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Full Version: Message to Order High Command
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> Link established
> Transmitting message
> Location: Carrier Olympic, orbiting Toledo

Good day, this is captain Makarov, captain of Olympic, speaking.
I'd like to request your approval for moving Olympic to Kansas system, to study and secure ancient nomad gate.
And also, we know, that there are many foolish people and lunatics, both explorers and strange scientists, that are using ancient gate, to travel to distant space, that was obviously abandoned by Aliens, long time ago.
For many of them, after they jumped through that cursed gate, no one heard for them again, ever again.
I'd like to position carrier Olympic, near Alien gate, and secure that entrance to strange alien worlds, and stop disappearing of even more people.
If this request is approved, I'd like to request escort of 2 fighter wings to designated place, because most of our ships are currently damaged, but repairs should be done while moving there.
That will be all for now, thanks for your time.

Makarov out!

> Ending transmission
*Repeating transmission*
[Image: eye-of-horus-silver.jpg]
..:: Incoming Transmission : The Order High Command ::..
..:: Signal Location : Planet Toledo, Omicron Minor ::..


Request granted, Captain Makarov.

However, we wish to put some conditions.

- You nor any other member of the Order does not try to go through the gate.
- You avoid causing problems with the locals.

We also request weekly reports about your operation, directly adressed to the OHC. Thank you.

The Order High Command members

..:: Transmission Ended ::..
..:: Signal Lost::..
> Link established
> Transmitting mesage
> Location: Carrier Olympic, orbiting Toledo

That seams reasonable, we'll try not to cause any problems for locals.
We started our trip to Kansas right now, we are around... Hokkaido now.
Hope to see Minor soon again!

> Ending transmission