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Full Version: From Mateo Benitez to Ivan
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>>>Incoming transmission
>>>CommID: Mateo Benitez
>>>Loading message

[color=orange]::::Tracking signal::::

Source: Benitez HQ/Myrtos Villa, Planet Crete
To: Ivan, Cadiz Base

Greetings brother,

Yesterday we intercepted a transmission from a sub-sect of the Red Hessians. It seems they're planning an offensive in Omega-5. Amongst the transmission was the precise date and time of this attack on Cadiz.

Interestingly, they seem to particularly fear the Benitez familia, their inaccurate but flattering intel describing us as the "most numerous and powerful of the Corsair's remaining bands and organizations".
Whilst we have no doubt that the forces stationed on Cadiz are more than capable of holding off this pathetic pack of Rhineland dogs, Benitez council think it might be appropriate that we dispatch a sizeable force of Benitez ships to the station in preparation for the attack, and prove to these Hessians that their fear is justified.

I inform you that a Benitez wing will be soon dispatched on Cadiz base to take care of this so you could stick to your own current business without been disturbed by theses foolish hessians.

Best Regards,

Elder Mateo Benitez,
Consul of the Benitez Familly

::::End of signal::::

>>>Transmission terminated
>>>Connection interrupted
::Cadiz responds..::

Hermano Benitez, it always warms my heart seeing your squads out there in the minefield. We have intercepted some signals but we didn't decipher the message. Thank you for the words of caution and best of luck to you out there! VIVA CORSAIRS, VIVA BENITEZ!

::Cadiz out..::