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I like "tea". D'ye like "tea"?
(Well, I liked "tea when" I used ter be "me".)
And I value them folks as can grow their own "tea"..

But some must rely on others fer their "tea".
And they're grateful t' get it, at a fee,
from them very selfsame growers of "tea".

But then, they say, "Oi, we can grow our own "tea"!,
and ye, ye charge us too much fer yer "tea",
(when we nearly give 'em our "tea" fer free!)

'n then they say "Oi! We need t' tax yer "tea"!
"Ye can't bring us the "tea"
we need fer free, ye see!"

Wot? Ye want a fee fer bringin' us yer "tea"?
Which ye expect us ter sell fer nigh on free..?
Now how does this make a lick o' sense?,
.....says me.

So, I'm thinkin', perhaps those lovers o' "tea"
might best be reminded, t' help em see,
that there ain't nuttin' in this mortal life fer free.

And I'm thinkin'.. a party! Some friends, 'n me
we'll make a fine trip, t' deliver some "tea".
(If ye'd like t' be invited, just contact me!)

'n that maybe those "tea" drinkin' friends will see
just how much they 'preciate our excellent "tea".
As we throw such a party the likes they'll ne'er see.

Shamus, c/o Sophie's, Port C.
Shamus, me old budee!
Thought you'd gone... to meet... the thingee
Can't wait to see
What you have in store for we
In the peanut gallery
So, count me in for "tea"
In fact, make it three
Or even thirty-three
things of "tea"

Pete of the Haul Lass (e)
Message To: Shamus
COMM DATA LINK: Wanchu.Pinchu Comm System, shipwide.

An eruption of voices chanting blasts over the waves.


Meh, be it Tea or crumpet,
At your side I'll blow my trumpet.
Antimatter and Laser blasts,
My guns shall bring down their masts!

Count ol' Cid with ye.
Or I'm afraid my crew will mutiny.
Hooligans, the two of ye be!!
I meant ye t' contact me privately!

Now wait fer it, lads, and patiently,
"One if by land, and two if by sea."

('n bring some o' those little finger cakes, too!)
Comm ID: Sophie Noir

No pie...?

Smoochies, fellow Fnordette!