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--So far, Religion, Ideology, Culture, Economy and Geopolitics had formed Society. All these elements in their vast variety had been pretences for internal conflicts and wars.
One never changed over the centuries -- human nature.--


A young woman, unconscious, lying on a stretcher; another people, medics, around, trying to revive her.

Lena opens her eyelids; sore, blending white light. All she recognizes are shades of the persons, cutting her skin, setting syringes. She isnt able to keep conscious long enough to get the whole situation; and falls asleep again.

*"Awaken? Not sure what happened. There is a pain, my veins, my bones are hurting. Who are these people? Why I am here?"*

She tries to raise up her body, her backbone is ailing, leaving her barely able to move her arms.

*"I don't like that. What the heck happened?"*

One of the medics noticed her trying to move; instantly walked over to the stretcher she is lying on, pressing a respiratory mask over her face. Lena aims to push him off, without success; asleep again.

*"Awaken, again? What is this now? Where I am? What I am doing here? Can't say I like that."*

Lena is looking around, light shimmers through the windows, the infrequent outside air-traffic is throwing miraculous shadows at the walls.

Her left arm, a hypodermic needle is injected; and as she realizes, all the before felt pain attains back her awareness. She wants to scream, to cry but falls within a second into unconsciousness yet again; kaleidoscopic colours lead her into dreams.

*"What is...? ...Need to... concentrate. ..."*

Steps, far away; closing in. Lena tempts to figure out the direction those are coming from; without getting it truly.
Voices are heard, people talking to each. Just fragments reach her mind.

"Subject 4A-3/5 this was close, very close ... for another 6 days at least."

--If we as a society could advise ourselves about what we want, where to go, and why; then we would arrange our future to be way harmless -- then we would potentially know, what we are willing to give up, and what we should.--


Lena was awake once again. Rays of light still illuminate the room she is in.

*"Have days past? Is it the same as last time I was conscious?... I need to get out here, wherever -here- is".*

That moment, a person is entering the room, directly coming towards her; and Lena pretended to be asleep still.
The medic is looking after the instruments for her status, then exchanges the drip attached to the hypodermic needle. Everything feels like a regular clinical procedure; he leaves the room to walk down the hallway.

She forces herself to move up, getting her legs from the stretcher, feeling the ground beneath her feet. With a swift galvanic strain she is tearing the canula out of her vein; a short sharp pain.
The instruments sound an alarm as she is deducting the clip from her finger, the one to monitor her vital signs; a discontented hack against is stopping the annoying noise that made her feel as her ears were bleeding. Sound, noise nothing she is wanting to hear now.

*"Frakked machine. Any of these people will be here soon, so lets move on."*

As fleet-fooded she is able to in her condition, Lena sneaks up to the door, looking out and around the corner; left and right, the hallway is clear.
But the sounding alarm has catched the attention of two medics, their steps are heard, closer, they run down the floor in her direction.

She presses herself into the next alcove, collecting thoughts about what is next...

*"So what? My flight-armour, my weapons, the transponder and the card to my ship I need to find the hangars, just hope none of those here will cross my way, don't want to neutralize them, not even sure if I can. Anyways move Lena, Move!"*

As she wants to get out of the niche she was hiding for the moment, Lena realizes the medics turning into the hallway she was once more; with a hectic jump she reaches again her hide.

"Oh my where is she gone? Can't be far."

The medics pass, all seems alright.

She assures herself that those people have left for now, then moves out, intented to run as fast as possible in her situation.

Yet her endeavour was too much for her weakened body, it gets dark around her, the sight becomes black. With a hard impact Lena is hitting the ground.

"There! Get a stretcher, we need to get her back to critical care. Prepare all for emergency."

The last she could hear; as the remaining fortitude left her.