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Full Version: The New Amaranth
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Many years ago, when the Daam K'Vash where still around, an interdimensional demon known as the Endgamer (Sounds lame!) tried to invade Sirius. An ordinary girl whose real name was lost in time and space, Amaranth was the defender of the universe. But she was not alone. A team of heroes fought the Endgamer's minions but only Amaranth herself was able to defeat the Endgamer.

Amaranth (The translation of the name), the leader. Armoured and ready, Amaranth was one of the greatest heroes ever to exist.
Charazia, a mad scientist who specialized in weapons, she was Amaranth's lover.
Chintro; formerly one of the Endgamer's minions, Chintro was freed by Amaranth after the Powergamer (What the hell?) was destroyed.
Optimusjamie: Nobody knows where he came from, but this one was a legend. In some versions of the story, it's Optimusjamie who takes the credit for destroying the Endgamer.
Doom: A Phantom marine, Doom (who was apparantly AWOL) tagged along at the end and was the only member of Amaranth's team to meet a natural end.
These battles were so destructive that stories of some description loosely based on it appear in almost every civilization.

But there was a warning: if a new Amaranth was coming, then so would the Endgamer...