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Full Version: A lost soul to the Black Dragon Society
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||Incoming transmission||
||For: The Black Dragon Society||
||From: Hanako Ayuka (ID scrambled? Possible source: Golden Crysanthenum)||
||Do you wish to receive the transmission? Y/N||

Message reads:

Konnichiwa Black Dragon Society,

You cannot know how hard it was to access this channel, and how much I risk by doing this. My name is Hanako Ayuka, and I am a former Golden Crysanthenum assigned to the Kiretsu wing. Before you delete this message and ignore it, I would ask you to keep on reading...

About a month ago, I realized the damage Cardamine caused to my body, and how it was used to keep me as a slave in the Golden Crysanthenum ranks. I wanted to have control over my life, so I decided to stop taking Cardamine at once. My ''sisters'' quickly noticed how sick I looked, but I told them that all is fine. Although, after skipping a sort of official ritual among the Crysanthenum mostly consisting on keeping us brainwashed, I was declared wanted. I realize I have nowhere to flee, since I am but a junkie to the eyes of Kusari.

That is why I call you, Black Dragon Society... I wish to abandon my former life of lunatism and slavery. I wish to have a second chance. The only possibilty I see to this is to join the ranks of the Hogoshans and get my name cleaned by them. I know you are the only one that can do this, and I am ready to pay your price... whatever it is. I wish to become a protector of Kusari, not one that destroys it.

I realize that by giving you my actual coordinates, you will maybe just get rid of me. Do whatever you wish. What is done is done.

Sayonara Honorable ones,

Hanako Ayuka.

||Transmission suddenly cuts||
***Reply (Y)***
ID: [|]Sakura
Location: Kyushu

Message recived my dear, this will not go ignored or unnoticed.

If you do speak words of the truth, then I sympatise with you.
Brainwashing and drug abuse is not on my list of humane tactics...

If it were up to me, you would have a place to stay, under my eye, my responsibility.

If my brothers refuse to take you in, I will.

Good luck my dear.

- Sakura

***Message ends***
The Hand ...Chief of the Bureau, Security for the Black Dragon Society, sat in silence at a plush desk within his office in the the Interior of the Golden Dragon Luxury Liner.

The smartly dressed middle aged man showed no signs of emotion as he stared into space through the wall sized portal forming one side of his office suite. At this specific time he was considering the fate, the possible outcomes of the presence of a GC woman, Hanako Ayuka, in safe custody in the bowels of the Golden Dragon.

At present Sakura, one of his trusted Black Drgons had been instructed to comfort the woman in her stress whilst dealing with the imediate withdrawal symptoms from the highly addictive Cardamine. The Hand hoped this would be enough for now as he was keen to extract the best possible intelligence from the witch while she still lived. But how could this be done? How could he keep her alive long enough?

Hmm.... a cure for Cardamine? She seems to want to try to give up the foul habit, he mused, but no-one except for a few crazed terrorists have ever survived cold turkey. Perhaps we should force her to take it and torture the information we want, there's no shortage of supply on the Black Market.....

But that might not be the best and most profitable way..............Wait!

The thoughts in his mind seemed to suddenly coagulate, he blinked and leaning forward hit the secure Comms Link. There might be a way to delay the curse of withdrawal madness and death whilst we get the information we need from her, he had heard of certain experiments.......

"Get me the CEO of Cryer Pharmaceuticals!" The Hand smiled thinly. This could be an interesting discussion, he thought.