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//I made a story about Altair Research Complex earlier, but lost the URL thingy. Also, apologies if this seems a bit like DOOM. I couldn't think of a better way.


The guard looked at her watch. 10 more hours left on her shift, guarding whatever was going on behind that great big metal door. She could just about hear some wierd noises most of the time. But this time was different. There were voices. They were shouting loudly, arguing about something. Strange. They never argued, even when they were in the canteen. Something was wrong.
"Look, Dr. Ikari, I'm telling you, that... thing is some kind of base. It could still be active!" said a Bretonian-sounding man. That must have been the guy with the blue hair. He was new. A more familiar voice shouted. This one was a high-pitched Libertonian woman.
"Look, this could be more important than Valhalla. If we ignore this, we could be losing up to a thousand years of technological advanement!" The Bretonian spoke again.
"You're stupid. You remember those Nomad things? Well, I was at the battle of Omicron Major and saw something that looked exactly like that. Some kind of hub for the collective Nomad mind."
The woman started again.
"I've had enough. Gordon, launch the probe." Somehow, the guard knew she was in for a bad day, despite not having the slightest clue what they were on about.
"Dr. Ikari, I understand your curiosity, but let's face it; you just doomed us all. If you survive this, you won't survive me."
She thought about the conversation. There was this Bretonian who'd just arrived and seemed to know everything, trying to defeat (as it were) Dr. Sakura Ikari, Head Researcher at Altair Research Complex, Omicron Iota system. The Bretonian guy was doomed. And if he was right, so was the entire station.
She thought about herself. Alex Calzone, security guard. Ex-LPI. Her parents were currently serving in the Navy.
All of a sudden, the door opened. The Bretonian and Dr. Ikari left. Then, all of a sudden, it happened.
The last human thought of Alex Calzone was as follows:
Oh crap.