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Dr. Gordon Freemont sighed. The experiment at DSE's new Altair Research Complex in the far-off Omicron Iota system was just a lame attempt to steal funding from Aperture Science, the LSF facility on Los Angeles. But a Jumphole Generator? So much more awesome than a handheld portal device. It could get humanity out of Sirius. But there were always problems. Something had to go wrong.
Something did.
Gordon looked at the readings. They couldn't be right. A whole knew object the size of a planet had appeared on the scope not too far from Altair. Then, the worst possible thing blared over the tannoy.
He just ran for it. When he reached his locker, he opened it and got out his crowbar. "Never had to use this at Black Mesa," he said to himself.
Some time later, Gordon was beating squids to death with it. He happened upon a vid-thingy that contained a history of Project Altair. When he was certain the area was secure, he played the recording.
To be continued?