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Full Version: Codenames: Every poor man's luxury.
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No, thanks.

I don't use codenames but making them even harder to get will just make them more expensive and thus more cut-throat to get.
I got 4 archies on my spatial....I love them.
Erm, WHAT *Cyrillic R*IR!
They are the only -real- weapons someone who has the bad luck being designated "civillian" can get.
Spazzy, the civvy lazer is roughly 300 Damage PER GUN, less than other LASERS,and its an 8.33. dont quote fake stats.
Why ? What would be the point in having Class 10 slots in the first place, if you make them so unreliable ? Apart from the corsairs mounting Coladas, I don't see other alternatives. The Codenamed weapons are fine, the problem is that freelancers and certain factions use them because some of their own stuff is really crappy.
THey are spammed because the guns we are -supposed- to use are utterly unuseable. Nerfing Corperate Factions even more isnt a good thing.
Well, if you are wondering why codes are not so special anymore, it is because there is so many "wreck campers" and huge weapons dealers that stock them like Wall-mart stocks DVD players.

It is the sign of the times I guess, but I really don't care much about it. I feel that they are many weapons you can buy at bases that does just as good as job (for the most part) . . .

I think code weapons are over rated, in my opinion . . .

Most codes are sold to those that dont have a useable faction class nine. Freelancers, mercs, and Corps Mostly.
Make them more common. Make them better available, less valuable.... etc.
I agree with the SpazzyDragon.

Would put a wager on how long we'd have code name guns if we decided for 3 months to have none respawn?

If you ask me, they should be removed from the mod entirely.

I havent used a single codename in... well, at least a year now - not since 4.84 anyways. Everyone should be using their faction's guns, rather than running around with 'top secret' weapons that mysteriously keep appearing all over sirius.


That's the way it should be. A freelancer or merc can always apply to use zoner guns, or IMG guns, or junker guns, you just have to be approved, and most are out to pvpwhore and thus wont be. The way I see it, you're trading in the ships and equipment available to you in exchange for a much larger ZOI and much more freedom.

I do think that corporations should be able to use house weapons belonging to the house they belong in, though. Ageira, for example, should be pink with Liberty Navy/Police on the tech chart, so they can use magma hammers and vengeances, but not liberty naval ships or police ships. Same for other corporations.

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