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Full Version: Transmission to the Council of Dons.
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~~Incomming Transmission~~
~User ID: Danny.Black
~Begin transmission~

G'day Outcasts,

M'name is Danny..Danny Black,
I've got ma'self a problem wif one a yer Bomber pilots ya see?
This one...He thought tha after a junkers taken is cargo ta malta fer you lads n lasses to live all fancy n stuffs, well he thought it wud be smart ta pirate me in yer system omicron Beta.

Now A told tha lad...I told im i wer'nt gun pay im, not since a jus took me stuff ta malta.
but 'e wu'nt ave none a that! so he went along an fired on ma ship.
Ma Slave liner! it got Opened up on by a darned fool.

Now A got that Major W.Borracho on board tha MNS Weedalot ta come n sort im out.
Yet this darned little [color=#ffff33]EDITED jus would'nt stop firin.
Mista Borracho on tha weedalot ad ta yell at the little tyke, ta get im ta listen!

Now we sorted it, but I ain nun too appy with the whole situation.

A got me recordings of tha chat logs ere:
[Image: 657h92.jpg]
[Image: mm62ph.jpg]
[Image: s4asjo.jpg]
[Image: 2v9w51z.jpg]
[Image: 2eluvpc.jpg]
[Image: 154u15f.jpg]
[Image: rshde1.jpg]
[Image: b46om0.jpg]
[Image: 200vcco.jpg]
[Image: 1zlsnm1.jpg]
[Image: xriox.jpg]
[Image: 156cpyr.jpg]
[Image: j60ivn.jpg]

Now as yer can see, He thinks that he can jus go aroun a pirate any darned pilot he wants.
There be a problem with this though...I ain't gun bring no cargo too ya, unless little pricks like these get exiled an told ta bugger off y'see.

This ere ain't none too good fer buissness.
an this one, 'e got a right mouth on i'm self aswell!
showin alot of disrespect to one of yer majors like tha, it aint none to good.

So if ya' woul be kind enough to get back 'ta me n tell me ow's you gunna deal with it.

A wud be real grateful.

Danny out.

~Transmission Lost~

Attempting Telepathic Medium

***Foolish Mortal, to defy an outcast is to defy malta!!! Your Arrogance shall cost you dearly and everytime you cross paths with Ghost.Ship-"Tortuga" consider your fate sealed! For we shall take great pleasure in dragging your sorry souls back to thy Underworld! Prepare mortal one prepare***

Frederico Guerra, el capitan del fantasma transporta Tortuga Out!!

Medium Lost...
Incoming transmission...
Sender: Tiana Santini, Daughter of Don Emilio Santini
To: Tortuga, Danny Black, Weed Borracho
Subject: Idiocy

Nurse! Painkillers, now! This stupidity just gave me a splitting headache... Why the hell did my father make me deal with this?

Weed Borracho: You have no authority in Malta anymore. You are not part of the Brigade. You did not retire, you were discharged. You are not a trusted pilot, you are not a trusted arbitrator. And if you know what's good for you, you will learn your place.

Tortuga: Kiss our collective ass.

Danny: Borracho has... no, just review that portion of the message, I'm not repeating myself. That said, this man is a complete moron, and if you wish to kill him in the future, just do so at some location where we can't see. I hear the Detroit field is useful for that.

I'll relay this back to the Dons. There's more problems than just the one you're reporting.

End of transmission.
Incoming Transmission......
Sender Legacy Inspace......
Location The pub.....

Well hello there,
I would just like to say coz Im on that chat message .It had completely nothing to-do with me.:) Just had to get that In before Legacy get the blame for that too.
Also If your not aware i was led to belive why_so_serious was doing the taxing to the slave liner and mr.alotofweed was sticking up for him.
Not that im getting involved but hey tiana ask your father if he wants to flog us a destroyer and i'll buy you a big diamond and ruby neclace ......
regards Legacy Inspace

Transmission terminated....
beer glass smashed.....