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*klack klick klack klack klick*

The sound of a keyboard could be heard throughout the office.
It was light-flooded room, high above the Berlin Plaza on Planet New Berlin.

Daytime. The Planet was spinning so slowly, the day and night cycle on New Berlin was a weird one.
Not every lifeform was able to stand this for long.


Admiral Malexa Malte sat in her chair, hitting the keys of her keyboard.
She tried hard to keep her eyes open and a lot of empty coffee-cups decorated her desk.
The Admiral was not sure if it was "morning" or "evening", her hurting eyes just told her to get some sleep.

Paperwork. A bane.

Suddenly her phone rang.
A soldier was on the line, reporting an inbound Libertonian fleet, directly heading for the capitol. Admiral Malte ordered every guy with a combatready fighter into space.
It was a miracle that she did not sent the New Berlin taxitrivers into space, just to throw everything against the invaders.

The fight was already in progress, when Admiral Malte left the dockingring.
She spotted two Military pilots ahead and ordered them at her wing.
Setting up a defensive force was nearly impossible.
The scene looked like one of the history lessons.
Pearl Harbour. A surpriseattack on Earth.
The Jupiter trap. Coalitionforces destroyed a whole fleet in one of the drydocks of a facility.
The list could be endless.
Not having time to get the chaos to order left her with only one decision.
A blind fight with the hope to get some wings into planned combat.

Suddenly her cocpit lit up light a christmastree.
Someone locked on her Wraith and as fast as this lockon happened, the missilewarning went off.
A big flash, no sound could be heard.
She found herself in space, looking at the fightscene.

*knock Knock Knock* Admira Malte nearly jumped out of her skin.
A recrut knocked at her rescuepods door, whens till in space.
No spacesuit was visible.

"Frau Admiral, here are the missing documents you asked for, Maam"

Admiral Malte was still sitting in her office, never moved a feet.
A dream. Just a dream.
New Berlin was still peacefull and the next Libertonian fleet was lightyears away.

She picked up a sheet of paper and folded a paper plane, to get rid of some stress.
Admiral Malte smiled and returned to work.

The same problem as before. Keeping her eyes open was a challange.

We can lick gravity, but sometimes the paperwork is overwhelming.

~Wernher von Braun~