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:: Incoming transmission ::
:: Transmission Identifier: Junker Leadership Eyes Only ::
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Junker leadership,

Free Trade Enforcement (FTE) has been in communication with Junker leadership regarding safe docking rights at all Junker bases. Attached you will find our contract which I believe to be fair and in the spirit of what was discussed over the comms. If you have any changes you would like made, please let us know. Otherwise, attach your digital signature and return.

A general, reoccurring payment of five million (5,000,000) credits will be transferred to a designated Junker bank on a weekly basis. In return, Junkers will allow safe harbor, access to ship dry docks and repair shops to all FTE designated and affiliated ships up to a maximum of 20. FTE ships will not enter Junker space or draw attention to Junker space while being pursued by system authorities nor pursue or fire upon any faction neutral or friendly with current Junker leadership. Junkers will encourage neutral and friendly factions to not engage non-military FTE ships within five (5) kilometers of Junker bases. FTE understands that Junker leadership can not control the actions of factions other than Junkers.

Signed for Free Trade Enforcement (FTE)

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---Incoming Transmission---
---Transmission Source:Kreuzberg depot---
--Comms ID: Dr. Gerhardt Lowe--

Greetings mein Herr.

I must inform you that we have opened all junker bases to everyone who is considered to be our (junkers) friend or at least neutral to our goals-means no harm no cross-paths-.

Me personally can speak only the name of the base of Kreuzberg and Bornholme depot freely. I must tell you, you dont have to pay- we already opened a hangar for you what is able to store 20 ships. If you would like to store battleships it would be better to inform us since it will need more and better resource materials to reapair and handle, and in this case we would suggest Bornholme instead of the populated Kreuzberg.

I can not speak in the name of the Junker Congress since Im not a congress member, but I think they will say the samem or somthing wery similar:
Until you work for the junkers or for our friends-, OR/and will not try to oppose junker interests-
until you are not trying to garther our information what is not give to you by us, and if you are not willing to support the sides who you know as our enemys- you can use our bases for no cost- no refound.

All junker bases are considered to be no fight- zones. Our fleets will get permission to shoot down any vessel who is wild enough to hurt our 5k range, and on our depots...well you will see there is no stronger ground security force than junker cyber-soliders. So you can rest well and you will not need to keep shooting down your enemys on our depots and bases.

I suggest you to keep the cash and buy your crew decent rooms and escort personnels.
Rest and fill up your crates.
Our bases are open for all and every interests who are willing to check our markets.

Please check our newest weapon-, cyber-ware- and ship sales catalogues.

Good luck, and do not hesitate to call us if you need our services more specifically than to use our -full neutral-open-to-all bases, we will be glad and eager to help you out.

junkers of Rheinland

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:: Incoming transmission ::
:: Transmission Identifier: Junker Leadership Eyes Only ::
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It was discussed with a member of the Junkers designated Crow. The payments are not necessary for your normal customers. However, we intend to land with ships that could draw some attention. The payment is a small fee for the inconvenience of working with us.

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---Incoming Transmission---
---Transmission Source:Kreuzberg depot---
--Comms ID: Dr. Gerhardt Lowe--

--Encyrption level: Wery high--

Greetings mein Herr,

Understood. We were not informed about the agreement between you and the congress, but I beleive you when you say you already talked with the Arbiter commander. If the congressmans, and escpecially the trusted and honored Mr.C ordered you to do so, than it is evident that you will have to obey. As I informed you already, Kreuzberg and Bornholme depots are opened for your fleet- but only when the congress states the same. The rest is up to you and the congress. We are supporting them in every question so please follow their orders and statements- and dont forget to transfer the stated amount to their units (or to one of their banks).

I must unform you that our base of Bornholme was designed to store ships what can,,put some spotlight,, to our interests, and is reinforced with special holo-technology what will be able to mask your ships while landing and storing there- so it is not a problem to use that base as one of your hidden headquarters- when you have to work in Rheinland ofc. The technicians were already informed and they are waiting for your arrival after you sent the credits to the congress and received their permission to land and use our crews.

junkers of Rheinland

---Transmission Terminated---
****Incoming Transmission****
****Comm ID: Arbiter Jack Crow****
****Location: Rochester****

This was indeed approved. I don't think it will have any effect on Kreuzberg or Bornholm however. It was my impression that they plan to dock elsewhere. Anyway, as long as they keep up their end and don't cause any trouble for Junkers I will have no problem with this.

Crow Out

****End Transmission****