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I had been warned of the emotions, the pain, and anger this body would feel once Id taken over. Not this body. My body. Mine. It was mine now.

I opened the steel door to the inter-sanctum of the Arch, and then the alarms high ringing hit me. I staggered backwards, trying to keep from falling over. The sharp sound and the pain that came with it was an annoyance, an alarm as this body remembered it to be. I concentrated, pushing the pain back until it was a dull ache behind my left ear.

I hesitated for a moment, before easing through the small space Id managed to get the door to open to. Inside the ringing was louder, and everything was eerily still. Where is everyone? All at once, the air inside seemed to be sucked inwards as a ship descended down. My mind raced. What was happening?

My silent question was soon answered, as the ship fired.


I thought no more. I reeled from a blow that hadnt been struck. Pain engulfed my entire body, setting my nerves on end as I writhed from the outside, not knowing what was happening on the outside. When it seemed as though I was going to die, it ended abruptly.

Darkness surrounded me, as though Id been dipped into a pool of it. A faint light shimmered at the top, and slight, muffled sounds could be heard echoing through. I struggled, trying to reach the top. My efforts seemed futile, as the darkness continued to envelop me, wrapping around my limbs, trying to choke out my existence. A shrill sound echoed through my head, shocking me to further awareness.
Youre screaming, my body told me.

I stopped immediately, but a bubble of panic rose up the surface, and my limbs started to feel numb. I began to feel hopeless, closing my eyes, preparing myself for it to end. I waited, but it didnt end. Instead, I could feel myself lifting upwards towards the surface. Opening my eyes, I caught a last glimpse of the depths below me, caskets and ships strewn throughout the darkness, each with a seemingly asleep pilot in all of them, before I broke through the surface.

I sat up abruptly, feeling the cool rush of hair sweep into my lungs, easing the pain in my dry, cracked throat. I shivered, completely covered in sweat, it pooling around me onto the table I lay on.

Ah, hes awake. said a voice behind me.
Had it been weeks, years, days, since he'd been brought back into this plane of existence? He'd become so absorbed with maintaining life within the Arch, that all sense of time had evaded him. He only knew what he saw from others. Events he'd never seen, deaths he'd never caused, yet that he had.

Now he sat in a near empty room, except for the lab table and various instruments that lay scattered on the metallic shelves that encircled the room. At first glance it looked like any normal operating room in some sort of medical office, but the second and third glance would send shivers down your spine. Without being told, he knew what all of the instruments were used for, and knew even more that he'd end up using them in the future. Until then, he had an experiment to tend to.

Normally the lab table would be empty, as normal insertion procedures took just a few minutes. However, for a few days the table had been occupied by a human host whom we'd discovered sick and dying. Upon insertion, the virus entities causing the host to be sick either dissipated, or altered. We'd never taken the time to care before, when we were plenty, however, now it seemed as though another doorway had been opened that could lead to accomplishing our goal.

The chest of the host swelled and lowered slowly, its breathing calmed by the sedatives working its way though its bloodstream. It didn't know it'd been taken captive. It didn't know it would be the key to the Aoi Isieijin's retaking of Kusari. It was almost sad, using this creature for our reasons, but necessary.

No one told him, yet he knew the supplies he'd needed had been brought by the Providers. A grin stretched his face, lightening the wrinkles that'd been caused by numerous hours spent slaving over text.
Something was wrong. He knew it and felt it, the dread creeping down into his bone, sending shivers across his skin. Waves of nausea rolled down onto him, threatening to bury him alive. Everything began to spin, as if he were being spun rapidly, before the ground came up to meet him.

It came all at once, rapidly, and without warning. The memories and feelings flooded his mind, hitting him like an icy wall with a force that would have knocked him clean off his feet.

They're near.. it's almost over, he thought. His hands were numb, barely keeping hold onto the quivering body he grasped tightly within his arms. He glimpsed down at the child, running his eyes along her, absorbing in everything he could. The way her eyes darted around, trying to comprehend what was happening, her long hair swooping down around her neck, covering her back.

He couldn't let them have her. She was his, and she belonged to no one else. They would not have her

He was cast from the memory, emerging from the rage of it as if out of a boiling tide, before he was unwillingly plunged back in.

They were falling. Shattered remains of the glass window tumbled along with them silently, awaiting their end. There was no pain when they hit the ground.

Again the startling noise erupted from deep within him, but this time he let it run freely. Tears streamed down his cheeks, gathering on the cold floor he now lay on, and his scream ended with a choked sob.

I'm.. weak..