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Full Version: To The Liberty Navy
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Incomming transmission:
Source: Juggernought Avalon
Comms id: Rin, Controller of Vessal
Subject: Passage
Message begins: We, the juggernought Avalon, wish to be able to traverse liberty space. We are the guard of Bethlehem and erie, Zoner populated planets. We will obey all laws and regulations the navy has in place, and will refrain from attacking unless in self defence. We therefore ask to be able to traverse liberty space so long as we remain within the laws of liberty, and obey all contraband laws. We are willing to drop any contraband we may have at the demand of Liberty personell responsible for such if asked to, without qualm. Thank you for your time, Officers of the Admiralty.

Transmission end.
Signal ping available for reply: Granted Comms acces to juggernought Channel.
>>>>Incoming Transmission<<<<
>>>>Comm ID: Lieutenant Commander Casero<<<<
>>>>Loading message

Greetings Mr. Rin. You have permission to pass through Liberty Space. But, I have one question, and I'm going to quote you here "We are willing to drop any contraband we may have", why would you be carrying contraband? Leave the contraband out of our space.
About the self defense, I don't believe your warship could find a threat within liberty, so, unless an extreme case, keep your guns down. We don't want a Zoner Warship huntiing bombers or Gunboats, calling it "Self Defense".
Other than that, enjoy your stay.

>>>>Transmission ends<<<<
Incomming transmission:
Source: Juggernought Avalon
Comms id: Rin, Controller of Vessal
Subject: Passage
Thank you, sir. As for the contraband, somtimes random things get snuck aboard by certain crew, unbeknownst to the officers aboard. That, or it was unintentional. Thank you.