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Full Version: Settle Down
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It was a few weeks ago that the Bretonia Police Authority's Section Chiefs went into exile, finding their refugium on Gran Canaria, Omega-49.

Joshua Cooper, former Sheriff of Edinburgh, Member of the Order of the Bretonian Empire, former Commerce Control Captain, was still wandering through the streets and alleyways of Gran Canaria.

As he had quite some funds at his disposal, finding a hiding place for his trusted Hussar hadn't been a problem. This place offered great freedom and, at the same time, was a wonderful place to live at.
The Zoners, as well as the local Corsairs, were surprisingly peaceful, as if quietly influenced by the pristine blue sky surrounding the planet and the system.

Gran Canaria offered many ways to enjoy oneself, to live a carefree life, to work hard, to spend time. Any planet offers these things, but Joshua felt that Canaria was... special, to him.

Maybe I should stay here...

The actual thought surprised him, even though he knew it had crossed his mind before.
But, looking at the situation, it was not a bad choice; there was no place in particular to run to anyway, Greene wanted them in a cell, or worse, and Joshua was lucky enough to have gotten away without any greater injuries from the job until now as well.

It wouldn't be easy to tell the others though... but, Joshua knew, right then and there, that he had made up his mind. Heading back to the central space port, he pondered while walking, preparing his words in his mind...