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Full Version: The Logs of Edward Thatch
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Log Entry One ~ 818AS ~ Dublin

I been waitin' for me crew Thrice tha' time expected now. I been fly'na round in this 'ere scrappage crate far' two weeks... I be startin' ta think tha' blasted dogs be marooning me, a farm a'mutiny ya could call it. Tha' damned scurvy swabs! I be awaitin' ma Flagger, n'the landlubbers proba'lly ain'e'en got Her... I'ma startin' ta hate these Bretonian spaces... Been arrested a coupla'times by the damned blackspotted 'thority boys n' they be callin' the Armed For'cesh, they not be very understandin' t'wards a drunkard n'his Rum & smokes...

Been put in tha' crampin' cell they be darin' ta call a Prison 'pon tha Essex las' night... All for a lil' swearin n' crashin of tha thority ships... rats! They be 'squashin me 'pon tha giant crate a' scrap and then take me in? Sons of a... I be offerin' tha same Crackin' a Jennys Pot they be givin' me at Essex n' offerin' them a Dance with tha Hempen Jig, up on the ol'yardarm! Once a get meself n'ol Flagger again. Almos' forgotted... Th'ol' Cap'n Henry Morgan of tha Buccaneers, intres'ten lad, change t'all tha Molly n' non picaroonin' folk abouts these sytems. I might jus be tryn'a get' ta know em.

Well, I mus' be leavin' soon, got an etrepreneur I got's be meetin, gat a Press Gang to gather, roun' me up some Cursed bunch a swashbucklers tha fierce'ses buncha'round. Also be hopin' for the blackspottin of me ex-crewmates, damn them to fiery inferno on which dwelt' tha damned Lucifer Haharr! I be sendin' all tha swabs who 'pose me to See, Have n' be put to the Grips a Davy Joneses imself!
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Log Entry Two ~ 818AS ~ Pennysylvania - New Tokyo

Today be but a glorious followin' to tha meeten wit the ol'entreprenny... He be but a messdeck laywer, nat' be en me good side, but, tha lil' man be tellin' us the O'prations of some Miner, The Gold Lie n' is... Err, Trans'prty friend, tha Galleon Shire. So, we be headed for the bunch' opin' to See them with ta' Joneses. Las' night, I be gatherin' a small crew a four 'cludin meself. Ol'Bootstrap Bill, Tha' Willy Bones n' Flinteh, a fierce'ses bunch I be findin' in a pub who'snamer I be far'getin. Anar'ways we be boardin' tha Miner, meself n'Bones, tha other two boardin tha Shire and we be runnin' tha Silver up Savvy?

Quite tha profit'ses we be a' makin', Nuf' ta set'up an ol'Flagger we be eadin' for shortly. Thinkin' a namin 'er La Concorde! Haharr! Tha' excitemen'... We be ar'settin a'sevles up to pick'er shortly! Those damned swabs be fearin' us now! Th'ol' cap'ns board tha vessels we be piratin' Haharr, they be think'en we jus checkin' settlin a deal with a shake, but a shake' with a hand fulla'soot, be a black hand... A cursed shake Hahahaaa! Ye be seein' us in space Shortly ya landlubbers! I be a warnin' ye! Tha Yardarm awaits ya!

I be clappen' em in Irons and givin' em tha crackin' a Jennys teapot they be given me! Away fram tha mood, it be time to celebratin'ses back a' Dublinere... Some Rum n' Smokes for tha successeeon...