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Full Version: The wheels of war turn!
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This is the Sirius New Network bringing you up to date on the latest greatest news!

Today a Hellfire Legion strike force launched a daring raid into Liberty space against a large force of capital ships.

The LNS Massachusetts was sent to dry dock after the savage beating. And the FEAR battleship Kirov ran in terror as the Hellfire Force turned its gaze upon her. Also the LNS Corredgidor ran screaming after being left alone. The Hellfire Legion took victory today with no losses whatsoever.

This is Mitch Michaels reporting for SNN.....

Communique: Supreme Commander Drake Thastus....

"I have seized control of this broadcast.... to tell the Liberty Navy that our cease fire is officially over. And we will not stop... we will not sleep. And we will always be there when you least expect it. The Hellfire Legion will grind you to a miserable... decrepit pulp of an army. We have no remorse, we no emotion. We have no tolerance for your corruption and disgusting greed.

Prepare yourselves Liberty *I* am coming for you..."

((this thread is restricted to HF only, this is gonna be a sort of RPish thingy where we post all battle reports until the SA cry uncle.))

This is Special Attache Willow, commander of the ONS Fantasia and, more recently, the recommissioned HFC Perihelion. It was discovered earlier today, Sirius Standard Time 1453, that the South Alliance were massing several ships in California, specifically, the LNS Massachusetts, the LNS Corregidor, and their local recon drone. Massing around the Perihelion, a Hellfire strikeforce of several additional bombers and fighters. The Perihelion destroyed Massachusetts posthaste, and, in a bit of a surprise, the FEAR battleship Kirov made an appearance. The Corregidor and Kirov made a stand, but both of them left with their tails wound around all the way up to their nostrils. Hellfire losses. Hmm...Interesting, South Alliance. Veeery interesting.

[Image: 22323274177.jpg]
SA disgraced in California!

"Mitch Michaels reporting in!

Today, a Hellfire Legion bomber, Fenrir, an Nayehiya gunboat, and the Hellfire Legion Fleet Admiral, Thanatos, launched a raid into California.

They proceeded into the system where they made their way to the planet. After getting to the planet, they stalked out the trade lane between planet Mojave and planet Los Angeles, the SA fighters were caught with their pants down. They quickly called in reinforcements. At this point the two Hellfire fighters were alone.

Now the two SA fighters engaged the HF fighter and bomber. SA Battlerazor was dispatched quickly by the Hellfire Legion Admiral's nuclear mines. SA Quick Silver (Confirmed to be the former Fleet Admiral of the Navy) arrived on the scene seconds later.

Reinforcements came in the form of another navy cruiser. And a military equipped armored transport, at this point the Nayehiya gunboat arrived on the scene. After some brief fighting the bomber finished off the armored transport. Mora.

Now the raging battle continued, the Nayehiya gunboat and the Hellfire Bomber pounded away at X=Killer=X and dispatched him in a hurry leaving the SA light fighter on it's own against the assault force.

After a few passes, the HF Admiral lost a few guns but that didn't stop the HF at all. The war against the lone fighter continued for a while longer. No one sustaining any real damage until the Nayehiya gunboat put the little bugger away. Reports confirm the name of the Nayehiya gunboat is Atalawohisdi. All these individuals are considered extremely dangerous and are to be avoided. At all costs...

This was Mitch Michaels brining you the news that's meant for you...."


"This is Hellfire Legion Supreme Commander Drake Thastus, as you can see plainly, we decimated the Liberty Navy with a small effort. If we in pathetic numbers can crush their mighty Navy... then what can we do with our main fleet?

That's right Liberty, with your corrupt government and pathetic Navy... can you feel safe sleeping? Can you sleep knowing that your city or hell your solar system can be destroyed at any minute? I think it's time for a change people. Your government is weak. And have no hope for survival...

Drake out..."