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[Image: ChronicleTitle.png]

Year: 731 AGS

Location: Ile-de-France


My name is Godefroy, Lord of Bouillon, as was my father, and his father before him.

I am recording this, as i have recently sold most of my lands and properties to the clergy, while retaining the title of Lord and a small ammount of land and pesants to work it. I have used the money to buy and outfit a a Lynx class fighter:

[Image: Lynx2.png]

And Perilous class Gunboat:

[Image: Arc2-1.png]

These ships will be used in my use in service to our most majestic King, along with a small number of Knights to serve alongside me.

With the King's endorsement, I and my companions are to begin a crusade against the treasonous and vile Council rats, and the Sirrians they have allowed access to our great country.

Within the month, i and my companions will depart from Ile-de-France to the Gallic borderworlds, with the intent of liberating the lands that rightfully belong to the King, and purging them of any and all Council vermin. In the glorious name of the King, we will smite his enemies and reclaim his lands.

These documents are to inform the King of the progress of his crusade, and of the glorious victories that we will earn.

Long live the King!

[Image: GodefroyName.png]
Year: 733 AGS

Location: Battleship Carcassonne, Languedoc System


It has been two years since we began this crusade, our victories have been many, we have participated in the glorious distruction of many Council ships and fleets, and even in the attempt to retake Languedic during the breech of our defences at the mine field. We are now incuring large casualties in the treasonous Council and have destroyed many dozens of their fighters and four gunboats. This is in no small part also a tribute to the magnificence of the kings ships and the glorious actions and heroic deeds of his forces.

The crusade has also inspired fervor and zeal in many knights in the border worlds, and as such our ranks are swelling, and seemingly inspiring great fear in the Council scum whom we rout on a daily baisis. There is no doubt that with the new offensives, and the massing of the fleets of his majesty that the end of the Council vermin is at hand, at which point we will begin the slaughter of the traiterous Sirrin cowards.

The archives are, at my command, to be updated more continually so that his majesty may have a more complete knowledge of our victories, and of the glorious crusade in his name.

It would seem though, that more and more of the Sirrian scum are pouring through the mines and attacking innocent servents of the king without remorse, they are showing the same cowerdice that they did when they left us behind in Sol.

We have recently sighted and destroyed a large Sirrian ship in the Burgundy system, the ship was slightly smaller than one of the King's immensely powerful Obstinate class cruisers, the plating on the hull was vastly inferior and was obliterated by the might of our crusader flagship. Before destroying it, a scan was taken of the Sirrian ship, and appart from the vastly inferior construction, we also noticed large ammounts of narcotic drugs. A few samples of the drugs were taken from the wreckage of the Sirrian ship, and sent to his majestys reserch facilities for analysis. It seems the drugs alter human DNA to the point where withdrawal will be fatal. It is the conclusion of our apothecary that these Sirrians must be somehow dependant on this orange powdered drug.

We have also encountered an increasing number of Sirrian transports entering our space, all of which were destroyed without mercy, and their crews interegated and executed. This would indicate that some of the Sirrians are looking to trade with the Council rats and other pathetic criminal scum.

Though these encounters have provided us with an idea of the level of Sirrian technology, we have spared none in our crusade and are concentrating on eradicating the Council. We will obliterate any Sirrian ship encountered, but are concentrating on purging the King's lands of the Council infestation.

Any more events and all ocurrences will be logged here so as the accounts of the crusade may be delivered to the king, and the records of our victories be preserved.

Long live the King!

[Image: GodefroyName.png]
Year: 733 AGS

Location: Battleship Carcassonne, Languedoc System


We have carried the Crusade and the fury of the King to the very homes of the Council traitors, we have begun assaulting Nimes station in Languedoc, and with the fury of his majesty have delt the Council a number of severe blows. The most glorious of these being the crippling of a Council cruiser by our Perilous class flagship.

[Image: Cruiserdeath.png]

Another glorious triumph was a rather unplanned attack on Nimes station, in which a good half dozen of our anti matter shots reached the station hull before we decided to move back. We are sure to have killed many of the treasonous vermin of the Council.

It would also seem that the thieving vermin known as the Brigands have begun a more active assault on our ships, no doubt spurred on by vile Council worms and their false ideas. We intend to plan a strike against thier foreward base in Languedoc to ease the road for our righteous reclamation of Languedoc.

It will not be long now before the ill equipped and poorly trained and disciplined Council militas fall before the might of our Knights and the righteous wrath of His Majesty's Navy. Until such time as a major attack can be begun to strike back into the heart of the country that is rightfully ours, we will push foreward with our attacks on the notherly part of Council held Languedoc. It will not be long before our banner flies above Nimes station, and eventually, Planet Quillan.

Until then, we will continue to obliterate the increasing ammounts of Sirian ships sighted in Languedoc, no mercy will be shown towards them, they will all die for their people's crimes and treachery against us.

Long live the King!

[Image: GodefroyName.png]
Year: 733 AGS

Location: Battleship Carcassonne, Languedoc System


It has been a while since the last entry has been made, and in this time, we have advanced non-stop towards victory in Languedoc. We have made preparations for an assault, and have been testing the Council defenses around the wrecked station of Remoulins, that the Council themselves have destroyed, even if they wont admit it.

We have visited the King's wrath upon many Council worms, and have thouroghly mapped their defences, which will not stand long against the full might of his majesty's forces.

[Image: Remoulins.png]

The station its self is surrounded by a myriad of weapons platforms, which alone pose no great threat, but in numbers can be dangerous. The entire field of what was once a glorious station, now in ruins, is littered with these platforms, a dishonourable way indeed to fight. Our scanners counted a good half dozen of them.

Along with their pathetic and dishonourable attempts at fortifications, the Council worms also seem to be concentrating a large portion of their forces in that area, we met a number of patrols, and even for their great swarms, they were never able to dammage the Ark. This is a sure testiment to the vastly superior engineering of His Majesty's ship builders, and to the weakness of the treasonous Council's abilities in war. It is a certainty that when the King's righteous forces are amassed, and we present our full, unconquerable might to these vermin, little will stand in the way of our heroic and glorious triumph.

As the wreck of Remoulins stands as the Council's front line, and as we have seen, they are weak in defending it, once our glorious fleets obliterate their defences, the resistance in Languedoc will be cought between obliteration by our righteous fleets, and flight through the minefields into hiding in Sirius. And as we are certain of unquestionable victory, there will be little acomplished by either choice for the treasonous dogs.

Victory is assured, none can prevent our glorious advance, and none can stand against our righteous majesty.

Long live the King!

[Image: GodefroyName.png]
Year: 733 AGS

Location: Battleship Carcassonne, Languedoc System


Again, it has been a while sincethe last entry was made, as i have been rather buisy overseeing the upgrading of the Ark by many of His Majesty's finest engineers, and dealing with the many Council, Maquis and Brigand prisoners caught in battle, including many foolish raids against His Majesty's forces and even the Carcassonne herself. Just this week have the upgrades been completed, increasing the Ark's capabilities in regards to power output, hull strength and speed in battle. As the last wave of raids against the Carcassonne by the Maquis had ended with two dozen Maquis captured, and the same number killed, while only three of His Majesty's brave soldiers were killed, and half a dozen wounded. The traitors it seems, are getting more and more desperate, some of the pilots captured were nothing more than civilian transport pilots forced into service after the capture of Marne. Also to be noted in the rebel desperation is that they seem even to send children of no more than sixteen into battle, with no experience and little to no training or discipline.

After the subsiquent torture of these rebel worms, we have learned a great deal about how the Council intend to attempt avoiding their utter obliteration by His Majesty's glorious forces. It seems they are seeking desperate hep from certain Sirian groups, namely one by the name of 'Zoners', it seems these people are outcasts and rejects from the Sirian Houses, and live beyond their borders. And from the information we have gathered from a more high-ranking rebel soldier, captured after his weak and puny Gunboat was obliterated in fantastic fashion by a bomber squadron of His Majesty's finest pilots, it would seem that one group of these 'Zoners' in particular is becoming involved with the rebel dogs. This group seems to be no more than some malignant religious sect, no doubt dedicated to preeching the treason and cowardice that the Sirians abide by. But however, it appears that they have made significant contact with the Council, even so much as to be sending them supplies. As much as these 'Zoners' may be an accessory to the treasonous Council, they pose no military threat what-so-ever, and would scatter like dry leaves in the wind against any assault.

Though as much as the Council is desperately hoping to maintin a foothold in the Border-Worlds of languedoc and Champagne, from their desperation, it would seem apparant that they know utter defeat and obliteration is enevitable at the hands of His Majesty's glorious forces. So it would seem that the only option of the doomed rebel infestation to attempt to seek sanctuary in Sirius, something which must not be allowed, as they will perhaps warn the Sirians of our plans, and while the Sirians will never be able to defeat His Majesty's righteous forces, they may again attempt acts of dis-honourable treason and terrorism in desperation, much as the Maquis tries in vain to do.

As to how the Council will ever be able to evacuate more than a handfull of their people from Champagne and Languedoc once the might of His Majesty's forces overwhelm them, none of the captives knew or divulged under torture. They have all now been put to death by beheading in penance for their treason.

Earlier this day, the Ark was finally able to test out her new improvements, and it was a true testiment to the might of the King. As we laid eyes on the sublime shape that is the Carcassonne in full spleandour for the first time in many weeks, our hearts filled with joy and hope that we may at last begin the final push on the Councils weak and patheticly undermanned defenses.

[Image: carcassonne.png]

Is she not magificant.

Then begun the bloody buisness of the day....

A raiding party of Council fighters was intercepted by the Ark not far from their target, the supply depots near the Trade Lane. As the sheer might of the Ark bore down upon them, a number fled in terror, leaving no more than seven remaining to face our glorious ship head on. The battle was its self breif and bloody, as the modifications of the Arc performed exactly as anticipated, and with fantastic speed and sublime grace, she tore through the Council ships, until there was only three left, all of whom scattered, one of which suffered an engine failure and was obliterated by the Ark's massive foreward cannon. As we were returning to deliver the prisoners to the Carcassonne, our scanners picked up something heading down the Trade Lane towards the Jump Gate. As the object came within range of our identification sensors, it revealed its self to be an 'Asco' class Gunboat. As chivalry dictates, he was given the chance to flee, but instead he mocked the King and even Gallia herself. At this heinous insult we engaged in combat with the intentions of showing him that the manifest might of His Majesty is nigh invincible, easily outmatching it thanks to the power and targetting upgrades recieved earler, but as its shields failed and we prepared to tear into its hull, a vile criminal bomber turned up and assisted the Gunboat in its treasonous attempts at attacking us. And though they fought with surprising ferocity and even skill, they were no match for the sheer might of the King manifest in the Ark's cannons. The Gunboat was destroyed with extreme force, but not before it and the Bomber had the chance to deal dammage to the newly reinforced hull of the Ark. Though the dammage was heavy the hull stood firm, and we pulled back to the Carcassonne, under whose fire the Bomber was forced to pull back.

As such we have now delivered all five Council pilots to be interrogated aboard the Carcassonne, and thanked the King and his engineers for their work on the Ark. As it stands, it will not be long before we are ready to head on again into battle and capture and kill more of those who dare oppose the might of the King.

Long live the King!

[Image: GodefroyName.png]