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Full Version: Docking on Player Capships for Bombers/Fighters
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i have an idea for fighters and bombers, that can may dock at Player Capships with the /dock commandline. it could be usefull for missions, because of reloading. or it could be usefull to explore the deep borderworlds with capships and escorts, in rp it will be wonderfull. in a fight, imagine, suddenly in a fight between two factions, fighters and bombers dock off the capships.

But you must be in the same Group to use this command, and the target for docking must be choose, of course.

What do you think about it?
It's been discussed before. I think it's too buggy to be practical tough, that's why the dev's dont implement it. But if it does work - GIMMMEH!

See that button labelled search near the top of your window?
Use it.
Go play 88Flak

they have it.... oh wait.... theirs is bugged too.

True, it would be godlike to have this, BUT the bugs and chances to abuse it is just TOO BIG
on server like Hamburg City it works near perfeclty, and abuse is not possible as far as i know.

and sorry, if that was discussed before, my search function dosnt work, i dont know why.
It works just fine.

It has no real use in Discovery when it comes down to it unfortunately.
' Wrote:It works just fine.

It has no real use in Discovery when it comes down to it unfortunately.


they're great for spawn wars, but not much use here with the 4 hour rule
Each time this is brought up its shot down... so is cloaking devices.

Please use that helpful little button top right in between Help..... and Members it does wonders
I would like it as an addition, it would make Battleships just feel that little bit more of a social hub. Sadly, its practical uses are lacking, yes you can undock from the battleship if you're doing missions and so on, but as someone mentioned, its useless in a PvP fight where if you die you can't re-engage
Its not going into the mod. Why? Because Igiss said so.

same thing with cloaking devices.
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