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To: Niklaus Reinhardt (Chancellor), New Berlin

From: Jien Kogen (Emperor), New Tokyo

Highest level encryption

Konnichiwa Niklaus,

It has been too long since we have talked old friend, and that saddens me. We should soon make time to meet, although I am sure that matters of state take up most of your time, as they do mine. I wish I could be sending this message for better reasons, but apparently we have something to discuss. I received word yesterday, that the several RM ships were involved on an attack against Kusari civilians in Sigma 13. I must say, I find this news very disturbing, if it is true, but I have had such a long friendship with you, I felt that using normal diplomatic channels would cause to much of a fuss, so I decided to send this message to you personally. It seems the GMG attacked several Kusari vessels in Sigma 13. These civilians aligns themselves with that which in Kusari is referred to as the Hogosha. The GMG and Hogosha have a long standing grudge, with the GMG upset with them for a deal the GMG was cut out of long in the past. Call it sour grapes if you will, but the GMG tends to attack the Hogosha, without much cause, due to political issues here, I cannot fully deal with the GMG on this matter, and we tend to let the Hogosha and GMG deal with their own issues as long as they keep it outside of Kusari. I would have just chalked this up to another clash between the GMG and the Hogosha in the border worlds, were it not for the involvement of the RM in this whole affair. I find it to be quite surprising as well, as I was under the impression that the RM was not particularly welcome in Sigma 13. I ask Niklaus, one friend to another, for you to investigate this matter. I would appreciate your looking into it, so that we may find out the cause of this issue, as the conflict between the GMG and Hogosha is a localized on, we in Kusari stay out of it, but should the Rhineland Military become involved in the situation, I see no way that the Kusari Naval Forces would not become involved as well, and this would probably lead to a situation neither of us wants to contemplate.

I hope to hear back from you soon old friend.



[font=Century Gothic]Mein sehr geehrter Freund,

It is indeed good to hear from you, Jien. I would like to have a talk with you face to face in a beautiful garden, though I fear I have to put up with the cold steel and concrete around me and the long distance being between us.
The reason why you write me is indeed not one of the most enjoyable causes.

I have contacted my Fleet Admiral, Admiral Malte, to get as much information about this incident as possible.
First of all I can understand the confusion around Rheinland Military personel being around Sigma 13 the recent months.
It is quite hard to put up with the new development of our combined history.
The 80 years war is a relict, the grudge as well. The Rheinland volk decided to forget the past and live the future. They chose to stretch out their hands towards the GMG and welcome them as friends.
Our signed Sigma Trade Pact on Planet Baden Baden was made to ensure that both our great nations, Kusari and Rheinland, will be directly connected again.
This treaty ensures the security of both our economy flowing through the borders unharmed.

Fleet Admiral Malte explained me the situation and the reports regarding this incident.
A wing leader of a Frankfurt border patrol named Gefreiter Tanja Voelkel was contacted by the GMG paramilitary forces due to a Corsair threat endangering the Gas Miner Naha with the GMG forces being unavailable to respond properly to this threat.
Once arriving the Gefreiter assessed the situation accordingly and identifired the hostile vessels as Corsair gunboat class ships. One of the ships was definately a gunboat class ship, but its design was not similar tot he Corsair one. This vessel was clearly flying alongside the prior identified Corsair ship and both opend fire in unison on the GMG and the Rheinland Military patrols.

My time in the Military is quite some time back now, but I remember the days well. As an Admiral, I had to make decisions which led men into death. I also remember the time when I was one of those men out in the field, leading a wing of fighters. A battle within a nebula is one of the worst situations you want to be in, my old friend and I can understand all decisions made by this Gefreiter.
She had no other choice as to order the destruction of both Corsair ships, since they were identified as of Corsair origin.
If the second gunboat class vessel was not part of the Corsair empire, it would have been impossible to recognize, since both ships acted as a unit.
I hope my experience in the field can convince you that our forces never had the intention to open fire on Kusari civilian ships on purpose.
It really saddens me that this incident caused this tragedy to happen.

Before I want to say goodbye and state my wishes that we meet in person once again, I would like to adress another matter at my hands.
The recent development of the Kishiro taking over the exclusive rights of H-Fuel shipments is indeed worrying me. I have Rep Ex and the whole Republican wing knocking at my doors.
Even Fleet Admiral Malte pointed out that she does not know how long Rheinland can fuel its smaller crafts without Republican and Rep Ex shipping the needed H-Fuel to Rheinland.
Furthermore not only our Vaterland suffers, but yours as well. Republican and Rep Ex in special, used to ship MOX and Rheinland quality Military equipment to Kusari and its front lines.
These Rheinland corporations seized said shipments due to the recently changed circumstances within Kusari.
Kusarian traders are currently meeting empty MOX stocks on Dortmund station, since the ALG needs to refine the majority of the available MOX to come up with the Military needs.
Nuremberg has stopped to produce the foreign production lines of the Military hardware as well, due to the missing fuel for their industry.

As a good friend, I appeal to you that you may consider a change to the recently license for H-Fuel.
I am sure Republican and Rep Ex will willingly ship MOX and the needed Military hardware to your Naval forces, if they are allowed to take H-Fuel on their way back.
Since the Sigma borders are open for Rheinland again and the GMG no longer have a hostile stance towards our Vaterland, we should take this chance and start to close the ranks.

I hope my letter could clear the things up and I am glad that you chose to take this channel instead of the usual public one.
It was an honor to hear from you, my old friend.
Farewell and I hope we can free up some time for a meeting soon.
