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::Incoming transmission::
Origin: Planet Kurile, Sigma 17
From: Nakajima Honoka, Commander of Battleship Sapporo
To: Government of the Kusari Empire / my superiors at the Kusari Naval Forces

[Image: jiaosha1943-japanese-female-officer-by-k...14w-2x.jpg]

皆様, こんにちわ。

Hereby I report my findings in Sigma-17. Following a hint by a helpful citizen of our empire I investigated the situation there. I have been informed of increased Outcast-activity there, so we set course with Battleship Sapporo.

As we arrived it was obvious that the hint was no overstatement. Inside Nemuro Dustfield, right next to the Jumphole to Sigma-19, and even closer to Atka research-station, a base owned by the liberty corporation Cryer Pharmaceuticals, Outcasts have stationed two battlecruisers, they seem to be up to a siege, taking over the Dust-field and looking to destroy the base.

So far, our research and interrogations have come to the conclusion that the outcasts are performing this attack out of economical reasons, seeking to destroy a competitor. By destroying the base and eventually building their stand in the system, Outcasts are interfering with the Kusari-economy, endangering potential trade-routes and, probably more worrisome, our supply with medical goods.

As it is the job of the Kusari Navy to defend the interests of our empire, also in our extended Zone of Influence, I feel obliged to report this situation and ask for further commands on how to act. So far we have been able to stay out of serious combat-situations, as of right now we are not aware of more Kusari-forces in the system. Until further orders arrive we will keep observing the situation, and eventually report shall it become worse. If the order is to attack the maltese forces, I humbly request backup.

For Kusari!
Kusari Naval Forces

[Image: bM9dE4l.png]

Transmission received
Code recognised as NT-X49a-Direc-SRD-KUCOM

Recipient: Nito Kaisa Honoka, IKN-Sapporo
Sender: Santo Kaisa Mizui Naruhito
Date: 28.12.833
Subject: Sigma-17 Situation
Priority: Medium

[Image: pOscCRn.jpg]

Nito Kaisa Honoka.

It is my pleasure to forward you updates surrounding your recent situation briefing concerning Sigma-17.
As it seems, the Ministry and Admiralty are largely pre-occupied with domestic matters, so they entrusted the 66th with your report. Our Commanders concluded that we may deploy some of our strategic expeditionary forces to the Sigma-17 system, following the temporary decline in large scale expeditions.

As I was briefed, this deployment will be of reconaissance nature, with limited intervention based on opportunistic strikes against enemies of the Empire. Contrary to your viewpoint, a worsening security situation in Sigma-17 is favorable for the Empire up to a certain point. Cryer's research station potentially falling victim to an Outcast onslaught is unfortunate, however it will provide the necessary pressure on the Gas Miner Guild to consider concessions towards Kusari and Samura Industries regarding Planet Kurile in return of security related assistance.

I am no expert, however I doubt Atka to have any value to Kusari's overall economy. The Stabiline shipments for addicts in our Prison usually come from within Liberty at a much more competitive price than Cryer's small research outpost could provide. In fact, I am convinced the loss of Atka will pressure the Gas Miner Guild towards concessions beyond security factors. Prior to the loss of Planet Kurile, Samura Industries held valuable contracts over alien organism deliveries with Cryer Pharmaceuticals, contracts which I am quite certain exist between the Gas Miners and Cryer nowadays.

The 66th lacks the privileges to issue orders here, however we would consider it the wisest if the Sapporo was to remain around the Sigma Cluster throughout this limited deployment. After all, the Sapporo may be indispensable if the situation deteriorates to the point where our intervention is required regardless of the GMG stance about it.

In service of Kusari,
Santo Kaisa Mizui Naruhito
66th Tokubetsu ensei-ka


::Incoming transmission::
Origin: Planet Kurile, Sigma 17
From: Nakajima Honoka, Commander of Battleship Sapporo
To: Santo Kaisa Mizui Naruhito / Superiors of Kusari Navy

[Image: jiaosha1943-japanese-female-officer-by-k...14w-2x.jpg]


we thank you for your answer and clarification of Kusari interests. We look forward to meet with the forces of the 66th in Sigma-17.

In light of your clarification it indeed seems best to keep an eye on the situation for now, making sure that things at our border won't get out of hand. Also, we propose to pursue ways to install ourselves on Planet Kurile, possibly negotiating with the GMG about installing a naval platform on the planet. Maybe the situation in Sigma-17 can be used as an opportunity to take more direct influence at our borders, furthering our interests and showing presence.

As for right now we are still stationed at Kurile, for now the GMG is allowing us on the planet.

long live our empire,

Nakajima Honoka

For Kusari!