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Full Version: RHA/HT Roll Call
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All right, time to clean out the faction status again. RHA and HT, both need to report in. Once again, I need the following info:


And as usual I will start.

Name: Gunther Hoerst/Kaspar Meisnerr
Rank: Major/Brigadegeneral
Ships: Odin, Thor, Loki, Sabre
Skype: yuristriatov

Name: Adolph Hessler
Rank: Major
Ships: Odin, Thor, Falcata,Sabre
Skype: Tony82
Name: Bastian Mertesacker
Rank: Oberleutnant (if i typed major would i get promoted)
Ships: Switchblade
Skype: salma.hayek.prison.adventure
Name: Eric Heimdall
Rank: Oberleutenant
Ships: Odin, Thor
Skype: kurnubego
Name: Johannes Claus
Rank: Leutnant
Ships: Odin, Thor
Skype: Swipter88
Name: Hans Becker
Rank: Oberleutnant
Ships: Sabre, Falcata
Name: Johannes Farb
Rank: Hauptmann
Ships: Odin, Thor
Skype: you have it already (not going to put it here)
Name: Florian Waap
Rank: Oberleutnant
Ships: Switchblade, Thor, Heimdall
Skype: stoat-discovery
Name: Ernst Neurath
Rank: Major
Ships: Odin, Thor, Loki, Sabre, Pirate Train
Skype: socioclast
Name: Faust Siebert
Rank: Rekrut
Ships: Odin
Skype: reaven600
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