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Full Version: Atreus and Vulzan sees the light..
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Two Brothers , Twins as they are , were raised up on planet Toledo to become Order pilots their names were , John and Mark. They never knew their parents apparently they died in a nomad war.

-=20 years in the future, when they are both Order Pilots fighting in a nomad invasion =-

" aah, dam it , these squids are fast" Mark shouted . " yes don’t worry bro , I gotcha back! "John replied. his eyes darted from the hull and shield damage to the nomads.
Moving with haste John was continuously firing his weapons , not paying attention to his energy levels "DIIIIEEEE" he bellowed. just as he said this his energy ran out and had to recharge " oh crap ... Mark , need ta'recharge Cover me! "
Then a voice came it was as echoic voice that showed no sigh of emotion.
***..darkname..cleanse/destroy/kill with..'speed/haste'//*** and nomad said
"whoa , did you here that John? it was in my head!" Mark squeaked. "yes , i heard it all right bro " John replied
"come on , come on ,BOOM! got one!!!! Mark boomed. "John watch out ! "
*these is a big bang as a mine hits Johns starboard wing*
"aaaaahhhh! ,I’m hit, I’m hit! what was that! John said. "I think it was a mine!" Mark answered
" i have to get out of here Mark , these nomads are really powerful !"
John was moving round and round ,clutching the flight stick with his hands beads of sweat were dripping from his fore head after launching a uncountable number of counter measures as he saw missiles scream past him, he thought to himself " I’ve got to try cruising, but will they kill me before i get the chance"
"right , mark ,I’m engaging cruise engines , cover my back while there charging or you may not see me again ." " i got your back bro " mark replied.
" 70% .......80%......90%......100!!! , cruise on!" john said with relief. As John cruised away , mark was quick to do the same . As they left the battle scene the Order got reinforcements!
" look an Osiris ! there doomed now , hahahahahaha!" an Order soldier said.

-=a hour later=-
"well Mark I’m going to catch up on some sleep " John yawned . "ok , ill be in my room if ya need anything " Mark replied
John clambered into bed, and took off his shoes, and relaxed on his soft springy mattress he sight it had been a long and stressful day. He shouldn't have any problem falling asleep, but he just stared at the ceiling for a half hour. He eventually slipped into a trance, and a whisper in his mind told him...
~Dark name....enlightenmentght.... dark name....wars/fight..prevent destroy we.~
John ... John ..JOHN " *john wakes up on the floor with Mark hovering over him with a shocked face.
"John , you alright! speak to me brother , speak to me!" mark was shouting.
Johns eyes were opening slowly, John felt like his head has just stood on by an elephant!

"uugh ..uugh....ooh my head..."john creaked. "you was twitching on the floor when i came and found you! "i Heard thoughts of them .... the nomads " John told Mark. " what kind of thoughts?" mark said. " i think they want us two to join them."John said
" oh no ..... you can’t really consider that , even if we were to like them , the Order would NOT let ,us besides those deadly ships can’t even understand words." " going to meet with the Order higher command , see if we can ally with the nomads I don’t know why but I gotta feeling!" " no you can’t really consi"-"I’m doing what I thinks right" John interrupted.
John stormed out of the room and slammed the door furiously behind him.

-=The next day in a meeting with the higher members of the order=-

John entered a large decorated room with stained glass windows facing the what seemed empty space , he came to face the leader of the order. no one knew how old he was, john stared into his cold unforgiving eyes

“ John , come forth to discuss with us your concerns.” Orrilion exclaimed.
John walked briskly towards Orilions desk.
“well .. this may sound crazy .. but I think we should form an alliance with nomads” John explained to the Orrilion.
“ WHAT!!.. HOW COULD YOU EVEN CONCIDER FORMING AN ALLIANCE WITH THE ONES THAT WISH TO DESTROY US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Orrilion boomed as he leaned forward and slammed his desk.
“ I believe that if we can form an alliance with these nomads we can benefit from their technology, and expand into a lot more unexplored systems, and the nomads are different from what you call them. They actually have feelings , there not stupid you know!” John said sharply.
“Well, you’re going to have to do better than that to convince me to form an alliance with the nomads , and would they even want to do it..... I think you’re a fool, leave my office now.”
“but sir , we coul---“LEAVE my office I said” Orrilion interrupted
“yes sir” John said sadly.

When John got back to his room Mark was sat on his bed looking stressed out.
John rushed to get a large patched up leathery bag.
“What you doing with that bag John?”Mark asked
“I, am leaving this rotten pile of junk and going to the nomads” John answered
“I see your meeting dint go very well then huh...” mark said
John starred at Mark, looking angry.
“but , if you are going to go , I’m coming with you.”
“good , I need an extra hand.” John
The two brothers rushed to pack a load of necessary belongings and carry able food items.
The ran with hasty movement to the docking bay where there 2 shiny Bastet fighters stood proudly waiting to be flown among the stars.
“get the ship ready I will get the bags in the hold” john ordered

“Witch one are we using?” Mark asked
“we shall use yours , mine is pretty risky , mine was the cheap model it’s a know off and yours hasn’t been touched.”
They ran towards the untouched bastet. Mark sat on the pilots seat ready to start the ships engines.

“All set and ready for takeoff “mark said. “ right let’s go!”
The ships engines roared into life, as the ship started to move.
When they were out off the planets dangerous atmosphere and in space they set off for Omicron Delta, where a nomad jump hole would be!

*** the flight will take approximately 45 hours***
The ships computer exclaimed

-= 5 hours later=-

As the small ship entered Omicron Delta, stood right in front of them , was a nomad...

“LOOK, there’s one, let’s try to talk with him.” John Beamed.
***dark (?)***
“What do you think its saying?” mark whispered.
“It’s obvious....hello nomad, we wish to come with you.” John said. Just as he said it bounty hunters came. They thrusted behind the nomad, looking for a fight they engaged.
“Look it’s a squid, kill it” one of the bounty hunters ordered.
The nomad reacted fast, thrusting round and round to avoid the bounty hunters endless lasers. A bounty hunter launched 5 missiles at the nomad, they locked on to the nomad, moving faster than the nomad was ...... *Bang*.......
“That’s one more nomad gone, hahaha , good job guys” a bounty hunter said cheerfully.
“Let’s go to minor and kill some Order fools “ a bounty hunter suggested.
“Good idea, let’s go group”
The hunters moved to the jump hole and left for omicron minor the two brothers set off for a nomad infested area... omicron Iota.
“Well....I feel sorry for that nomad...”John said sadly.
They cruised of staring into space, thinking of what more could be out there.

-= 1 day later, they reach the jump hole=-

“well...there it is..”
The ship moved closer to the swerving hole, they entered...

When they were in the Iota system they saw a large nomad structure , which they believed to be a weapons platform , luckily for them , it was offline.

“wow , this place is amazing” John grinned .
The ship moved through the dark, ecstatic rocks , entering open space.
Flying through the weird system.
As the ship reached a weird looking cloud, the two brothers shivered a little in there ship.
“wow, this place is giving me the creeps.
The ship was moving past all kind of shaped asteroids some big and dormant others tiny and very energetic , dodging with all might , Mark was sweating a lot , fearing that he might hit a rock and send them to an early grave.

“look ! what are those diamond shaped things?” John asked. “oh my god..There mines!!!” Mark replied.
Mark lowered the ships speed to make sure they didn’t touch any of the fearsome powerful nomad death traps.
“if there is mines here , there must be something inside” John beamed.
They were moving past all the mines, there seemed to be no sign of movement.
Until , when they saw something....
“what is that !?” Mark said just as they left the weird cloud to revile a large nomad city,
With many mysterious alien platforms round it , and plenty of nomads roaming around it.

“wow , there’s even nomad lanes!” John grinned.
Mark moved them towards one of the nomad lanes looking at it mysteriously , they wondered how to activate them the codes and technology wasn’t familiar to them so , they never found out so they thrusted there way to a nomad power node where there were 2 nomads, one of them started to talk.

***..dark name....invasion..domain..ours(!)***

“i am not really an expert at understanding how you speak but... i come in peace”
***....Red. shell/ship/!)***
“I only have this ship , because it was the only thing I could travel in to get to you” John said.
The Nomad edged around the power node , moving with cautious movements.
“errrm...yes?......well , we will just go over there , we are really tired at the moment.” John Yawned.
Their ship moved slowly towards an isolated spot of space , the nomad was watching them.
As the two boys went to find there sleeping bags , they noticed that nomads were crowding there ship , they started to feel paranoid.
John relaxed onto his comfortable sleeping bag , staring at the plain ships ceiling with a stone cold glare. His eyes started to close , then he fell asleep.
John herd noises in his head , shouting , screams , and cries for help , then he got the sudden picture of a woman running for him shouting “ John .....John”. then he saw that there was massive creatures chasing her , *crunch* , and the woman made a final scream....

John thrusted up , just as he got his vision back , he heard a noise coming for the toilet.
He got up and squealed “”
But just then he saw mark in his deep sleep in his sleeping bag next to him.
There was a shiver down Johns spine...
He heard this being trashed about.
John grabbed a laser pistol and held it ready to fire.
He reached the bathroom door , and saw something under some curtains rummaging through something.
“what the!” John Bellowed
As John said this , the Creature turned and screeched in Johns face.
“INFULTRATOR” John screamed.
It dived on John and all John saw was a little blackness , then he fell unconscious.

-= Unknown amount of days later=-

John wakes up in a Japanese style Hospital , it was Quite big , there was loads of beds with many patients sleeping.
He woke up with a start, wondering what had happened to him , asking the nearest person he spat “ hey ...........where am I “
“ I’m sorry , don’t spit on me like that or I will have to force you to leave the hospital” the waitress said.
John leaned up to face the waitress properly , he nearly got up but the waitress gently pushed him back down on the bed.
" you are in no state to be moving" she said gently.
John groaned, then noticed he had something covering his head.
"uuh..what’s this on my face?"john asked. He moved his hand towards it to take it off but the waitress stopped him.
"you need that on your face , don’t take it off till you are told." she answered.
"but i want to see my face..." John moaned .
"well you can’t." the waitress smiled. As she said this she walked off to another patient.
John ripped it off his face , then realising there were test tubes across the room , witch ment this was no hospital , it was a laboratory disguised as a hospital
The waitress saw him got a walky talky from her belt , and spoke through it , contacting guards.
"The Wild is moving, get ready for some action , move to room 2557" She said.
a guard replied " yes sir , moving to cover perimeter".
“what...Have...You DONE TO MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.” John Screeched. He got up with anger upon his face, he thrashed around kicking chairs , smashing glass , there remains flowing through the wind like grains of sand, he saw platoons of guards bursting through the doors , pointing their rifles at him , he ran quickly to the waitress and grabbed her before any of the guards could do anything about it.
" shoot , and she dies" John screamed. All of the guards stood down , starring at John......thinking of what they should do about the situation.
"what should we do ma'am !" a soldier said sounding worried.
"forget about me , SHOOT HIM, kill him now" She screamed. "sorry , we can’t do that ma'am , we value your life" a soldier replied.
after that , John grinned , and launched the waitress through a window behind him , then he jumped out as well , all of the guards started to run straight to the window and shoot at John while he ran away.
After he had lost the guards he kept stealthy and ran as fast as he possibly could.
He had been running for miles and he had came up to a shipyard with a readied Battleship vessel , it was about to launch from the shipyard , seeing this vessel gave the mutated John some ideas.......

He ran towards a boarding shoot and clambered up into the battle ship one of the senior officers coldly stared at him what are you doing on this shi—john grabbed her soft face and tore a large piece of skin straight of it and screamed in here face “ you will do as I say , or I will rip the skin and flesh from your bones * laughs and grins*”

“go get the rest on our side, we must help the home world” John Screeched. “ ok..ok, I’ll do as you say , just don’t hurt me!!! “the women cried rushing off down the cramped hall
John went to the command deck to find the captain making preparations for takeoff, sadly they would be his last as a human any way...
As john found the commanding officer , he grappled his cheeks and smashed his head on the wall across the room, there were guards witch posed a threat and were to be dealt with... they both had pistols and were ready to shoot until John launched a furious punch into one of the guards belly , and taking out inner parts and throwing them at the other guard who was now staring with coldness, startling him , which gave John an advantage as he ran up to him and kicked him hard in the side making the guard fall over , then stomping on him , making a large splat ... blood everywhere...
The alarm was set off, and guards were pouring everywhere . John sat on the commanders Chair and screamed “now release docking clamps “but sadly , there was another 5 minutes before they could be released.
With the ships large count down , there were guards running everywhere , John had locked the door to the bridge , the guards were just on the other side barging the door trying to get it open.
John turned the lights off as soon as they finally got in.
"switch your torches on" one of the guards said. They all Switched their torches on.
circles of light were moving all around the room. Until one of the men saw something move, he went to investigate , he went round a small table and saw John lying on the floor.....
all the other guards heard a *splat* as John Crushed the guard with a large gun.
The guards had no idea where it was , so they all acted with caution.
The suddenly John jumped from the table and booted a guard furiously on his side, then landed on him , and launched a rocket at the guards , which sent them all flying, he put a final shot in all of them to make sure they were dead , just as he shot them , the ships computer said *! minute until ship take off*
Adrenaline rushed through John as he heard the 1 minute warning.
Then the women from earlier on came through the door , and he put his gun in firing position.
" They are all evacuated !! , can I go now" the woman cried.
"no , you’re not going to be a whiteness!!!!" John shouted. " you have to stay with me.!"
John pushed her onto a chair. " we shall call for more..we need crew , we will get crew" John exclaimed.
*docking clamps released......Taking off*
There was a loud hiss as they were released from the docking bay the huge ship roared into life. It started to lift off , all the civilians were looking in amazement as the Kusari battleship blasted off into space.
All of the Kusari police and military was informed about this and were told to be on high alert. They also told liberty and rhienland about this , but they never informed bretonia...
There was a Wild mad man , on the loose.
And about Mark .... he was lost on the attack , John sets his mission to find him once again....