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Full Version: To TAZ, OSI, Corsair Nation
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[Image: av18276.png]
>>ID: Mentira
>>Source: Omega 49, Gran Canaria
>>To: Taz, OSI, Corsair Nation

Ola [TAZ], OSI. There's something I'm dying to try.
The pillaging was a good success as of lately,
and since I'm focusing mostly on ore it means
I depend on your transports to transport it around.
Well, you and Junkers, but I like you more.

That means some cash is pouring into my crews
and my own coffers, and I decided to spread some
wealth around. Mostly to those that need it the most.
So here is what I need.

I need 20 000 tons of food delivered to Crete.
And I'm paying 2 million extra for every 4k
you deposit. Directly to your bank. I don't
know who'll take up the task, but let me know
so I can transfer the cash after deposits are done.
I'll need those ship log manifests to confirm.

If others think of doing the same thing, or supporting my
actions in future, I'll appreciate your donations from the
plunders Hermanos. Account is: "Mentira" You can do it alone,
I do not care, but having the steady contract with them
will surely help.

Viva Corsairs Hermanos, Ivan out!

(//guncam shots needed.)
>>>Incoming Transmission<<<

[color=#FFFFFF]> CommID: Victor Cross
> Location: Omega-49, Gran Canaria
> Encryption: High
> Subject: Food for Crete

Senor Ivan,

I got your transmission as I was putting in at Gran Canaria. I hauled some food from the farms on Canaria's surface and then I made three trips to Freeport 9. I am attaching the ship manifests to this message. I ask that you send two million of the payment to the local farmers on Gran Canarai, distribute it however you feel. Both the Zoner and Corsair farmers planet side need help and two million credits will go a long way for them. You can transfer the rest to OSI-Tydirium. OSI is pleased that you hold us in such regard as to offer this very gracious deal.

>>>End Transmission<<<
[Image: av18276.png]
>>ID: Mentira
>>Source: Omega 49, Gran Canaria
>>To: Taz, OSI, Corsair Nation

Three trips equals
15 000 food so there is still 5 for grabs.
It is good Crete is receiving
supplies. Expect such actions again soon
it just depends on how much can we pillage
and how much can you help us turn the
pillage into credits. Everyone wins.
Expect payment shortly. 2 million to the
Gran Canaria was deposited already,
your 4 million will come soon. (i rounded the food up)
And keep an eye on the communications here.

Viva Corsairs!
Ivan out.
[Image: av18276.png]
>>ID: Mentira
>>Source: Omega 49, Gran Canaria
>>To: Taz, OSI, Corsair Nation

Another shipment of food would be appreciated during this week.
The payments I can offer are the same again. We need that food
flow - flowing. *laugh*

I am seeing a very large number of Zoners pushing for the
Plutonium supplies. Battleship Fes could always use more
for our security of the borders there. Keep in mind that filthy
Hessians are always just few clicks away and sometimes
its Fes that keeps you safe. But for now, 20 000 food,
same conditions. I expect a delivery soon.

My Hermanos, my brothers at Crete, we could always use more
of these actions. For different commodities. Request our Council
to approach the suppliers to increase their amounts of products.

Especially food, medical and agricultural products.
>>>Incoming Transmission<<<

[color=#FFFFFF]> CommID: Victor Cross
> Location: Omega-49, Gran Canaria
> Encryption: High
> Subject: Food for Crete
> To: Senor Ivan

Senor Ivan,

I received your latest message moments ago, I will have the Tydirium prep'd and launched after the maintenace crews figure out why the main reactor won't fire up. I will bring in 25,000 tons of food to cover the last order also. This food will be delievered even if someone else covers the order before I do regardless of extra payment. You should join me at the bar on Boa Vista, I brought in some fine Gallic wine on my last return trip from Gallia; scored some tobacco also.

-Victor Cross
>>>Incoming Transmission<<<

[color=#FFFFFF]> CommID: Victor Cross
> Location: Omega-49, Gran Canaria
> Encryption: High
> Subject: Food for Crete
> To: Senor Ivan

Hola senor Ivan,

I've filled your orders. HAF was very happy to see the food coming in. I have a request for you now. Take a couple million credits of my payment and fill the storage bays under my name on Boa Vista with artifacts. Just let the bartender know you have a shipment for me and he'll take care of getting them unloaded, that is if you feel like doing me this favor.

Here are the manifests:
-Victor Cross
[Image: av18276.png]
>>ID: Mentira
>>Source: Omega 49, Gran Canaria
>>To: Victor Cross, TBH, Benitez, Sails

The artifacts you requested were delivered.
I'll also proceed with deposit of the cash.
Hear from you next week Zoner.

I'ld also like for this zoner to set an example for others.
How about we don't take a cut of his exports unless they are
on our contraband, eh Hermanos?
Ofcourse, valid from now, until I request a next delivery.
[Image: av18276.png]
>>ID: Mentira
>>Source: Tripoli Shipyard, Omicron Gamma
>>To: Victor Cross, TBH, Benitez, Sails

Another week, another shipment request
senor Victor Cross. My men and my ship are
currently docked on Tripoli for repairs, so I
won't be meeting your deliveries to Crete.

That's another 20 tons requested.
Same payment, si?

>>>Incoming Transmission<<<

[Image: OSI-Header.png]
> CommID: Victor Cross
> Location: Omega-49, Gran Canaria
> Encryption: High
> Subject: Food for Crete
> To: Senor Ivan

Senor how are you? Repairs? I hope the damage wasn't too extensive. I have a question for you though.......ah one second....

[color=#FFFFFF]> Encrypting..........

There, only you and I should be able to see this part of my message. I need some information and I am willing to pay for it. I have an associate that needs to know the best sell points for your artifacts within Liberty, Bretonia, Rheinland, and Kusari. Both lawful and unlawful. I understand you might not have this information but I am sure you could acquire if for me, no? Onto your order.

> Encryption: High

-Victor Cross

[Image: av18276.png]
>>ID: Mentira
>>Source: Tripoli Shipyard, Omicron Gamma
>>To: Victor Cross

Next time simply load up on artifacts
and Gamma will point you in the right
direction. I'll give you one, from there
you can follow the trail to Liberty.

Dock at Trafalgar base and ask for Lenny
from the morning shift docking & reshipping.
He takes about 100 for every 1000 you've
brought and he'll send you to the Liberty
with a route charted out.

I'll deposit the money for food by the end
of the week.
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