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No, you cannot gun down an underlevel character for passing through.

However, you can gun down any character that is level 30 or higher, even if that character has a Civilian ID.
As I said... "overlevel"

if server rules allow it and you are violating restricted space, expect to die.
We let starfleas on their way to set up a new character go through. It is perhaps the one time the average player has a viable reason to use it as a shortcut. Exceptions are also rumoured to include the occassional Hunter on their way from their own war front in Delta to conduct business with the Liberty Lawfuls.
underlevel players are to be ignored with role play. For the Navy or Pirates. Except it is an ID conflict. Like you meet 3 fighers in your Rogue Bloodhound. You will be shot down. Happened to me.

also: Even if you see it from the Texas Gate lane, you shouldnt know about the Gate. Dont even know why it is a Gate, why dont change it into a jumphole?
It's simple. If you are underlevel ( >30 ) with civilian ID, any overlevels in Z21 din't see you... you are INVISIBLE !... ehhh, just you are not in RP, through to go into Alaska ( in roleplay you don't know about Alaska, exept if you are High Ranked Navy officer, or Order member ) and create new character:)
' Wrote:As I said... "overlevel"

if server rules allow it and you are violating restricted space, expect to die.

Underlevels may also be shot. They just need to have a faction ID, as opposed to the civilian one.
Hell I dont think i even let BH's through grant it i didn't encounter many. Really its rather a tense place Z21 and when there are Order threats a flea flys by....everyone gets paranoid...i've seen it its disgusting...


//we can't


//he a underlevel


little_St/|R was put out of action by ************ (gun)

*Cough* Indies >.>

But I don't like traders going through there and I have been told to ignore them which is a complete kiss my rear i'm going to deal with them anyway RP wise they are a risk to themselves and to Liberty who knows what recon spies follow them.

You don't have to ignore traders using Z21 unless you're using something bigger than a gunboat. If you're in, say, a Carrier, the most you can do is hope they hit the mines on the way through trying to get around you.
what is the way to reach the gate, i tried once in my char but got destroyed by mines.
' Wrote:what is the way to reach the gate, i tried once in my char but got destroyed by mines.


I can show you, but I am tired. There is a hole in the minefield. The same one in the vanilla storyline.
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