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· Sender: Grand Amiral of the Combined Fleet Célestine Delacroix
· Recipient: Le Gouvernement de l'Union Gauloise
· Subject: A plea from the Flotte Combinée to amend an executive order N°0002

Salut Le Gouvernement de l'Union Gauloise Officials.

I would like to comment on latest Executive Order
  • "Nobility", and its members, are not "noble" anymore.
    - This has been the case ever since the Union's inception. Noble titles have held no power, only by enlisting and serving do people of Gallia hold formal power and are considered full-fledged citizens, former nobles or not. We are glad this long-known and enforced fact has been made formally public. There have been many who held onto their meaningless titles, it is about time we put an end to them clinging to their past by not removing the empty words of a dead regime from their names.

  • "All former nobles are not only considered supporters of Royalists, but are also to be followed and surveilled constantly by the Gallic National Intelligence."
    I must file a formal plea from the Flotte Combinée to amend this blanket statement. The former Royal Enclave nobles and many former nobles from the Duchy have long left the Royalist ideology behind. Many of them have been serving within the Gallic Navy and hold formal power through serving the Gallic Union, not by clinging to their titles. These decorated officers have proven they have abandoned the Royalist ideology, have served the Union greatly and even pragmatically have absolutely no incentive for the Royal regime to return as they would lose the influence they have built up as part of our military-led society. I would urge the Gouvernement to amend the wording of the executive order to "All former nobles who have failed to enlist in formal Military structures since the inception of the Union are not only considered supporters of Royalists, but are also to be followed and surveilled constantly by the Gallic National Intelligence"

    Those former nobles who have failed to enlist, health, disability and age reasons aside, have been monitored and we will even increase our surveillance of them. I would call the executive order too lenient if my added condition gets accepted, merely the first step. Able-bodied former nobles who failed to show initiative and failed to enlist should be pre-emptively imprisoned or sent to working colonies cut off from external communications as they are not even formal citizens and hold ideological and practical danger to the Union.

  • "All assets (financial, estate, ships, and more goods are to be seized by the Gallic Navy)."
    Once again I plead that the Government amend the executive order, this sub-order should be enforced only against all former nobles who have failed to enlist in formal Military structures since the inception of the Union. The Gallic Navy structures might crumble if we now yield to collective punishment of those who have long embraced the Union and have been serving for years, including actively working towards eradicating the minor hidden Royalist faction that seems to be hiding in the deep Hebrides.

    Please, exempt those former nobles who have been Serving in Gallia's military structures. For those able-bodied who haven't, I already outlined that seizure of assets is not enough - I would recommend putting them in front of a choice: Enlist now, better late than never, at the lowest levels of the Gallic Military, voluntarily forfeit your assets to the Gallic Navy, or be stripped of your freedom and rights, or even life.

Je vous remercie,


[Image: avatar_48850.png]
Célestine Delacroix
⚜ · Grand Amiral of the Combined Fleet

Combined Fleet Command
Planet New Paris