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Since I have some time to kill I'ld just like to point out my personal view on the entire slightly flameable situation in Corsair space. I'll adress few issues and put few suggestions of how I do things. No, your thoughts will probably not convince me to look the other way and try it, unless they're either green, or well argued out.
We have few problems but before we touch them I must point out one thing. All the things happening in Corsair space, good or bad, wrong and totally in rp, bring interaction. Thats the basic thing every system complex needs. Interaction. You can have most perfect roleplay but if there's noone to do it, what's the use.
Gamma has that first step, it has alot of it. Again, good or bad, but you're never alone in Corsair space. That offers good grounds for changing things for the better. So let's start.

1. Civilian Captains of Capital Ships of Corsair nation. Or shortly CCCSCN (jk, lolwuters ofc)
- This problem was under control for a while, and even now only rare few head towards NY space, or anywhere outside Omegas for that matter. They are controlled, just not controlled enough. They rp, the just don't do enough. They defend Gamma? Yeah, alot, from similar thinking people over at BH nation or OC nation. So we can't enforce everyone to RP the same amount, but we surely can enforce them to be active a little. Capship registry. Idea works. It really does. Returning it back makes those people more responsible for their actions. You don't want responsibility? fly a camera ship. Sad story is that, whether you like it or not, Capital ship is a big responsibility. You traded your ass off for it. (not literary) Make sure you keep it and not end on KOS list of faction you belong to.

2. Constant OORP.
- Lols, j/k's, duels, silly captain names broadcasting their current course to everyone in system (yeah, you know who you are, saw you across entire sirius. who the hell system broadcasts their future plans and desires). This thing just requires bit etiquette. Official Factions should be there to teach them. Some of them allready know (remember, not all Capships are lolwuters. some people just compensate =) Ok no, some people just like capital ships). Etiquette will come on its own as soon as they create forum account and register to capship registry.

3. The neutral factions in relations to Corsairs.
- The neutral guys. You know them, you see them. Some of you fly them. Do you fly them because the Whale is cheap and zoner guard rep trick is out there on internet, or do you fly them because you do not belong under anyones rules, and joining the great, dare i say, nation of Zoner scientists and other sort of quality independent people. Well let me tell you right now, I don't care. Why don't I care? Because it's a roleplay server, and from the moment you sit in any ship out there, level of Roleplay is expected from you. Slaver Junker, Outcast, LPI, it doesn't matter, you will behave like one of them, or you'll have hard time adjusting to anyone on this server.
Zoners are neutral to Corsairs. they have their biodomes. Corsairs were near, they were hungry. Without much digging into FL wiki, I can tell that the deal they have there is a mutual benefits one and it has some tensions, like - always. Thus the neutrality. Mutual dependence. Zoners should carry food and medicine, fertilizers, mining machinery, synth paste. That sort of things, to their Corsair "friends". They don't get much really in exchange. Freedom to pass trough systems and work far beyond the "tradelanes of civilization". To you, player, that doesn't mean much. To them in game, it means alot. It means new beginnings, new chances to work outside of the civilized world, to grow pot on FP9, I don't really care.

Often we see zoners threatening that they will cut their supplies of food. There we see the first problem. There's really no zoner supply of food. It is being done by 20% of Zoner ships, and that's streaching it. So we take because we can. Because we should and because we are the starving piracy nation. Criminals. Without zoners to uphold their end of the deal, there's no point in really upholding ours.

Q: But we bring other supplies for Crete.
A: Thanks, but no thanks. Our allies can do that. Hogosha and FA should focus more on supplying the Corsair nation with commodities we can both profit from.

Q: What about neutrals, junkers or indie traders?
A: They should bring food. Then they can haul whatever they want out.

Seems unfair? Well it's not. here's how it works. Apparently, there's not enough Hogosha or FA players. Must be because Kusari is boring, who can blame them. So Corsairs should let in everyone who carries like... Counterfit software to Corsair nation. I say no. Those unallied or unfriendly factions that get into Corsair space should benefit Corsair space. Selling that counterfit software for 13mil, and buying Artifacts for 2mil looks like bad profit to Crete to me. Actually, its 11mil loss. On stuff you can't eat or help the people with. For a while they weren't being pirated. I didn't like that. They are all benefiting from Corsairs more than Corsairs do from them. You don't avoid the problem and settle with something smaller when you hit it. You deal with it directly and with smart approach.

Compromising with indies and neutral traders in corsair space and allowing them to trade is not only wrong way of roleplay, it is actually crippling my roleplay. Less and less targets to pirate, targets I should be able to pirate. Alot of pirates get bored then and go to gamma to lolwut instead. that's kind of a shame, how allowing one type of players to grow you cripple others.

But you can't leave Crete un supplied can you? Well, you can't, so until Hogosha and FA players arrive, I employed (with my mighty standing in OPG) a group that will transfer supplies tripoli and crete need that aren't food, meds, fertilizers or similar things. Until they are (and trust me, they will) bringing more of these goods than Zoners and other indies are bringing food, I can say I have ever right to make such a deal because there's only few of them, and about 25zoners a day. 10 junkers, few indies.
So finding a "patch" until Hogosha actually gets on their feet and starts hauling hull pannels and things like that, and taking away artifacts, one other neutral faction will do it. It builds relations between two factions, the said faction is closely connected to artifact smuggling and most important, my men can pirate around, creating more roleplay, instead of hanging around gamma, shooting snac at each other.

I would like to add here, that official Zoner factions have always been given a chance, as well as any other neutral factions to make better relations with us. But apparently in most cases we're asking too much. Well, the faction i've contacted was doing it anyway, so apparently its all about how much profit do you stand to make.

4. Order (lols, indies)
- I can see we're allies and we hang around quite alot in Gamma. We're all buddy buddy like and hugging each other. Then you decide to stand outside Crete, 0m away. Then my pirate transport or bomber bumps into you and i'm on half hull and undocking animation isn't even over. But thats okay, everyone learns.
Then we start pirating zoners and you come with Geb to shoot us down because we pirated your char. that doesn't work like that. Revenge isn't utilized so fast. You wait and stalk us, then you blow us up when we dont expect you to. Order is allied to Corsair nation and is allied to Zoners as well. You get benefits from both of us, so try for a moment to think about a solution or proposal that we might agree on. Creating more mess won't cut it. Try to find a solution to this deuterium shortage problem.
Although honestly, I think the "shortage" stands for sirius credits you keep losing on your Zoner characters, but maybe that's not all of you. Dude I want to buy an Osiris is something i heard at least 15 times.

5. Junkers
- Ok seriously people. Just because you're one doesn't mean you control all junker stations in Sirius. Especially if you're an indy. So dont threaten us when we blow up those Blood diamonds, because seriously... trafficking them trough o5 is most likely to earn you a quick way to your last docked base, and us destroying the damn diamonds. Simple as that. Other than that, junkers can look up on the "neutral" shelf.

6. OPG being hypocrites.
- That we were. OTC is our junker affiliated trading "Squad". We all had one ship back in previous game, this time, i didn't want to buy it. Seemed kinda unfair. If i can actually smuggle and make a profit with an OPG char then why shouldn't others do it as well, not just others that we pirate, but others that we fly with as well. OTc will probably stay as a faction, but it will most likely come to its true affiliation and ID's, because it is a right thing to do. We are trying to reach out, if noone noticed in last month and two, to fix up the part of sirius where we play. cause frankly, thats the only part thats important to us. That doesn't mean crippling everyone else to the core, but it means balancing things out.

It's not really a rant, more of, how I see things and how I try to make them happen. If you want to trade in Corsair space, it's not end of the world. make a Hogosha, show you're good standing, ask for a loan from Corsairs for your first artifact smuggler. Bring us counterfit software, get escorted to your borders, it's all happening just rarely. But if you want to take the easy way out, making a character that's neutral to most so he can get pirate free, trust me I'll be on every step of that way crippling it for you, so it's a risk you have to take. Alot of conclusions have been posted, alot of theories and argues. I'm just summing up most of my thoughts and placing them before you to read them.
The problem of lacking the Hogosha and FA players is the first one I encountered, so hopefully this post might encourage some to make them. Corsair nation will probably also offer some starting loans for the new hogosha and FA factions that are in need of smuggling goods, and OTC will probably be around to show them the ropes too.

If you found yourself offended, that was not my intention. I just needed to share my vision of things and see does anyone actually share them.
Let me just throw this on the plate here: a lot of people seem to be criticising OPG as of late for their influx of new members, most of which have little to no idea how to behave. This is right after these same people nigh demanded in another thread that Corsair factions start doing something about their indies. Well, the OPG are doing just that, they are taking in willing indies and then trying to teach them how to play on the server, and that action alone IMO doesn't give anyone the right to take them for granted as a faction of lolwutters. They are trying to fix a situation that will take some time to fix, and frankly I would employ the same tactic of mass recruiting in their place.

So if you find yourself having a problem with a member of the OPG faction (especially [OPG-Rat]), first and foremost pay a visit to the OPG feedback thread and discuss the problem there.
Thanks for sharing your vision. You've got my support on the things that impact my party in relation to yours. Junkers that "ban all OPG from Junker stations" should be laughed at derisively. Even if they're one of mine and it's after you just pirated one. There's a process involved even when comes time to boot people, and it's usually just a means of squeezing an apology and reparations from the offended party.

I think it was you who pinched me a few days ago hauling Deuterium through O-41, where I said it was to be sold on Yanagi. I parked on the star as it was there the halt was demanded, and I remember thinking "If he opens up he's going to run very quickly". Even there the request for food, fertilizers and mining materials to Crete was made. The guys have been instructed to make "diplomacy" runs when they can for the sake of balancing out 'other' cargo runs.

On one hand the .:j:. and OPG rarely cross paths, but when they do I'd rather things look like we did our part to keep the door open. Also, the Gamma shipyards are going to be a somewhat major stop for Junkers soon, so keeping the channels open will be of some importance for then as well.

I might write up some of my own faction-to-faction relations, this post inspired me.

EDIT: Regarding the newer OPG members, I'm happy to lend a hand in straightening up the ones that need a bit more guidance. If I get problems I'll keep you posted.
A wall of text on par with Luther's 95 Thesis. Seriously, gives you fodder for your brain.
All of this sounds very nice to me ears. The only thing that concerns me is when a counter RP event happens, will you reply in RP or OORP. I mean, certainly, every action has a consequence, some being nice some being itchy.

Now, when something bad happens for OPG or for Corsairs, or for any other group that you represent, will you still be sticking to the RP or shall we expect OORP raids, forum topics and pms? Can you be this firm and just and good sounding when that happens as well?

I am only asking, truly neutrally asking, don't get me wrong. I support what you are doing up to now as a Discovery player. It gives me, my faction and prolly other factions a good opportunity to counter/co RP with other options coming and so.

Its what we were missing on Disco, every faction should do it. A political RP AS a political rp rather than simple incoming message waste disposals.
Well, honestly, I don't know how will I react to something that happens to faction where I play, thats kinda only OPG, I haven't made other chars this "season".

I guess it depends on who does it. If suddenly Order starts going on war frenzy against OPG because we're intercepting their shipments of deuterium, I'ld feel bad and frustrated, because that's not the best way to solve the issue, by far. But I doubt it will happen, I'm just making an example.

From my point of view, only thing that could hurt OPG could be more BAF, Molly and Hessian players giving me headaches while I pirate or smuggle. But I think that's really something that just produces more rp. On more than one occasion I simply brought two escorts with me, blew up the issue and continued. I believe that if you have someone you play with, doesn't even have to be a group as a faction, but just friend or two, the game opens up more opportunities than if you're going solo.

Don't get me wrong, I love good PVP, but it has to make sense.
RA guys came to o3. Apparently they are thinking of moving in there with gazillion of caps. That ain't RP, or even close. But I dont think we'll have problem, OPG is itching to blow up something big and they'll do it every time. Basically, we're at that point where we can totally look at our PVP and say "hell yeah!", now its time to look at the RP side and make it better.
' Wrote:Don't get me wrong, I love good PVP, but it has to make sense.


As a devout Outcast, I look on Corsair roleplay with disdain. While in the OC space you get your [RA] members stinking up the place, Gamma is.. Horrible. I get gangrene on my eyeballs when I go there. While in Alpha you would get Sabrespammed, you get capspammed in Gamma.

I'm seriously thinking of making an "Elder" character, and floating in front of Crete in some kind of shuttle (Yacht?) and tying to straighten the place out. I still see Dreadnoughts greeting people with "hi".
' Wrote:4. Order (lols, indies)
- I can see we're allies and we hang around quite alot in Gamma. We're all buddy buddy like and hugging each other. Then you decide to stand outside Crete, 0m away. Then my pirate transport or bomber bumps into you and i'm on half hull and undocking animation isn't even over. But thats okay, everyone learns.
Then we start pirating zoners and you come with Geb to shoot us down because we pirated your char. that doesn't work like that. Revenge isn't utilized so fast. You wait and stalk us, then you blow us up when we dont expect you to. Order is allied to Corsair nation and is allied to Zoners as well. You get benefits from both of us, so try for a moment to think about a solution or proposal that we might agree on. Creating more mess won't cut it. Try to find a solution to this deuterium shortage problem.
Although honestly, I think the "shortage" stands for sirius credits you keep losing on your Zoner characters, but maybe that's not all of you. Dude I want to buy an Osiris is something i heard at least 15 times.

Ahh,I also don't understand why so many Gebs hang out around Crete,probably because they are PvP whores,and they know that OC's invade Gamma often or Corsairs invade Alpha sometimes,so they are just looking for fight in their big bad carriers.I hate such people,but you can't help against it.
Don't shot me because I will say this,but at least lolcarriers spam moved from sitting at Isis whole day :laugh: :P

Didn't know that thing about getting revenge in gebs after you first pirated their Zoner trader char.
That's un cool in my many ways.
I have also Zoner Guard trader,and yes I also earned money with him for Osiris,but I NEVER,EVER mix up my chars,I am no metagamer,when I am trading,I am zoner citizen working for their bosses nothing else.
I got pirated by you few times,(my zoner is Amaethon),but I always tried to RP out,even when you already took 2000 organs.It's not some big lost in profit if I lose 1,2 full loads per day.
Off course I will complain in RP if I lose my cargo,but that's excpeted,isn't it.
Sure is. I don't even mind the curses and swearing sometimes. Depends on how well do you rp it out. I have nothing against capital ships if people can sepparate their characters from each other.

People can't seem to realize that when they sit in their whale with zoner guard id they aren't "mike the corsair with cruiser" and no, I don't want to see your corsair cruiser after this trade run.
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