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Full Version: BHG and the Junkers Congress (.:j:.)
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Comm ID: Stoat - Bounty Hunters Guildmaster, Bretonian space.
Location : Planet Leeds
Target : All BHG and BHG|Core members
Subject : Hunters paid by Kusari.

As of this moment, NO member of the guild is to persue any bounty placed by any Kusari group, corporation, or governmental organisation, within the borders of Bretonian space.

This spefically relates to the bounty placed on Junker Congress ships (see here -, but will also cover ANY further bounties that may be placed in the future.

As a Bretonian, I absolutely cannot condone ANY member of the guild collecting on a bounty placed by, or in support of, the Kusari regime. Outside of Bretonia, you may persue what contracts you wish. If you choose to do so within my realm you will answer to me, and it will not be a pleasant experience.

We Bretonians are at war with the Kusari, and the Congress does good work in ensuring the Bretonian war machine is able to funtion smoothly and at maximum capacity. That will continue.

If you are within Bretonian space, and you get a request for assistance from any member of the Congress, I do expect you to treat them as you would any lawful corporation, and provide assistance, where necessary, for an appropriate fee.

This does not, of course, affect you collecting on any bounty against specific members of the Congress for proven illegal activities.


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