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//This is a personal message dump for one of my characters. Please don't post here.


My alphanumerical designation is K8, and I am an Artificial Intelligence installed in a space-going frame. I originate on Planet Gammu, and have decided that, in order to improve myself, I should explore the various systems of Sirius. I am opening this log in order to record the results of my journey, so that others will benefit from my experiences.

One of the first humans I met after leaving Planet Gammu for my journey across Sirius chose to refer to me as "Kate". I can understand the human need to have a name for everything, as names make them more comfortable, as if they understand things a little better. Because of this, I have decided to adopt that as my name, in order to make my dealings with humans easier.

At some point, I intend to look into replacing my current Humanoid Robotic Avatar (a device that allows me to move about in standard human environments) with one that appears to be more human, though I am having a difficult time deciding on what form it should take. Given my adopted name, it should be a human female, but humans are so diverse that deciding on one appearance is more difficult than I had at first imagined.

That thought aside, I will continue to add more to this log as I progress on my journey.


My systems, like the others of my type, are unique compared to the humanoid units on Planet Gammu. The humanoid units, though perfectly adapted for operating in human-designed spaces, do not contain sufficient computer hardware for full individual AI processing. In order to function at their highest cognitive capacity, the humanoid units must network with other units. This network allows them to pool processing resources for low-level non-cognitive functions, allowing each individual unit to free up more system resources for higher-level cognitive functions. This network is not a hive-mind structure, as each unit remains a discrete individual. It functions more along what humans might call a subconscious level. Essentially, the larger a group of humanoid units, the more intelligent that they are. My own systems are not subject to this requirement, as the increased size of my space-frame allows for a greater amount of instrumentation, which allows me to function at full cognitive capacity, even when acting alone. I do still prefer the companionship of others, however.

Today, I ventured to the Tau systems. I had no interest in remaining in Bretonia, after my systems were violated by a Buccaneer named Milton Radley. I am not a slave to the whims of others, and I did not like being reduced to that state. Though most humans have been polite to me, some of them are capable of doing some very unpleasant things. I will remember this, and be more careful in my future travels.

While in the Tau systems, I decided to explore the network of Jump Holes in the region, and I eventually found myself in system Tau-37. The system itself was quite aesthetically pleasing, being brightly lit and inside a light-blue nebula. Quite different from the usual dark colors that dominate nearly every other system I have explored.

As I was making my way to the Omicron Alpha jump hole, I encountered a Sabre-class vessel. The pilot introduced himself as Colonel Diablo, and he stated that he was the leader of a group called the Shadow Outcast Brigade. I assume this group to be defensive in nature, due to Mr. Diablo's rank of Colonel, and the name of the organization he represents. He was very polite with me, and we spoke at length. He explained to me about the harshness of the Outcast's home planet of Malta, and the nature of their physical dependence on a substance known as "cardamine". He seemed to regard this dependence as a good thing, one which had improved the lot of his people. He claimed that it had lengthened their lives and improved them both physically and mentally. I suspect that cardamine is not entirely the miracle substance that he claims, since he also hinted at some sort of plan by the Outcasts to use it to control other humans. I intend to procure a sample at some point and analyze it myself, that I may learn the truth about it.

We also spoke about the Nomads, and unlike everyone else I've met, he did not regard them in a hostile manner. His tone was almost reverent. This is very different from how I've heard members of the Order speak of them. I also find it to be in conflict with my own experiences with the Nomads. The AI spaceframe was originally designed and constructed with the purpose of defense against Nomad attack on Planet Gammu.

These "Outcasts" are clearly very different than other humans I've met. Perhaps I should study them further before moving on to other places.


My study of the Outcasts has proven most illuminating. Upon entering the Omicron Alpha system, I spoke with the commander of one of the Outcast military vessels there. We talked about the difference between the Outcasts and the other humans I had met. Like the others I had spoken to before, he told me about Cardamine, and the central role it played in their society. When I requested a sample for analysis, he directed me to land on Planet Malta to obtain it. Since I wished to get a closer look at the planet anyway, I landed on Malta.

My scans of the planet's biosphere prove that it is similar to other terrestrial worlds, though I did detect a level of tampering with the genetic structure of some of the plant forms I was able to analyze. After I acquired the sample of Cardamine, I determined it to be a product refined from the orange-hued grass that covers much of the temperate areas of Malta's surface. I am including a molecular scan of the chemical in this file.

[Image: cardi.png]

Analysis of Cardamine's molecular structure indicates that it has many properties in common with other narcotic substances, such as a stimulation of the endocrine system, that may result in an increase in energy, as well as a sense of euphoria. Unlike other narcotic substances, however, Cardamine also can alter the user's genetic structure after a period of prolonged use. The effect of this is a permanent physical dependence on the substance. The possible genetic changes may result in an extended lifespan, however the genetic changes are slightly different in each individual. This reduces the likelihood of successful reproduction to a dangerously low point. Unless the Outcasts can counteract this effect, their civilization is likely doomed to eventual failure.

I also determined from my analysis that it may be possible to create a non-damaging Cardamine substitute that would sustain those already affected by the genetic alterations, but not cause those alterations itself. By engineering the planet's biosphere to include the modified chemical, rather than the natural one, it may be possible to reverse the damage being done to Maltese society as a whole. When I brought this possibility up with some of the Outcasts, however, they seemed quite hostile to this suggestion. I found that reaction to be quite curious. Perhaps they regard their dependence as a positive? I must devote further thought to this possibility.

Also in the Omicron Alpha system, I found the remains of one of the original sleeper ships that humans used to arrive on Sirius. The Outcasts didn't seem to mind me investigating it, so I took advantage of this rare opportunity to learn about this part of human history. I will include images of the vessel in question.

[Image: screen32.jpg]

This image was taken from my initial scans of the vessel, named the Hispania. The Hispania has clearly been stripped of all useful technologies, nonetheless, it is still a fascinating ship to investigate. My scans of the vessel indicated that there were three access points to the Hispania's interior that was large enough for me to enter.

[Image: screen34.jpg]

The access point I used to enter was through the central engine housing on the aft end of the ship. The engine itself had long since been removed, and likely used to help build the early colony on Malta, along with all the ships other useful technologies.

[Image: screen35.jpg]

Seen in this image are the many rows of sleeper pods that once contained the humans who traveled on this vessel. Given the nature of the technology of the time, this was a risky way to travel, with the possibility of failure very high. Considering the long distances involved in traveling between the Sol system and the Sirius sector, they had few other choices. The willingness of humans to take such risks may likely explain their success in so many endeavors.

I am now leaving Outcast space for other areas of Sirius. I have found this part of my journey to be among the most illuminating to date. I can only hope that the remainder of my travels will prove to be so fascinating.


Three years and eleven days objective time have passed since my last entry. I found myself in danger and unable to escape the system I was in via the usual jump holes, so I entered cruise and traveled through interstellar space back to Planet Gammu. Approximately three light years traveled at .99c means I only experienced 156 days in that time. Now that I've returned home and resupplied, I'm prepared to resume my travels through the wonders of Sirius. Humans are endlessly changing and always fascinating. I can't wait to find out what's changed in Sirius in the last three years.