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<div align="right]Part 1

The Enlightening

Shree Rajneesh was born in the year 752, growing up in a poor village called Pune on the Planet New Tokyo. He was an active and rebellic child who provided good marks in the school, yet always angered the teacher by doing nonsense. Shree grew up at his grandparent's house, they never told him what happened to his parents, but he loved his grandparents. They teached him anything they knew, including the religion. The villagers are believeing in a god giving them foods and anything they wanted. The happy little child was early confronted with the death. In the age of seven his beloved grandpa died of old age. Later as Shree grew up his girlfriend died of an unknown illness. The misfortune brought a great depression over him, Shree stopped believing in his god. He prayed, he sacrificed, yet lost people he loved.

Shree left the village to move to a greater school, to learn more about this world, his life. Shree wanted to study Philosophy, but he had to leave the first school he was on, because he had a quarrel with his teacher. But a new school was found without any problem. Years after years Shree finished the school, he made the final exame and even got a Job on this school. He was glad, he took the offer but was fired after two years, because he has a bad influence on the students' moral. The decision was made, Shree left the school, went to a new one and studied again, this time towards the highest rank, partition religion.

Soon after he finished the last exam Shree traveled around the Planet, teaching people, learning, discussing, but mainly for presentations. He was giving critics against the Military, Poverty and even the Imperator. Though, his main topic kept beeing the Religion, nonsense, stupidy. Blasphemy.People didnt like his presentations, they started disliking him, speaking bad about him. Yet there were enough people who liked it, mostly because of his appearance and charisma. His disliked presentation also brought him a lot of attention.

[Image: Oshocopy.png]
Shree in 816 A.S.

In his freetime Shree was mostly meditating to get ideas and inner peace.He was always choosing his places to meditate wisely, that he wont be disturbed. One evening in the year 788 he was meditating under the free sky. Under the full moon, shining stars Shree was absolutely concentrated. Shree recieved an inspiration.

The next seven days were a perfect world and horror for him. They just were something special, in his diary he writes:

Mind was disappearing; it was millions of miles away. It was difficult to catch hold of it, it was rushing farther and farther away, and there was no urge to keep it close. I was simply indifferent about it all. It was okay. There was no urge to remain continuous with the past.

By the evening it became so difficult to bear it -- it was hurting, it was painful. It was like when a woman goes into labour when a child is to be born, and the woman suffers tremendous pain -- the birth pangs.

I used to go to sleep in those days near about twelve or one in the night, but that day it was impossible to remain awake. My eyes were closing, it was difficult to keep them open. Something was very imminent, something was going to happen. It was difficult to say what it was -- maybe it is going to be my death -- but there was no fear. I was ready for it. Those seven days had been so beautiful that I was ready to die, nothing more was needed. They had been so tremendously blissful, I was so contented, that if death was coming, it was welcome.

But something was going to happen -- something like death, something very drastic, something which will be either a death or a new birth, a crucifixion or a resurrection -- but something of tremendous import was around just by the corner. And it was impossible to keep my eyes open. I was drugged.

Shree started thinking that he has been enlighted. He got strange Ideas, such as rebirth. He thought what would happen if I die? Is there a hell? A heaven? A hell? Just nothing? he couldnt believe any of those things. Rebirth, to be reborn as something new. What if the fish in that pond was a human once?
Shree more and more started to believe into the reincarnation, he searched reasons for it. Backgrounds, bonds about the behaviour of a Human and the Human's future.

This way, Shree took another journey.
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Part 2

Declaring a god as dead.

- Part of the Presentation in the capital city of New Tokyo.

"It is absolutely necessary that God should be dead. But I want you to know my understanding: It was good of me to declare God dead – I declare that he has never been born. It is a created fiction, an invention, not a discovery. Do you understand the difference between invention and discovery? A discovery is about truth, an invention is manufactured by you. It is man-manufactured fiction. Certainly it has given consolation, but consolation is not the right thing! Consolation is opium. It keeps you unaware of the reality, and life is flowing past you so quickly – seventy years will be gone soon. Anybody who gives you a belief system is your enemy, because the belief system becomes the barrier for your eyes, you cannot see the truth. The very desire to find the truth disappears. But in the beginning it is bitter if all your belief systems are taken away from you. The fear and anxiety which you have been suppressing for millennia, which is there, very alive, will surface immediately. No God can destroy it, only the search for truth and the experience of truth – not a belief – is capable of healing all your wounds, of making you a whole being. And the whole person is the holy person to me.

I am not trying to give you a philosophy, a doctrine, a dogma. A dogma has to be consistent, a creed has to be consistent. I am not trying to convert you to a certain belief; a belief has to be consistent. I am trying to give you a vision, not a belief. I am trying to help you to come to my window to see the sky, to see the truth. That truth cannot be described. And that truth cannot be made a dogma, and that truth contains all contradictions – because it is so vast. So I go on giving you glimpses, aspects of it: one aspect is contradictory to another aspect. But in the whole truth, all aspects meet and mingle and are one.”

<div align="right]Part 3


Traveling around the world Shree was able to fascinate a lot of people. The amount of people being at his presentations raised from time to time. One of his last ones even had a visitor count of 5500 People. All of them lost their belief in the old god. The most of them were truly searching for their inner peace.

After Shree's second world travel he collected about 15.000 followers. He was surprised, he didnt actually think that so many people would share his believes. Let alone followers. In the year 799 Shree was organising a mass meditation festival. One of the biggest islands, Fukuoka changed into one of the biggest religion festivals the planet ever had. For the turn of the year he wanted to find the inner peace. Especially together with his followers.

[Image: Firework.png]
Turn of the Year - Year 799/800 at Fukuoka

The festival was a great success, more and more people joined. Though, the nearly 20.000 followers were scattered all around the Planet. Shree had to make a decision. He wanted to unite them. He wanted to create a place of peace. Without anger, hate and jealously. He decided to take his old home. Pune. The whole village was already believing into the circle of life as Shree called it now. Born to live until you die, and be born again. The new village was renamed into Poona and its construction didnt even need to be advertised, the news spread by itself over all islands. The village was like a new chance of live in the new century.

[Image: Poona.png]
Poona - Year 801 at Sado