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Full Version: To the Gas Miners Guild
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[font=System]=Incoming transmition=
=Error: Source override detected=
=Source location: [color=#000099]Freeport 1
=Pirority level: High=
=Encryption level: High=
=Playing message=

Greetings Gas Miners,

*a hooded figure appears on the screen*

[Image: 223d80b7d328c0_full.gif]

My name is Derilos granar, I am the leader of The Shadow Council, a rising group who's mission is the elimination of the Hispanic race. Yes this does include the Outcasts AND the Corsairs. We don't intend to spare them or be spared by them.

We are contacting you to request permission to use your Karasu Heavy Fighters. We intend to operate within the Taus's, Omega's and the Sigma systems. We intend to use your ships as the spearhead of our assults within the Sigma's and he omega's. Since there is no cover in the tau's except the rock formations, we intend to use other means to fight there. I've already come into contact with one of you but just incase here is what I have proposed:

In return for usage of the Karasu Heavy fighter and weapons to mount on it, TSC as agreed to help the GMG in it's fight with the Outcasts and Corsair raiders.

This might not seem like a fair trade-off but I assure you, should any outcast raid be successful against the GMG, we will personally pay and repair any damages to all involved. We hope to see a bright future with you...

[font=System]=Transmition ended=
=Message ended=
=Channel open=
[Image: Prowlers.png]

Incoming Transmission

To: Derilos Granar, Shadow Council
From: Guild Master Raikoke
Subject: Karasu
Priority: High

Message reads:

Konichiwa Derilos-san,

I am Guild Master Raikoke. We've received your message and your interesting request. This is quite a large order of ships to be built. Depending on the size of your forces it could be our largest request received to date. I am answering personaly to let you know that we are not denying you but I need to know a bit more about yourself and your operations. Your obvious disdain for both Hispanic nations is truly what gets my attention and already by it's mention you are gaining a favorable reputation to some within the GMG. I would like to request that you come and pay me a visit on Aomori station so that we may have our discussions under a more secure and private setting. If you appear to be a man whose character we can relate to then we can move on from there to Fujisawa where we can show you our Karasu for inspection and perhaps work out a contract for your needs and ours.

Sayonara and safe flight,
Guild Master Raikoke

Transmission Ends