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Mimic walked down the hall way of his Mako, these halls were dimly lit as requested by Mimic, due to hes sensitive eyes, he kicked open the steel door that led to his recreation room, he was carrying a bottle of black fluid which was 1/2 empty and by the glint in his eye it was clear this was powerful stuff.

"Time to celebrate men, fill your glasses and drink with me,or so help me you will all take a dirt nap"

Mimic was not a man to say no to, he stood 6ft 4 ` and was powerfully built, this was from his many many years serving in the Military, the military that turned its back on him , and Baker Unit hes own squad had paid the ultimate price at his own hand, all except 4 , and today was the day that 1 had been exterminated, and the cause for celebration.

" I have here for you men , one of the trophy`s i have been long searching for, the trophy that had long eluded me. Hahahahaha , finaly after studying my prey, i was able to use his own strenghs against him, and hes weaknesses aswell i used on him hahaha, thats why im called Mimic , and nobody can ever defeat me , do you hear me men...NOBODY ."

Mimic placed a silver cigar box on the black steel table top, inside this was what he had been searching for, a gold ring with Baker Units emblem adorned on it , this ring was still on the finger that had been hacked from the owners dead hand. Also in the box were a set of dog tags, enscribed on these tags was the name Jim Barnes -Baker Unit -934456.

Barnes was 1 of four that had betrayed Mimic , and had taken up a position with The Order, along with the other 3 that Mimic was hell bent on Destroying.

"Barnes is dead hahahaha fellas , i found him in Omicrom 100 hahaha, his ship was torn to shreds, and as for him well.....hahahahaha . NOW there is 3 more to go.
Drink up men as tomorrow we sail for Minor.

To be continued....

Mimic had been gone for quite some time now, he had completed his Job eradicating the Baker Unit Scum, and had just vanished from Sirius.
Many thought he was dead, many wondered was he Impersonating somebody else ,
had he taken on a new Bounty for a different agency.

3 months passed with no sign of Mimic....until today!!!! A base recording picked up this on their scanners....

[Image: 15nsvag.png]

Indeed he is back.