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Full Version: Transmission to CR, RM, IMG, Daumann
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[Image: zane.jpg]
Opening Transmission
Comm ID: ********img
Zane Pruchnicki
Location: Freistadt Base
Target: [color=#FF9966]RM/IMG/CR/DHC

This. This is done. If Daumann cannot be trusted to make a private security force and keep them in check for two days, then it is done. I will refuse to recognize any treaty where one side cannot respect anything. We were once again attacked, this time right outside of Freistadt. By four of their "Adlers". I hold DHC 100% responsible for these goons. They have let loose a monster that refuses to recognize any authority, despite repeated warnings from the Colonial government, and one I saw from an officer of the Military, to leave the system. This is outright breach of the treaty, and I'm construing it as a declaration of war unless I can be convinced otherwise.

[Image: th_ascreen425.png][Image: th_ascreen431-1.png][Image: th_ascreen432-1.png]

I am royally pissed at how this matter has been handled. I have tried to be nice. We have kept to the treaty. We have not strayed south, we have not fired on Daumann. And this is how we are repaid.

So please, give me reasons to change my mind.

[Image: th_OMS-logo.png]
Deleted as Zapp asked.
Comm ID: Secretary Politus Aquila

So, you're saying that since you're no longer a Daumann subsidiary, you will openly attack OMS? So you're pirates. Maybe terrorists, even. Good. It means you can be shot legally.

Open Season on APS, then. They've declared their intent to become hateful, unlawful belligerents in a war that they started.


[Image: mofasecretary.png]

Secretary Politus Aquila
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Colonial Republic
***Incoming Transmission***
From: Friedrich Hanz, Chief of Security.

*Sigh* We want to make clear that this group's actions have not been authorized or sponsored by Daumann. We just received the urgent call from the high executives, asking me if I have something to do.
This group acted on its own after the shares that DHC had on it were sold to Wernfried Scholz. What their intentions with the OMS and Herr Pruchnicki remain unknown to us.
These mercenaries are acting under another contract already, as the mercenaries they are.

***Transmission Terminated***
Comm ID: Secretary Politus Aquila

I don't think that I have to remind you, Mister Hanz, how dire the consequences would be for DHC should it turn out that they are supporting APS. Overtly or otherwise, ANY support, be it jobs or donations, for these..... fools... will not be tolerated. They are KoS. You would do well to remember that.

Collusion with pirates and terrorists to harm signatories of the treaty will not be tolerated.


[Image: mofasecretary.png]

Secretary Politus Aquila
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Colonial Republic