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Full Version: To: Roger Thompson
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ID: Vrstd. Viktoria Landser
Subject: <Insert Subject>


Sehr geehrter Herr Thompson,

as the Bundschuh Party is seeking ways to improve security and secrecy of its bases and operations, we came to the conclusion that we will have to cease using Neural Net Transmissions effective immediately. As a result, the party would like to rent two rooms on each Yanagi and Kreuzberg to serve as our foreign relations and recruitment offices.

They shouldn't be smaller than eight square meters each, temperature-controlled, air-conditioned and have sanitation facilities as well as garbage controllers.

Our booking department authorized me to pay one million sirian credits per month for each room as an all-inclusive rent as well as compensation for possibly heightened security measures from your end. This price is not negotiable, Junker. So please save us the time and don't even try. These rented areas will be put to the following use: The first room on Yanagi will be used as our foreign relations office, while the second room will be a crew quarter. Since Sigma 13 is basically a lawless area, we're sure that you won't mind other "rebel" and "terrorist" representatives visiting the place. The second office on Kreuzberg will be our recruitment cell. When I was young, I my self had a drink or two at your bar when I had to wait for your men to unload the 'new goods' from our transports. And I dare say that at least some of your customers might be of interest to us.
Apart from our desk-warriors and guards at the offices, there will be a constant deployment of three Very Heavy Fighters and a Bomber at each station.

To close this request, I would like to remind you of your dependency on our tolerance for your ruthless business affairs as well as our shipments of 'surplus' goods. Needless to say that it would not be wise to reject it.

Mit freundlichen Gruessen,

Viktoria Landser,
Vorstand des Bundschuh
From: Roger Thompson
Location: The Oneiropolis

[Image: Rogerthompson.jpg]

*transmission begins*

Ms Landser,

Members of the Bundschuh have long done business with us, and we would be willing to rent you the space. There are, however, several conditions.

I. Food and drink are not included in this deal, however, I am willing to give your people a discount so long as they are staying aboard Kreuzberg. Due to Yanagi's location, this does not appear to be an option.

2. You should avoid any direct confrontations with lawful authorities in the perimeter of Kreuzberg, though I do not think this will be an issue with a tactful group such as yourselves (some of our other visitors are, as you know, a bit rowdy at times). This is not as much a concern near Yanagi.

3. We would like to continue doing business with you and your associates for the long term. As such, I would like to meet with you or an associate in person sometime in the next few months to discuss such matters.

If this is acceptable to you, I believe we can certainly do business.

-Roger Thompson

*transmission ends*
ID: Vrstd. Viktoria Landser
Subject: <Insert Subject>


Sehr geehrter Herr Thompson,

I agree to the terms you listed. The transporter 'Ammersee' has been set on route to Yanagi and then Kreuzberg in order to get our new offices set up and ready.
I figure we should be done by tomorrow. Our foreign relations office on yanagi will be occupied daily between 20 and 23 SMT. Feel free to visit it any time you wish.

Mit freundlichen Gruessen,

Viktoria Landser,
Vorstand des Bundschuh