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"You have a fate Kate, and no matter what you do, it will happen." - Sakura Mikan

1 : Approach

<< - Energy at 15%. Oxygen at 7%. Life Systems status : Critical. Docking required. Said an electronic voice.
- I guess... it's time. >>

As Kate spoke, the jump sequence toward Omicron Minor was initiated. It only took a few minutes before she exited the vortex and engaged the cruise engines in direction of Toledo.

<< - Unidentified Order Vessel, this is Battleship Isis. Identify yourself.
- Oh hey, it's you. Said Kate.
- Not you... I mean.. uuuh.. welcome to Order space Kate Miller, what's your business ?
- I'm going on Toledo to meet some old friends, get drunk, and enlist in the Order.
- I'm not sure whether this is a good or bad thing. It's not my business anyway, just... don't mess like the last time. Battleship Isis out. >>

Her ship looked lifeless around the Toledo docking ring, when on her screen a green message finally appeared "Docking Ring Access Granted".
The ship entered the Atmosphere, the main complex was now in sight as her thrusters slowed down to land.
In Toledo's Air Traffic Control tower...

<< - Oh yeah, Level 92 !
- Mike... You're really addicted to this game.
- Oh come on Tom, nothing is going to happen for atleast an hour.
- See Mike ! Even the AI agrees with me.
- Hey screw you.
- Get the screen online !
- Calm down, calm down ! Give me a second... here you go fatman.
- I'm not fat and- Holy, isn't that a bastet Mike ?
- It sure is. There's the Anubis fleet logo on the left wing.
- Uh ? Wasn't the Anubis fleet disbanded ?
- I think it has been, but the folder is classified.
- Riiight. Once again we have to forget about this, act like it never happened and stay the whole day in this stupid annoying tower.
- Go fight the Nomads then ?
- Arrrrhhh idiot ! How am I supposed to fly a ship with ONE LEG ?
- That's your problem Tom.
- You... Gah ! >>
2 - A new life ahead

Back on the landing pad...

Kate entered the complex.
Nothing changed since her last visit, the same endless boring corridors leading to the bar that still have the same awful music.

// Bar music here //

<< - Look who's here... Isn't it the little miss Miller. It's been a while. Said the bartender, smiling.
- Indeed. I'd like something that hurts. Replied Kate.
- Looks like there's something wrong in your life, miss.
- Everything is wrong.
- It's worse than I thought it seems. Here, have a bloody mary, offered by the house.
- Thanks. Any weird guys these days ?
- Well uuh... Talking of weird guys, there's that weird scientist. I see him since years in my bar, yet no one talks to him. I assume it's because he's in the top secret research department. And well... he's one of the scary guys of Toledo, you know, mysterious... all of that. He said, ending his sentence on a really weird face.
- You know you are weird too sometimes. But it sounds like fun, see you later !
- Hey ! When I say scary, I'm serious ! >>

Kate walked to the table of the scientist and sat on the bench in front of him. He was reading documents and didn't notice her untill she put her glass of Bloody Mary on the table, making a noise. He raised his head, adjusting his glasses, they then looked at each other for a few minutes, without saying a word untill the scientist decided to talk.

<< - Why are you here, I don't like those who make fun of me.
- If I was making fun of you, I would be drunk with two idiots at another table.
- Then you are disturbed.
- I'm afraid I'm fine.

The scientist started to read his papers again, while Kate emptied half of her drink.

- Why are you alone all the time. Asked Kate.
- They don't understand me.
- Precise "they".
- Humans.
- Oh you're some awesome DNA modified guy with super powers or some kind of friendly Nomad ?
- Your jokes have no effect on me.
- They do since you bothered to reply.
- I only decided to ignore my humanity and forget what feelings were. But you... You are here, wasting your time talking to me. Normal people don't talk to me. And since you are not insane, I can assume you're wasting your time here because you have nothing better to do. And usually, people that have nothing better to do than talking to me... it's those who are going to die.
- You're right.
- What kind of disease ?
- Huntington.

The scientist froze for a second. He seemed to be disturbed by the announcement of Kate.

- I saw my wife die... She had an huntington. He said, with a small voice.
- Forgive me.
- You did no harm. Tell me, Miss ...?
- Miller.
- Well Miss Miller, I am Jeremiah Anderson, proud citizen of her majesty the queen of Bretonia, but also head of the Order Top Secret Research Department. Are you interested in joining us ?

Kate raised an eyebrow.

- Do I look like a scientist ?
- Not at all, buuut... you could be useful, we need people like you, people who are not afraid of saying what they think, and do what they want to do. To sum up, people who do not limit their potential.
- I came here to be useful, and kill some jellys before I die.
- We are the heart of the Order, Miss Miller. When you kill a nomad, two are born at the same time. You only increase the delay before they destroy us with a new mutation, you don't reduce the threat. We do.
- How so ?
- We research the technology that will destroy thems. It's a very long and difficult process, but a day we will find it.
- You seems to be really motivated.
- When you know that you are the only one that can save mankind from thems, I can tell you that you are motivated.
- And what kind of help I can afford ?
- Anything, you could be my personal assistant.
- Sounds good, what do I win in this deal ?
- I expected this question. I will reopen the researchs about the Huntington disease.
- "reopen" ?
- When I was living on Cambridge, and my wife had the disease, I spent five years trying to find a cure with my scientific team... We were close when she died.
- Why would you do that for me ?
- Something tells me I have to. Now excuse me but I have work to do. If you want to join us... say "I am here for my birthday tinfoil hat" to the recruitment officier.
- I'll think about it.

Jeremiah stood up, took his documents and left the bar. Kate decided to finish her drink when a tall man in an Order uniform approached her. He was a white very muscled man of around two meters.

- Hey there pretty, interested in having some fun together ? He said on a very appealing tone.
- No, thanks.
- Oooh come on baby, I'm the most sexy man of Toledo, you won't find a better horse.
- Listen boy, I don't like you, I'm not interested, got it ?
- Oh... you like to be rude... You're going to learn respect.
- Try it dumbass. >>

Kate stood up, ready to fight. The man tried to impress her with some muscle tricks when she laughed at him.
He suddently approached her, grabbing her hair. He smiled only for a second before he got struck with a terrible pain and fell on the floor, screaming. This is what happens when a man receives a kick in the balls.
She grabbed her glass that she left on the table and finished her drink. Then she left the bar while everyone was laughing at the screaming and swearing man laying on the floor.
3 - The beginning of a trial

Kate suddently woke up. She was intensively sweating, it was again one of those nightmares where her ship is destroyed and she floats in space for hours before she suffocates. She slowly stood up and walked to the bathroom, she only had the time to turn on the light before vomiting in the sink. She felt strange, as if something was wrong and looked at herself in the mirror, trying to find something. Suddently she froze while looking at her belly. In one night it became as big as the belly of a 20 weeks pregnant mother. Kate thought : "What the hell is this... another nightmare ? No... I feel it- I feel him... But this is wrong... could this be the reason I'm ill since last week ? But it can't grow that fast..." She was confused. Kate opened the small cabinet and took out a pregnancy test from it and opened the cardboard box then used the test. After a few minutes, the result was here : Positive.

What was she going to do ? She was alone since Chris became a terrorist. She had to know more.
Kate dressed up and left her room, she looked at the test another time and started to walk to the medical ward.