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Full Version: Transmission to Pinnacle Outpost Admin; CC: "Erie Resistance", Zoners, etc.
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[Image: KGYuK3s.png]

[New Dawn Communication Stream]

Sender: Erich Klugmann, New Dawn
Origin: GFS New Colossus, Pennsylvania
Encryption: High

Recipient: Pinnacle Outpost Administraion; CC: "Erie Resistance", Zoner Factions, Other Involved Parties
Subject: Is There Anybody Out There?

Good afternoon,

Please forgive the irritation behind my words, but I can assure you that they will be relayed more cordially and civilly than the teeth-grating frustration our transport captains and crews have repeatedly relayed to me over the past several weeks.

They - And I - Have seen effectively no visible effort in regards to the Zoners themselves to supply Pinnacle Outpost. And one would hope this would not be the case, given that Zoner "Whale" transports - Something we lack - could have hypothetically been one of the very few advantages held in this nascent conflict over the Liberty Republic. Or, at least, an equalizer against the corporate juggernauts aligned with it.

Instead, it very much appears, or at least feels that we have been supplying Pinnacle Outpost over almost a hundred shipping rounds next to entirely on our lonesome. There are exceptions, such as Auxesia and even the Bundschuh, but these comparatively far-flung and less-prominent offers of assistance should be taken as signs of the desperate situation at hand.

And despite the implicit desperation; we've seen next to no visible sign of preparation for a long, drawn-out guerilla conflict that will perhaps be the best-case scenario against the strongest military force presently known to humankind. We're appreciative of the fact that we were eventually granted permission to contribute supplies to the possible struggle to come, but why have we not been sought out or involved in whatever plans, schemes, or proceeding efforts would hypothetically follow? Will we have to continue to expect this infuriating game of Interstellar Telephone until the Navy brings their experienced crews back from Vespucci in a month's time at most?

Put as bluntly as possible: Do you have any earthly idea what you're doing? If so, what is The Plan? And if not, why did the representative Zoner Factions play their hand before having a Plan to put into immediate effect alongside the declaration of hostility to Liberty?

[Stream Terminated]

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• Communication Type: Textual

• To: Erich Klugmann

• From: Pennsylvania Liberation Front, "Silver"

• Subject: "The plan"


Before everything else, we won't answer for the other Zoner groups. Only our own.

I have noticed the lack of transports to Pinnacle, yes. It appears some of us are not too fond of dying. But they don't know what they're doing is submitting to the will of the opressor. First Canaria, then Erie. When will we have a true, peaceful place for Zoners that isn't an oppressed hellhole? For how much time the Zoner people must endure such humiliation?

While I agree that stopping Liberty's forces from docking on our stations was the right call, painting them as hostiles targets came too soon. We do not have enough people or equipment for an actual blunt strike just yet.

We keep the low profile, never staying on the same spot for too long. Our flotilla comprised of a few cruisers, tankers, tenders and scout craft wander the surrounding systems looking for targets of opportunity. We create a distraction such as attacking lone patrols in the systems of New York, California and Vespucci to draw the Navy's attention away from Pennsylvania. This way, maybe some Zoner ships can breach through a weakened blockade.

It appears that Pinnacle has received a good amount of resources and equipment, but is still far from fully operational. We haven't returned to Pinnacle for a week or two now, so I can't tell you how things are going there, at the moment.

Finally... the plan is to keep the precision strikes against Liberty and try to build up unpopularity. We have no chance in this galaxy to fight Liberty's fleet head-on. The more Liberty blood we spill, the more pressure on the government we put. The simple thought of another "insurgency" will make Liberty's populace to be enraged against their government. Their taxpayers will surely be very upset. That's what we want.

[Image: Zachary_Graham_4xBorder.jpg]

》》》 FROM: Zachary Arnold Graham

》》》 TO: E. Klugmann

》》》 SUBJECT: Re: Is There Anybody Out There?

Mister Klugmann,

You have nothing to worry about given that the frustration with our current situation is mutual. All the same, I'd caution you from being too harsh on our people, many of them have never seen combat or lived under threat like this.

I imagine that myself being labelled the Administrator of the Outpost must make you think I exercise some form of centralised authority. But I assure you that I don't, and anything I could organise is entirely dependent on good will and esteem, both of which are in short supply.

We did not declare hostility. We fought in defense of Erie and lost in orbit. You could argue that this marked the inevitable excuse Liberty needed to crack down and truly seize control, but we'd both be wrong, seeing as this is an entirely reactionary move by Liberty.

It angers me to be in this position, but groups such as this so called Starlight Research Consortium, OSI, and others decided they were in a position to force Liberty to come to the table. They have grossly overestimated the hand they actually held and now we must all suffer for it.

Liberty has not only ignored the move these groups made to lock them away from other Freeports, but treated it as an act of aggression, conveniently used to put Zoners under the umbrella of being criminal conspirators. I'm aware that this would have eventually occurred given our resistance, but it frustrates me to no end knowing that our own brethren gave them extra ammunition to use against us all, and not merely the resistance.

Our own position is precarious. We lost a vast majority of the ships we possessed to the Alma and her escorts, and what help we were getting from other Zoners has now fizzled out on account of this brash move by organisations with no stake in our struggle. Their gambit failed, and not only that, but they have the audacity to remain uninvolved with the supply effort.

I'll freely admit that my mistake was in expecting solidarity. Furthermore, I don't personally believe I can lead the resistance properly. I have full confidence that Tabitha Marks, a former Counsellor from one of Erie's also former free cities, would have been the right person to look to. Considering she organized the effort that saw huge quantities of supplies delivered to make the ships we used in our stand above Erie operational, I have full confidence she could turn this situation around also.

But she's gone silent ever since communications jamming has come into play across most of the system, and I fear the worst. The last I heard from her, she was still on Bethlehem, I pray she hasn't been arrested, or worse, killed by the always thorough LSF agents that make operations like ours difficult.

We need help. And we need to find her.

Zachary Arnold Graham,
Administrator of Pinnacle Outpost.

[Image: KGYuK3s.png]

[New Dawn Communication Stream]

Sender: Erich Klugmann, New Dawn
Origin: GFS New Colossus, Texas
Encryption: High

Recipient: "Silver", Pennsylvania Liberation Front; Zachary Arnold Graham
Subject: RE: "The plan"; RE: RE: Is There Anybody Out There

Good evening,

Thank you for your prompt replies.

I will start with the small amount of good news that I can offer, first. We've now fulfilled all desired resource quotas displayed for each of Pinnacle Outpost's modules save the truly gargantuan amount of Hull Segments still required by all three. By my casual estimate it would take over half-a-dozen Barge-loads of them at least, and I was only able to persuade one of New Dawn's Pitbull-class trains to make about a dozen shipments of them before they balked at how little a dent in the total number they felt they were making alone.

And speaking to that end, unfortunately - New Dawn is effectively defunct as an "organization", now. There was disagreement on whether to stand and fight or to withdraw into portions of space still outside House control, and I've already pushed the "half" of the group's transports and crews that have come with me - Particularly the GFS-Mutual Aid - To the point of exhaustion. For the time being, these last supplies are all that we're currently capable of providing.

With the exception of the aforementioned Pitbull, we'll be migrating the few accumulated assets of ours from Pennsylvania to regroup and reconsolidate in Rheinland; among what remains of the Bundschuh movement, and from there I'll attempt to put on full display how the House Governments and the Nation-State - Liberty, Rheinland, and their very own idealized "moral" Bundesrepublik it had originally created - will always serve as an insurmountable stumbling block to the Freedom of Ideas and Souls that we all presumably crave.

Should that go as desired, we'll be in a better position to discreetly supply you once again. But given the deafening and telling silence by the other prominent Zoner organizations - As well as the inevitable return of much of the on-assignment Liberty Navy's assets to New York and Pennsylvania - I would strongly recommend putting into motion an effort to extradite sympathetic Zoners and to-be-Ex-Libertonians from Erie and Bethlehem to the Liberation Front, the Bundschuh, or other Freeports or Organizations across Sirius as it pleases them. Given that I have some experience in coordinating a similar mass exodus of Planet Nuremberg some years ago, I will offer what aid I can should you agree with this suggestion.

Finally, I will pass along word of your search to Tabitha Marks to what sympathetic parties I can, whether she's still alive or otherwise. Realistically speaking, I do not have high hopes that a capital-oriented resistance effort will be viable for long; the sheer amount of lives of crew and the expenses of upkeep and repair are not in your favor, versus Liberty. I would personally advise fighter and bomber wings over them, but it is your decision to make.

I can only promise that we will return and offer our aid in earnest, in some form. Sometimes, I've found that it may be best to conceal Hope and keep it hidden - For its own safety.

[Stream Terminated]

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• Communication Type: Textual

• To: Erich Klugmann, CC: Pennsylvania Zoners, Zachary Graham

• From: Pennsylvania Liberation Front, "Silver"

• Subject: RE: RE: "The plan"

Hail, once again.

Our own transport ships also reported that only the enormous quantities of Hull Segments are required to tie the station together - It'll be an enormous task. I, we - are extremely grateful for your help, Erich. I think one of our undercover transport ships caught you in its scanners yesterday on the Pennsylvania jump gate. Glad to hear we're not so alone out there.

Sorry to hear about the New Dawn, Erich. I'm facing the same predicament. Our Q-ships instill fear on any warship of Liberty's, but we're limited on numbers and supplies. Our wounded are being piled up from previous encounters with the Navy. We lack a proper carrier to carry combat operations from, and pilots. After the Insurgency is fully wiped off Vespucci, I'm afraid we're next. We're few, We have no bases, we are agile due to our size, so I guess we have some room for maneuvers here. Still, it's flight or flee. Convincing the others that fleeing might be the better option will be difficult - They're all tired of running and accepting defeat. Most still have blood in their eyes, out for revenge. On top of all this, I don't know where I would go, or even if it's the right call. I'm afraid an exodus would attract the attention of the Navy and their intelligence agencies to whatever base or planet we land and settle in... Unless we go really, really far away.

I'll try contacting anyone that could support us in the next few days. To any Zoners that wish to flee... I'm starting to understand where you are coming from.

Our raids will continue as planned. Use this distraction to escape and move supplies.
