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As Dragen stared into the monsterous Nomad ship yard he couldnt help feel an overwellming sense of fear envelope him. As the Order Vice-Admiral started his speech Dragen couldnt help but think back about how he got here.....

800 A.S., Captain Dragen Ystelli of the Liberty Cruiser, the Lunar Eclipse, stared out his bridge window he thought about what was going on in the news at the moment. Something about how an alien entity had inserted themselves in Liberty space. He of course figured it was all rumors and conspiricy as the LSF like the spread. Although this time it seemed different, something in the back of his head told him it was true. He decided to go on a patrol and get his mind off the subject. He was on his way back from from the Cortez jumpgate when suddenly a blueish figure sped by the bridge window, he quickly ordered the crew to follow the image. He followed it all the was through California and then New York until it flew through the Alaska jump hole. He quickly order all crew to follow it through. Once he got on the otherside of the gate though he found himself staring right at a whole mass of the alien "ships he assumed".

All he could do was stare.... they outnumbered him 12 to one, 3 of the ships were larger than his, and suddenly her heard a scratching noise in his head. He just played it off as part of the shocking sight but then he started hearing words in his head. He was terrified the sigh had driven him mad but then he calmly answered back allowed and the rest of the crew seemed to hear it as well.The voice asked "Your purpose... what is it?". He calmly replied "I am here to ensure the saftey of Liberty and her people.". The voice then informed him that they were going to overtake all of Sirius. He replied a little more nervous now "I wont allow you to do that.". The creature seemed to sense his fear and soon ordered "Coward.... destory", and at that all the alien ships started moving and striking at Dragen's Cruiser.

They swarmed him with ships and Dragen knew from experience to worry about the larger ships first, so he fired all of his guns including the cruisers forward gun and smiled as he saw all of the shots hit and fired a second volley of the smaller shots. Then Dragen's eyes widened as he noticed not only were the alien's shields still up, but they hardly seemed damaged. Thinking to himself he then noticed the large ship he fired on move forward and fire on him, killing whats left of his shields off. Dragen summerized all he managed to do was piss this alien off. Then as soon as his engagment with the larger ship began, it ended, the aliens managed to fry the reactor on his ship.

As he hurried the crew to the escape pods he watched as the aliens continued to fire on his ship. He could not help but feel furious over his stupid mistake, they were going to destroy the ship, HIS ship. He gave the inside of the hull one last good look and jumped in his escape pod and launched it. As he flew back towards the jumphole he heard something else in his head repeated until he made it to the through, "Coward.... run... hide... flee... coward...". After he made it back to New York he was taken back to base and was Relieved of Duty. When he asked why they plainly stated "The word of a Navy man means alot, although the word of a forcibly Ex-Navy man is less reliable, we cant have you telling the civis about this.". He cursed out the command and stormed out of the office grabbed an Upholder Bomber and flew off to the nearist freeport.

After he arrived he started speaking with the local Zoners and a strange man approached him and told him to go to Omicron Minor if he wanted to know more about what destroyed his ship. He did so passing through Alaska again as much as he didnt want to and arrived at the said system. All he saw was cloud and he began to wonder if the man had lied to him, but then out of no where he heard comm chatter, just out of no where. He asked for location and the men from the other side of the comm asked why he was here, when Dragen replied he was here to learn more about the aliens they ordered him to meet at the planet at the given coordinates to meet with their leaders. He did as told and explained his story, the leaders agreed and asked him "Would you like to avenge the people who died on that ship?", Dragen silently nodded.

He looked back up and noticed the Vice-Admiral was finishing up his speach and heard the order to move in and destroy that station. The Order ships and Dragen charger forward, he noticed about 15 of his fellow fighters get torn apart by the defensive guns and the guarding fleet. As the ships pressed on Dragen noticed that the fleet he was fighting with was losing, they did take out a good number of the enemies larger ships but lost many of there own as well. That is when he heard an order comming in from the Vice-Admiral, "All ships retreat, ill end this", as Dragen was about to deny the order another pilot plainly stated "Are you sure Vice-Admiral?", the Admiral sternly replied, "Yes we cant kill them all but my ship is strong enough to finish the Ship Yard". After hearing the reassuring words Dragen followed orders. On the way back he looked behind him and saw a massive explosion and he knew the shipyard had been destroyed.

Dragen often looks back on his days as a member of the Liberty Navy and his fight with the Nomads along side the Order. But every time he shakes his head, and calmly flys through Sirius in his Salvager, always searching for the Nomad cruiser that destroyed the Lunar Eclipse...