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Full Version: To Zoners of Freeports 1, 2, 4, 6 and 10
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Source: Newcastle system, Lancaster trade center, Bowex HQ
Sender: Ian Wills, Acting Director of Operations
Target: Freeport 1
BCC: Bowex Archive, Security office; Freeport 2; Freeport 4; Freeport 6; Freeport 10
Topic: Missing vessel

Greetings gentlemen.

I am Ian Wills, Acting Director of Operations of Borderworld Exports, a Bretonian shipping and exploration conglomerate.
I come to you with a business proposal:

We have lost one of our vessels, a Shire class transport registered as:"Empress.Matilda". Last contact with our vessel was in the Omega 3 system. Supposedly, it is now in a system known as Omega 41. We have attached a picture that we have received to this transmission.

Now, to keep it simple and to the point: The first man to see our ship, and give us positive evidence of it being undamaged and the crew alive, shall be payed a sum of 15 million Credits (15.000.000 ?).

Also, this transmission is sent to you by means of a tight beam, encripted signal, bounced off the local relays available to us. You will be able to contact us by transmitting in the same manner, but nobody else should be able to receive this transmission. And we would like to keep knowledge of our mishap quiet.

Thank you for your time.

Best regards

Ian Wills, Acting Bowex Director of Operations

Signing off.