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::::::Andres Benitez::::::::

Born in 780 A.S,on the first home in Omicron 49,Planet Gran Canaria!
His parents died coming home from a long trip when he was only 15. When they were not far from home they were suddenly attacked by unknown vessels! Even to this day the reasons behind the attack remain a mystery.

At the age of 16 he realised that he would not find all of the answers relating to the attack whilst he still lived in the family home. Therefore, he decided to sell his house and use the money to purchase a ship, and it was with this ship he hoped to be able to find tha answers that would finally set his mind at rest.

Two years passed and Andres got a some battle experience. He managed to run and escape from a number of dangerous situations, and discovered some strange and marvelous systems in the Border Worlds. However, during all this time, he still found out nothing about the ships that caused the death of his parents....

798 A.S.-an OC fleet tried to invade Omegas, destroying all in their way! Andres barely escaped with his life, but in doing so he found himself in an unknown system that he did not recognise.... Suddenly a group of unknown vessels appeared! With no H-fuel in his tank, he was attacked by these vessels! They didn't respond to any of his transmissions requesting that they cease fire, and he realised he was in a desperate and dangerous situation!
With his ship badly damaged he suddenly saw a Titan on his scanner!
The ship destroyed 2 of the enemy ships (which he later discovered to be Bounty Hunters), whilst another one escaped!
The pilot of the Corsair vessel presented himself as Carlos Benitez!
He understood that from this point forward a new life was starting for him....
It was not long before he was escorted to Omicron Gamma, and thence to Planet Crete, a place that his parents had spoken to him of when he was only a small child.

799-The recruitment in Benitez famillia finished.
Andres found his second home,his new familly,his new enemies,new name:Andres Benitez.

801-In a simple patrol throught Malvada cloud,he was suddenly cought
by 3 unknown vessels that appeared on his scanner!He saw only an unknown transmission and the blue light that appeared in front of him!

803 A.S.-A large fleet of Order vessels,moving to Crete,found the escape pod of an Corsair man near O.Kappa jump hole!
The man was in the black glases,but nobody took them off.
On the comanders question:who are you?
He response-Im a child of Corsairs,im the member of Benitez,im Andres!
The man took him in the Crete's hospital where Jose Benitez took care of him and is short time he felt good enought to fly the ship!The most important thing was that the doctors sayed to Carlos that he lost his posibility to see!
The most misterious thing was that after many experiments,Crete scientists found that glasses on his eyes were of unknown material and type,and only wearing of this glasses gives the opotunity to see!
After some time,when Andres was on his own legs,some pisctures started to appear in his eyes:===blue cloud====blue,huge base=====blue light====
Finaly he understood what happened with him and with darknes in his eyes,but the reason of deaf of the parents remains a mystery............................