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{--Incoming Transmission--}
{--Target: Dr.Takamura Soto--}
{--ID: Derilos Granar--}
{--Source: Freeport 9--}
{--Subject: An offer--}
{--Encryption: low--}
{--Playing message--}

*cough, cough* Greetings,

I have....I have heard much from you. I t-trust you have been in talks with one of my...*cough* my workers...His name would be Greg if he hasn't changed it. I...I recently got a transmission from him...ugh...about you specifically. He told me about your robotic abilities so to say...*cough* I know we haven't met in person but we will soon...I'm currently in the med-medical wing of Freeport 9. You know how men are right? They think only after they are injured hehh... I am interested in your robotic construction abilities, along with....ugh anything else you might have to offer. Dwell on this until I can formerly meet you in person...I don't wish t impose but I'm a man of honor and disrespect is the last thing on my mind...please excuse my terrible presentation but I couldn't trust anyone else to do this. I will see you soon. *cough*

{--Transmission ended--}
{--Message ended--}
{--Channel Open--}
---Incoming Transmission---
---Target: ]Derilos Granar---
---Comms ID: Dr.Takamura Soto---
---Transmission Source: Kreuzberg depot---
---Subject:Sure thing---
---Encryption: medium---


It is sad to hear you are in such a bad condition, but it is a pleasure that you were already informed that our facilities are able to help you. Even if you need a whole new sythetical body- we are able to build you one in less than 24 hours with your current memories-but I hope lesser modifications will be enough. I know that your man already informed you that you will have to come and visit us on one of our Depots-to receive the necesseary operations- no matter that you need military or public implants. After you arrive to one of our depots, a personnal assistant doctor will inform you about everything what is important about our projects and working methods. You can choose between several contracts- so please just use our assistant service to set up the most suitable package for yourself. We are able to solve any urgent surgerys aswell- so since you are already at FP9 and I guess possibly in safe heaven- Im sure you will be able to find a transort towards our base to start the procedures as soon as possible (it will be immediately when you arrive).
I am hundred percent sure that we will find you an excellent sollution for any and all of your possible problems and medical issues.

Your room is ready and our doctors are waiting for your arrival.
We hope to see yo soon
yours sincerelly:

Dr.Takamura Soto

---Transmission Terminated---
{--Incoming Transmission--}
{--Target: Dr.Takamura Soto--}
{--ID: Derilos Granar--}
{--Source: Freeport 9--}
{--Subject: An offer--}
{--Encryption: medium--}
{--Playing message--}

Greetings again,

Nice of you to offer...ugh really nice of you, but the boys and girls here in FP9 have kept me in mostly good health. I do have a small problem with my nero-arm I trust you can fix. I'm only going to trust you with it and this my friend is a great deal. Normally I won't trust anyone but myself but I'm unable so I'll leave it up to you when I arrive. DON'T LET ME DOWN. Other then this I have an extremely urgent project I want you to do. Two in fact but...*sigh* we will discuss this face to face no? I will arrive soon my friend. Till then...

{--Transmission ended--}
{--Message ended--}
---Incoming Transmission---
---Target: ]Derilos Granar---
---Comms ID: Dr.Takamura Soto---
---Transmission Source: Kreuzberg depot---
---Subject: armz---
---Encryption: medium---


I can proudly inform you that we are not only able to repair your damaged arm, but even up to offer you an upgrade. We will inform you precisely about the details- as soon as you arrives and offcourse you will receive a knowsoft-link and a holo- pad if you are not expert in cyber-techs to help you manage the whole procedure.
The arm what we are able to implant insted of your current version is ,the former winter model of our catalogue, and can be enchanted with any or all custom or premium category devices. Up to rank Mk-S50k.
The basic arm is the model Rtz-13k, is one of the best middle category arms. I must inform you that this medium category does not mean that its not a premium device or cant be enchanted to higher states. It means it is not the newest develop or research tech of the market. We are hundred percent sure that you will be statisfied with your new arm. Please let your assistant doctor infrom me of your arrival as soon as you reach one of our facilities.
--the list of our clinics had been sent to you via special-private trans.

We hope you will arrive soon, and we are sure while you are resting on our base your lost life-essence will be regenarated since your new arm is a lot-more user-friendly, and our comfrot rooms are able to make you forget the pain and problems of the previous implantation, since the current one will be solved in luxury conditions.

Dr.Takamura Soto

---Transmission Terminated---