, even then...."
"Even then, rename the ship Rivers, but take it as my gift to you, there's nothing better I could gift you,

especially after you saved my life that first time we met. Just do me this last damned favor. This is why I

had to bring you here. You wouldn't come if I told you over comms. Just look at me, will you really

deprive me of this?"
"Then go Rivers, take it and get out. Pretend I just dissapeared or something."
"Just go."

5 weeks pass

"Here you go." said the Dragon Mechanic. "But, If I ever see you in space, I will kill you. I don't approve

but Tecugai was a good friend of mine."
"Then the feeling's mutual."
"Listen to my you arrogant-"
"There's no need for that here and now, I think I'll be on my way."
"I wasn't done talking to you-"
"Really?" *pulls out a gun and points it to the man's head* "And now?"
**The man grits his teeth and hits a box of bolts onto the ground as Rivers enters the ship and makes

his way into space**


**Dragon fighters swarm the GB**
**A Dragon bomber appears and rips a hole into the broadside of the ship**
"Take us out of here!" Screams Rivers"
**The ship is last seen floating into the dark bleak abyss of space.**

Later, Rivers takes refuge with the Rogues in Liberty fearing he will never return to Kusari. He

eventually renames his ship The Sanguine Guest, in honor of the power of mortality.
<div align="right]Prologue

-Pagosa Base, Colorado System-
I can't remember how many days, weeks, it's been since I left Kusari. Then again I've managed to fill the time liquor. My ship has been in the mechanic bay for all about 3 weeks. Now, that itself needs an explanation.
About three weeks ago, I was out, not sure why, but I was. Fooling around with the ship, we were all of on massive quantities of alcohol; likewise now. Long story short, plowed it right into asteroid. Now, since the mechanic has been dead from a heart attack, my ship is well, not a ship.
I was in the bar when a ship crashed into the side of the base.

**>Base Announcement< "Mr. Rivers, the Dragons would like to make sure you understand why you don't steal one of our Gunboats."**

Hmmm, no thanks and have a nice day?

**Base shakes**

Well than, **Grabs a bottle of whiskey** better get to work.

-Invergordon Spaceport, Inverness System-
"Heh, he's waking up!"
"Excuse me? Where are those damned dragons?" I asked.
"Dead, some Outcasts saved you."
"Where am I?"
"Inverness Spaceport; they handed you off to us just before some other Dragon assassin killed them. We took you here."
"Well, what about my ship."
Damn my ship. Where was it?
"It was destroyed on Pagosa, we found you floating in an escape pod. Someone must have pulled you to one before, well.... it went boom."
"Well, that's going to be an issue, what am I going to use for a ship. Did I have any credits when I came in?"
"No, but I'm sure we can find something for you, I'm sure we can...."
<div align="right]General Info
[Image: e060oz.jpg]
Name: William Rivers
Occupation: Outcast Pirate
Height: 6'1''
Ship: Slave Liner

Captain William Rivers was born on Planet Curacao in the year 782 A.S. Born in to a poor family, Rivers was exposed to Cardimine early in life. Forced to be homelessness, Rivers shot a person, taking their ship to the nearby Coronado System. Soon enough, Rivers became a full fledged outcast. With the devastating events at Pagaso, Rivers body was severely scarred and burnt. Carrying on, Rivers goes on in his new ship, renamed after his gunboat, The Sanguine Guest.