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* Shryke looks at thread

* Shryke looks at signature

' Wrote:Let me clarify a few things.

The SRF is basically something reminiscent of the Xenos (I still cant understand why they and Zoners were put as friendly. I'll have to ask), although with a significantly different goal. As to what the ideology would be, it can vary from pilot to pilot - some, such as my own character, are simply lashing out at a system that's wronged them. Others, however, would more like to see a drastic overall change within such systems. A general theme within operations is to disrupt trade, to garner resources, and to (on occasion) support lower classes which may have been prejudiced by those same systems which have wronged their pilots.

So this says to me that the SRF are basically just a bunch of Anarchist terrorists with no particular ideology, which again confuses me as to how it is they, people from all different Houses and all different organizations would want to come together.

Quote:As to how so many people would get together, it's quite simple. If they were to all work seperately, within their own houses, with no support and limited resources, they would barely get anything done. By working together, each person's talent and skill can be used to the fullest extent.

From the sound of it though, they want nothing more than to eliminate governments. If as you say they all pretty much do their own thing...what are the groups collective goals? what do they plan to do if they were ever to achieve their goal of eliminating governments and corporations in all the Houses? How do they plan to reach that goal?

From the sounds of it, they never will, they have no real cause, no ideology to motivate them, only their own personal hatred toward the Houses. Which again confuses me as to how say...Xenos would ever want to work with a group like this, the Xenos aren't anarchists, and they're Pro Liberty, they want to replace Liberty's government with one that would outlaw foreigners and foreign influence, So I can't picture Xenos working with a group like the SRF.

I'm sorry, but overall to me, this group sounds like a bunch of "Rebels without causes"
Just met some of you people in-game.

I have to say, your RP is pretty good as the revolutionary approach you're conducting and I also appreciate you avoiding a fight but...

You seriously should differentiate your political ideas from that of the SCRA. Running around Sirius and ranting about worker welfare and freedom under the red flag is pretty much what they do. Sure, labeling you as communists was just the conclusion of my character reliant on stereotypes, but I hope you realize my point.
To Sarawr: If their ideologies aren't the same doesn't mean they don't have to work together. Common enemy is what matters. Leader Old Partisan became a leader and he wishes to gain whoever against all his enemies.

The main ideology of the group as a whole is freedom and replacement of all the governments and corporations with one socialist regime. Not the same way as SCRA. The plans for this regime would be similar to those of Stalin before and after WW2, and similar. They wish to free all those slaves that Liberty produces, for example. SCRA may have similar goals, so SRF may ask them for more peaceful relations or perhaps alliance, but if they will get in their way, they will even attack SCRA.

The goal will be reached by, as I have said, by making economy crumble, and getting more and more sympathetic people to their cause. Their personal hatred brought them together, but ever since they have been brought together, they have been planning on getting more and more people under their wings and they are growing.

To Voelkel: It may be similar to SCRA, but not the same, quite different, actually. Socialism =/= communism. These guys want to make a GOVERNMENT that will "make sure people become truly free".
It's a great RP idea. However, it's already been done.

To clear the air a bit.

Shryke, I know you think we're copying your idea, or that it's a stale idea. I dont know which, but neither is true. While we DO have some similar goals to the LRF (and a similar name, which is confuses me), we are NOT the same, by any means. Main differences would be:

We dont just do random attacks, nor do we "rant" about worker's rights. we systematically attack and destroy anything that stands in our way, we actively help workers, we attempt to plant sleeper agents, probes, everything that we can. Also, they are by no means fanatical, as it says the LRF is. The SRF pilots see the goal as a benefit which can solve all of their own problems, as well as the problems of others. They are not completely dedicated to it, not all - many carry out personal agendas on the side.

Also, as to claims that we're too much like the SCRA, please see above.

' Wrote:To Voelkel: It may be similar to SCRA, but not the same, quite different, actually. Socialism =/= communism. These guys want to make a GOVERNMENT that will "make sure people become truly free".

Well, making people "truly free" is pretty much the concept of almost every political idea out there, including communism, which is supposed to make people get rid of the oppressive capitalist-corporate regime and in general to get rid of any kind of rule.

Socialism is worker rule over workers, opposing the corporate rule but not aggressively fighting against it, nor trying to get rid of democratic establishments.
I didn't claim that you guys were ripping my idea. Au contraire, I'm pretty sure I wasn't the first to think of the idea to begin with. What I was hinting at are possible collaborative efforts, but we'll see about that.

There's a couple discrepancies however. Your group is most certainly fanatical. Fanaticism is absolute conviction in your ideals, something that your group evidently has, unless of course, as you say, you each have ulterior motives which in effect negates any common goal as being achievable. Fanatical is certainly the way the way I described the LRF because its true - all of our members are committed to establishing a socialist government in Liberty. Sarawr is quite correct in labelling you as rebels without a cause since you don't have a clearly established goal. That in itself isn't a bad thing as you can declare one later on.

As for systematically destroying eveything, you also have to take into consideration that destroying everything means you will incurr a metric crapton of civilian casualties, which isn't going to endear you to anyone. Blowing up a corporate transport is fine and dandy, but you're also killing the cremwen who very likely aren't high up in the pay grade.

You misunderstood, at some points. I never said we destroy everything, unless I mistyped. By that, I meant know, it doesn't matter. It wasn't really a difference from your group. now I misread, and I feel like an idiot, but, oh well. Let's just say, we never kill Civilians (unless they are corporate, and even at that, only if they actually act hostile towards us).

As far as personal agendas, I emant that every member has a reason for joining, not just an ideal that seems appealing. They all have seen things, done things, and lived through things which would sway them to such action. For example, Crux (who learned his name was Jack Selkner after joining) did it in order to assure his freedom, and the freedom of all others who had fallen victim to the darker side of corporate powerhouses. Personal agendas would refer to the degree of autonomy they are afforded to solve personal problems, ones that may not pertain to the direct goal of the SRF.

As far as collaborative actions...we're all interested.
Quote:- Allowed ships: - Civilian fighters and bombers (currently)
I think you use Borderworlds ships as well;)
Allies and enemies

- None yet

- Lane Hackers
- Volksfront
- Rheinland rebel factions
- Mollys
- Freelancers

- Outcasts
- Corsairs
- Order
- Xenos (At least, we're neutral to them)
- Researchers
- Small merchants
- Freelancers and mercenaries

- Unfriendly
- Gallic factions

- Hostile
- Corporations of the houses
- House military/navy
- House police
- Liberty Rogues
1) What confuses me highly. Hackers friendly, but rogues fully hostile. Actually, Hackers are pirates as well, don't expect them loving more useless pirates around.
2) Volksfront can be included in group "Rheinland Rebel Factions".
3) You've got freelancers at friendly and neutral. Actually, you better to remove them completely, as they all are different.
4) Dicuss diplomacy with faction leaders, I think..;)
5) Think about adding [HF], the Hellfire Legion to list.
6) Unfriendly - why whole Gallia? Your goals fit the Council and Maquis goals well enough, actually. You'd be hostile to GRN as well. <.<
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