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Full Version: Data for sale: To house goverments, and other possibly intersted parties listed inside, excluding Liberty
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Zoner leaders
Bretonia goverment/military leadership.
Kusari Goverment/military leadership.
Rhinland goverment/military leadership.
Corsair council of elders.
Outcast council.
IMG leadership.
Order high command.
Colonial Remmaint.

[Image: tomoepostheader.png]


While on a routine survey mission I came across an interesting piece of data regarding this new Gallic house.

Here is a preview of the goods involved.

I belive Gallia is a threat to all of Sirius and I'm sure that there are many whom would be interested in this.

However, as I run a humble science vessel I need funding to keep the science going.

Simply put, I would like to part with it, for a reasonable fee to fund research in the future.

The nature of the fee is, of course, up to you to decide.

It may be in credits, it may be in technology, authorization to bring a capital vessel in your space for science and exploration , or other means that occur to you.

I will accept whichever I find most useful, and whomever is also most likley to do something about this emerging threat.

Threats will immediately disqualify a party, and are pointless as I have the data stored away from my person and my ships with a third party whose integrity is unquestionable.

// Liberty was excluded due to their recent issues with Zoners. And while yes this is technichaly a selling thread, this is far more RP based than most sales as it could also result in a tech use deal being arranged as well as other things which could effect ingame RP.
You may have not included the Corsair nation in this recipient list. We know the access to Gallia are located somewhere in the Tau systems, and even if it's supposed to be a treat, it would hurt the outcasts before us.

Nevertheless, I may be in my right to let you go away with a Decurion for your research operations. You don't know this ship ? It can survive the worst conditions such as the well known Omega 41 radiations, and its size makes it a really hard target to any pilot, even the most skilled ones. Perfect for a recon mission, believe me, and the Bretonians will confirm.
Will it be an enough compensation for that data or are you blind to do not see the chance I give you ?

I don't think I'll see you in space, so far from the wide corsair territory.

Elder Grimly, Sovereign of the Black Sails.
[Image: tomoepostheader.png]

Konichiwa Elder Grimly, I apologize for the misunderstanding.

I meant for the entire Corsair nation to be able to bid on this data.

The same applies to the Maltese as well, as I wish to be fair and neutral in my dealings with both parties.

I will take your offer under consideration, however I shall also wait to see what other offers are given.

[Image: tomoepostheader.png]

Konichiwa Elder Grimly, assuming you will handle the papperwork for the fighter, as a Zoner flying it would be a tad ..... odd then you have won the bid.

//;output=html zoner/corsair are red on tech chart, so you'll need to have a faction leader fill out a SRP to be able to pay.