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[>sender.ID: ED-1]
[>target.ID: REBB]
[>upload.file.size: 41,21mb]
[>file.format: audio]


Hard to say...two operatives have left with his body towards the Omicrons. That's what some people on Freeport 8 said.

I guess he's alive...? I hope so, really. All of us here on the Wayfarer received new directives. Each of us received a new callsign and the task to survive.

For short? It's all us now until stated otherwise. Wish I'd be able to help more. could help us with something in turn.

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[>Origin: Re-Routed through RV-Wayfarer]
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To: __ED-1.
Sender ID:__. Rebecca Harper.
Message Origin:_ Freeport Eleven.
Subject:___ Crisis.

Help you? Mate, look I don't know how much Caliban let you all know about the bloody mess he was tangled in.

But considering the fact everything has just gone tits up on me with this current crisis, and the fact that I may have just held the fate of the entire bloody fucking sector in my hands and I'm not sure if I just saved it or doomed it.

I highly doubt there is much I can do to help you, but on the offchance my luck takes a miracilious bloody turn... fire ahead, ask. I just can't promise you lot anything at the moment.
[> active]
[>sender.ID: ED-1]
[>target.ID: REBB]
[>upload.file.size: 87,75mb]
[>file.format: audio]

Well...we were his main workforce when it came down to studying and fighting the Sentinels. Then we all were reduced to ship maintenance...oh well.

Look. I wouldn't normally go out of my way to ask an outsider for help. I would prefer if I didn't do it at all, but Revenant's having a moment again. I don't know what Boss has been doing all this time, but clearly he spared her more times than she deserved. Not long ago she said she'll ask someone called "Harbinger" for aid. It also didn't helped that she tried to fry me twice over the net!

She's dangerous, you know. Could you keep an eye on her? See if she goes off the rails? Again, even? I'm sure that can't be a lot to ask for.

Aaaaand don't mind if I ask. But what crisis are you talking about? Eh...which one, actually?

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[>Origin: Re-Routed through RV-Wayfarer]
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To: __ED-1.
Sender ID:__. Rebecca Harper.
Message Origin:_ Freeport Eleven.
Subject:___ The situation.

Yeah, well, funny you mention Harbinger. Entire crisis is Laz, we- well, it's pretty much just me at this point. But I think Harbinger has made Laz the next key to replace Cal after Laz managed to pick up a Nomad power cell and started rambling before just straight up vanishing on us. Raven nearly died going into the Nomad Worlds looking for him, while I found Laz in Knossos.

Entire thing is a bloody mess, the two of them were incapacitated and I had to try and judge whether or not Laz was too far gone or not. For all I knew I could have ended it there and then when neither of them could have done anything. Or I could have doomed the entire sector. I didn't have the intel to make a good choice but... even if I did...

I couldn't do it. Not to Kris at least. Not if there's still a chance I can keep my promise and stop Harbinger fr-

Well, not if I can stop Harbinger from driving him to the lengths of Cal was driven to.

Anyway, their ships emergency protocols kicked in, and I followed them to some resrticted Technocracy or Gammu base in Pi. Bastards wouldn't even let me wait with Kris so I could be there when he woke up...

But yeah, I was planning on doing that anyway, but knowing Raven she'll be going off the rails the moment she wakes up. So, lucky bloody me.
[> active]
[>sender.ID: ED-1]
[>target.ID: REBB]
[>upload.file.size: 87,75mb]
[>file.format: audio] Laz got himself in Harbinger's crosshairs. I kind of liked the guy. Shame he didn't choose to side with us instead of following Revenant. Things might've turned out differently.

Now if he turns out to be the next key, then your only way to really save the sector is to kill Laz. can hold his curiosity in check or something.

Here's something. You ever have to put Laz on ice or keep him docile for a while? The Wayfarer's your best shot. Might even try to jimmy his implants here. Give him a taste of real freedom! You won't find any of the Technocracy's buddies here. In return I'd just like to ask you to keep an eye on Rev'.

It's a good deal, Rebecca.

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[>Origin: Re-Routed through RV-Wayfarer]
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To: __ED-1.
Sender ID:__. Rebecca Harper.
Message Origin:_ Freeport Eleven.
Subject:___ Deal.

Yeah, only small issue there is betraying his trust, getting him to the Wayfarer and bloody high risk brain surgery. Oh and taking his fucking eye out, his arm and all the other damn augs.

Regardless I don't have access at the moment but... I'll keep in mind. I just need to make sure he's still in there. But it's going to be a nightmare to try and keep his cuiosity in check.
[> active]
[>sender.ID: ED-1]
[>target.ID: REBB]
[>upload.file.size: 87,75mb]
[>file.format: audio]

My offer remains available for the foreseeable future. Captain has some good medical droids. They were the ones to install most augmentations on him - and take them out when necessary. And this is no boasting mind you.

If Laz started to go crazy, then you might as well be doing him a service by bringing him over. Rational thoughts tend to go out the window at times like these! So...yeah. Broken trust or not, he might thank you in the long run.

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[>Origin: Re-Routed through RV-Wayfarer]
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To: __ED-1.
Sender ID:__. Rebecca Harper.
Message Origin:_ Freeport Eleven.
Subject:___ Deal.

Maybe... maybe.

But regardless of the fact my window to do that well has passed, but I'll keep the offer in mind, and I'll keep an eye on Revenant as well.

To: __Caliban.
Sender ID:__. Rebecca Harper.
Message Origin:_ Leeds.
Subject:___ What happened?.

Cal, Raven just got in touch with me looking for Laz, thinking he had come looking to me or that she fucking sent him to me or something!

Also claims you got two of her people killed.

Now, if there's one thing I've learned from this mess, she's leaving out details, what am I missing? Also, she seems to think he went looking for you because of whatever the fuck I missed while I was on Cambridge.
[> active]
[>sender.ID: CLBN]
[>target.ID: REBB]
[>upload.file.size: 16,2 mb]
[>file.format: txt]

Raven brought Laz to a secluded region known as The Shrine. I was minding my own business when one of her followers messaged me directly. That follower told me the kid was in pain and was suffering. Turns out a greater Nomad Warform was carving Laz's mind. By the time I arrived I didn't know what was going on, and I was outnumbered.

After Laz recovered partially he was taken on The Shrine and I was left with "Wisp" and "Gestalt", as well as the Nomad. I lost my cool and lashed out at Gestalt. The latter which used the Nomad as a shield. Wisp took my side and attacked the alien.

I killed Gestalt. Later Raven took down Wisp on account that he's a traitor. He was the hero in this situation. She will kill anyone that takes my side in this war.

wouldn't surprise me if she would incarcerate Laz if he was caught doing the same. Or worse.

don't believe me? have a look. if she offers anything - it is death and enslavement.

[>File Transfer: complete]
[>Origin: Re-Routed through RV-Wayfarer]
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